Makueni has made significant strides in reducing and preventing maternal deaths after birth due to excessive bleeding popularly known as Postpartum Haemorrhage deaths.
Speaking during the Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society 48th Annual Scientific Congress in Mombasa, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr highlighted a raft of measures the county has made to achieve this feat, key among them:
Use of Heat Stable Carbetocin for PPH prevention for all births in 36 facilities (92% of births); Procurement of quality assured medicines from KEMSA and MEDS; Facility and team based training of different cadres of health care providers and Procurement of drapes to facilitate early detection.
Others include procurement of equipment to enhance monitoring of women; Strengthening prevention and treatment of anemia; and Strengthening primary health care networks.
Governor Mutula said his administration’s huge investment in this health sector is motivated by Hillary Clinton’s clarion call that “Every woman, whoever she is, wherever she lives, should be able to give birth without the fear she’s going to lose her baby or that her baby will lose their mother.”