Its a deal for Makueni differently abled persons
A deal sealed on Thursday between Makueni and Women Challenged to Challenge (WCC) through the Department of Gender, Children, Youth, Sports and Social services under Nicholas Nzioka is likely to give a boost through ensuring the realization of the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities in the County.
WCC is a national organization of women and girls with disabilities in Kenya whereby its main existence is to bring together women and girls with disabilities to champion issues that limit their participation in the development sphere.
H.E governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr, a champion for equality for all, expresses his commitment to working with WCC in advocating for the rights of the challenged persons towards living a free and fair world.

The purpose of this MOU is to outline the collaboration and responsibilities of both parties in drafting of the Makueni County Disability Policy, amendment and enhancement of the Makueni County Persons with Disabilities Act 2017.
The signing of the partnership was witnessed: Veronica Njuhi (WCC Chairperson), Jane Kihungi (Director)Jennifer Kamande (Treasurer), Jackline Bartenge (Programs manager)m Daniel Katiku (Finance), Angela Wanjiku (Communication Officer) ,Sophie Onyino (Legal Officer), The County Attorney Stanley Nthiwa, CO-Gender Catherine Katuti, County Disability Mainstreaming Officer Abed Mutungwa amongst others.