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Development Partnerships

The government of Makueni and Red Cross Society of Kenya have signed a 5-year MoU to establish a collaborative framework for Joint development implementation. Areas of cooperation according to the MoU include:

  • Enhanced accessibility to water and improved sanitation.
  • Improved health, hygiene and nutrition.
  • Improved food security and livelihoods.
  • Joint capacity building.
  • Improved community resilience to disasters and climate change.
  • Strengthened disaster mitigation, preparedness and response.

Makueni county government and Red Cross will jointly fundraise to raise resources for the successful implementation of agreed specific projects. The overarching goal is to enable the county government learn from best practices and tap the experience of Red Cross for fast development implementation.

The MoU was signed by Governor Kivutha Kibwana and KRCS Secretary General  Abbas Gullet at KRCS headquarters in Nairobi.