The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for the Financial Year 2021/22, ending 30th June 2022. The FY 2021/22 Budget is the fourth budget to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and was anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment for increased household income.
The County Government had an original budget of Kshs 9,763,795,153.00 which was revised upwards to Kshs 11,544,836,717.43 through the revised budget estimates 2. The budget was comprised of recurrent budget Kshs 7,269,884,132.55 (63%) and development Kshs 4,274,952,584.88 (37%)
The FY 2021/22 Revised Budget 2 was funded from four main sources namely; Equitable share – Kshs 8,132,783,562.00 (70%), FY 2020/21 Reallocation funds – Kshs 1,501,673,251.43 (13%), Own Source Revenue – Kshs 1,091,306,710.00 (10%) and conditional allocations loans and grants – Kshs 819,073,194.00 (7%).
The overall revenue performance for FY 2021/22 was 94% (Kshs 10,882,719,599.60) out of the total budgeted revenues of Kshs 11,544,836,717.43. The performance reduced by 1 percent as compared to the 95 percent recorded in FY 2020/21.
The total expenditures for the Government for the year ending 30th June 2022 was Kshs 8,607,340,676.10 against a budget of Kshs 11,544,836,717.43. This represented an overall absorption of 75 percent a reduction from 79 percent recorded in FY 2020/21.