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Today marked the conclusion of the second annual Makueni County tourism circuit that kicked off on Tuesday at Alem Hotel in Mbooni sub-county spanning four days. Led by the CECM for Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism Dr. Sonia Nzilani, the circuit brought together hoteliers, tour operators and cultural enthusiasts from across the county to explore various attractions and facilities aiming to position Makueni as a premier tourism destination.

The circuit’s goal was to promote interconnected tourism by linking various attractions, activities and services within the county. This initiative provided tourism operators with the opportunity to explore multiple locations, supporting sustainable tourism practices. Dr. Sonia highlighted the program as a key marketing strategy to showcase Makueni’s beautiful landscapes and facilities, boosting the county’s tourism appeal.

Accompanied by Chief Officer Dr. Jossylyn Nzilani, participants visited numerous facilities including Alem Hotel, Tawa Country Lodge, The Base Hotel and Kyeni Kya Kitoo pottery cottage in Mbooni. The team also toured Kusyombunguo Hotels, Paraiso, Kilimani Fort in Wote, Jambo Afrika, Kijiji, Emali Handicraft, Hunters Lodge, Kambua and Patton Homes in Kibwezi West.

Speaking at the Akamba Cultural Center, the Chief Officer emphasized the department’s commitment to preserving the Kamba culture as a tourist attraction contributing to economic growth. 

The circuit also included a nature trail in Kivale Forest and a visit to Chyullu National Park where participants enjoyed stunning views of the landscape. 

In the final leg of the tour, the team visited Tsavo West National Park exploring the famous volcanic Shetani lava and Chaimu hills and experienced the magical Mzima Springs. They were also treated to an ethnological tale of the Angulya People; a native Kamba sub-ethnic tribe indigenous to Chyullu Hills and Tsavo Park.

The Makueni Tourism Circuit aims to market the county as a prime tourist destination and provide a detailed route for travelers, enhancing Makueni’s visibility on the tourism map.