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Kibwana, Polish diplomat say growing Makueni ASK show good for Agricultural promotion

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana on Friday officially opened the second edition of the county’s agricultural show at Makindu saying that it provides a nearer and convenient venue for exhibition by farmers in Makueni.

Prof Kibwana who was accompanied by Polish ambassador to Kenya  Jacek Bazanski who had earlier  paid a courtesy call to his office toured several exhibition stands where Makueni farmers showcased agricultural products and technological innovations.

” As you are aware Makueni has been served by the Machakos show previously. Our farmers therefore will have a nearer and convenient venue for exhibition, ” Prof Kibwana said.

He further noted that his government has initiated and subsidized several farm inputs including the artificial insemination services in order to support agricultural production which has been a challenge to farmers.

He said: ” We are aware that the cost of production by farmers is a challenge to many. To this end, my government has subsidized several farm inputs..Among them, AI services with farmers now paying sh 300 per insemination down from the  initial Sh 1,300.”

Makueni Deputy governor Adelina Mwau challenged farmers to implement what they had learnt from the show terming it as a very educative event.


” I celebrate the exhibitors and organisers of this show. Let’s implement what we have learnt here, ” the DG said.

Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior who was present during the official opening of the trade fair challenged exhibitors and farmers from Makueni to take advantage of the upcoming Machakos agricultural show and showcase innovations and products from Makueni.

” Different constituencies in our county produce different agricultural products. Let’s take advantage of the upcoming Machakos show and display our products there, ” Mutula stated.

The trade fair was also attended by the County Assembly speaker, Douglas Mbilu, Several county executive committee members and other government officials, members of  the county assembly and officials from Agricultural Show of Kenya.

Poland ready to work with counties to support development: Diplomat

Polish ambassador to Kenya Jacek Bażański has said his country is ready to partner with county governments to support specific programs tailored to benefit the people economically.

Mr Bażański who was hosted in Makueni County on Friday by Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana said his country is ready to partner with the county to support various development projects directly and when necessary.

“We want a concrete relationship with your county in various sectors including the  housing sector among others,”Mr Bażański said in Wote Town when he called on the governor.

The diplomat said that Poland is a major producer of fruits and therefore could work well with Makueni County to develop the local fruit farming industry.

Said the ambassador:”Poland is a major fruits producer .We have lots of apples but unfortunately we don’t do mangoes.”

Prof Kibwana said that his county is willing to cooperate with Poland in any partnership deal that would support pro-people projects.

He said the county was particularly interested in deals that can support youth empowerment.

“We are in the process of establishing our own version of a youth service to be known as Makueni County Youth Service  which will be run by young people themselves so as to create  a hub for opportunities for young people in the county,”Prof Kibwana said.

He regretted that though the NYS idea was noble it has been derailed by corrupt networks taking advantage of an institution that could be used to make good use of extra energy in the country’s young people.

The governor said the Makueni Concept of a youth service will be an improvement of the National Youth Service currently dogged with corruption.

He said the service will be used to seek opportunities for over 350,000 young people in the county that will include business deals among others.

Nominated MP Silvia Kasanga welcomed Polond’s interest in working with counties directly saying that the peripheral governments that have displayed high levels of intergrity and transparency in management of public resources like Makueni,  deserve direct  donor attention.

Makueni MP Daniel Maanzo who was also present at the event said he will support initiatives by the Polish government to provide  support to the county.

“This is a good relationship and we will support any form of cooperation meant to spur economic development in our county,”Mr Maanzo said.

Hope for cotton farmers as Kibwana moves to revive cash crop

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has launched campaigns for the revival of cotton farming in the county.

Talks are in top gear to initiate the revival of cotton farming with mobilization targeting previous cotton sectors in the area already launched.

Addressing delegates at the Business to Business Forum held at the Kusyombunguo hotel in Wote Town on Thursday Prof Kibwana said efforts are being made to revive the cash crop killed by mismanagement of the industry during the Kanu regime.

 He said the Department of Agriculture has been mobilizing farmers to sensitize them about ongoing efforts to restart the cash crop farming in the area.

“We want to revive the cotton sector, here in Makueni it used to thrive in the past and we must find a way of getting it back,”Prof Kibwana said.

He said that a number of stakeholders in the sector have been contacted and that they have already expressed interest in working with the county government to support the cotton farming revival.

Said Prof Kibwana: “We had a meeting yesterday with farmers. We have begun sensitizing our farmers to go back to cotton farming.”

The governor called on local parents to allocate land to their young children interested in cash crop farming.

Agriculture ECM Lawrence Nzunga said the department was keen on supporting the revival of cotton farming in Makueni saying it was an activity with great potential for the local residents.

“We are talking to people about it. We are happy that many are getting interested and experts are already here to provide professional guidance as we plan the revival,” said Mr Nzunga.

Delegates from various counties participated in the forum organized by Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems Activity and sponsored by FeediFuture and USAID.

I get treated in our Local Public Hospitals when unwell: Kibwana

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has revealed he has always sought treatment from public hospitals within the county due to quality services provided by various local health institutions.

Unlike his colleagues known for seeking treatment abroad Prof Kibwana said he at one point went through a successful slight operation from the Makueni Level 4 hospital, saying improved health services in various public health facilities in the county has made local institutions preferable.

“I get treated in our hospitals here.When I fall sick I go to the Level Four hospital and when I get unwell when in Nairobi I go to hospitals there.

Many of our staff also go to our public hospitals here in Makueni despite having enrolled in various medical schemes. It shows we have confidence in our institutions,”Prof Kibwana said.

The governor who was speaking during the Health Workers Excellence Awards Ceremony held at Kwa Kathoka to honour successful employees of the county’s department of health said Makueni medical staff had generally performed well in the implementation of programs under their mandate.

“Even though we are recognizing people here who made it.There are many others who are not here but who also contributed to this success,”Prof Kibwana noted.

He singled out the implementation the Universal Health Care program saying it had propelled the county to higher levels nationally.

“I am really very happy to join you this morning as we celebrate the achievement of various health department staff. Indeed you have made Makueni proud,”the governor said.

He said the successful Universal Health Care program was initiated by the leadership of the department and congratulated them for coming up with a largely successful idea.

Prof Kibwana said he was keen on major improvements in the local healthcare systems for the benefit of the people before his retirement as governor.

He also urged the department to ensure revenue obtained through charges levied on NHIF card holders was collected and used to support infrastructural development in various hospitals.

Mwau lauds NGOs for supporting Schools

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau on Wednesday lauded various donor organizations for supporting infrastructural development in Makueni schools when reached for support.

Mwau said many schools in the county have received support from donors to improve classrooms.

The DG was speaking when she visited Yikisemi primary school where she was joined by a US based organization, sponsoring the school.

The Osceola arts Youth Orchestra programme director Ms Rachael Nganga applauded the County Government of Makueni for putting up a school at Yikisemei, saying that it had been given a true facelift.

“I found children in grass thatched classrooms when I first visited this school in 2010, At that time I had little to offer but over time I learnt while in the US that the county government had given the school a facelift,”Rachael said.

Rachael stated that her organization is ready to help the school put up more classrooms at Yikisemei considering that the population has increased tremendously from the time she last visited.

“We wish to have a proposal from either the school or the county government, requesting for classrooms or dormitories so that we see where to chip in,” she said.

She said that they have already put up four classrooms at Kawelu primary school, few meters away from Yikisemei.

Mwau appreciated the donors and called on similar charity organizations to come out in large numbers and help the society.

She cautioned parents to be watchful to ensure the little children and growing girls were not attacked by rapists who were on rampage in the area.

“We as parents need to watch out on our kids, if their innocence is stolen at this tender age, life will never be the same again,” She said.

Kibwana: I am both a Governor and Pastor

When invited to Mavuno church in Athi River to speak on faith and leadership at a three-day summit dubbed Fearless Summit 2018, on Wednesday, Makueni governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana left his audience in awe when he declared that he considered himself both a governor and pastor.

“I consider myself both a governor and pastor because I get opportunities to meet with people not reached out to by pastors in funerals, weddings and other public and social events. When I talk to them, they listen and some even denounce their not-so-good ways of life,” said Prof Kibwana to a thunderous applause from congregants drawn from various states across the globe.

Prof Kibwana said before he ventured into the contest for the governorship, he pursued Theology so as to have a deeper understanding of how to serve the people better.

“I chose to pursue a theological course while still serving as the advisor to the former President Mwai Kibaki, who was amused that I still wanted to go back to school after a considerable period of schooling. Deep down I knew I wanted to be a governor and understanding self and service to mankind drove me to theological school,” the governor said.

He said many people, including those who profess christianity harbour a misguided opinion that matters of state must be separated from matters of faith.

Many people of faith, Prof Kibwana said, fear venturing into politics thinking they would be compromised by the secular system of governance.

According to him, it is this lack of men of faith in governance that has engendered the deep rooted corruption plaguing the country.

Prof Kibwana opined that the leadership influence inculcated in successive generations affects the overall development of the state or organisation depending on the character of the predecessor.

Mwau visits an assaulted woman at Makindu Level 4 Hospital

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau yesterday visited a 25-year-old woman whose tongue was nearly cut by unknown people at Makindu level 4 hospital.

Grace Mwikali narrated her ordeal to the DG, noting that she went into a comma after the attack only to wake up several hours later outside Tumaini bar with her tongue daggling outside her mouth.

She said  that she had walked into the Tumaini pub in Makindu for a drink when the incident happened.

Ms Mwikali told the DG that she was attacked after relocating to an adjacent bar where she had been joined by two other friends.

“What followed after is still a misery to me because I cannot  remember anything but I can recall holding up my tongue from falling with blood oozing from my mouth at wee hours,” She said.

She explained to Mwau that friends who have visited her at the hospital have indicated that some suspects have been apprehended.

Ms Mwikali, the mother of two is said to have been picked by police officers on patrol and rushed to Makindu level 4 hospital where she has been receiving medication.

Mwau condemned the attack describing it as part of a sustained abuse against women and called on the police to apprehend all the attackers saying they had no right to abuse her.

“If they are found guilty let them be prosecuted and serve their punishment,” the DG said.

“As leaders we must initiate campaigns against alcoholism and create awareness, if we want Makueni to be a poverty free county,” she noted.

Mwau said that alcohol for women can be dangerous adding that they become more vulnerable for rape and attacks.

Dr. Khalid Kibwezi West sub-county medical officer of health said Ms Mwikali was brought to the hospital on May 25 by the police who picked her by the roadside.

“She wasn’t coherent on the first days but after her tongue stitched that is when she regained consciousness,”Dr.Khalid said.

Kibwana leads Campaigns for Municipal Charter

Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana today led campaigns to sensitize Makueni residents on the proposed charter for Wote Municipality.

Prof Kibwana said that under the new arrangement the municipality will be managed by a board headed by a municipal manager.

The governor said the board will comprise nine members whose appointment will be based on a number of laid down factors.

‘’The board shall exercise legislative authority by passing municipal by –laws that shall be approved by majority of the board members but with full public participation. It shall have powers over municipal assets and employ their staff in consultation with the municipal manager,’’Prof Kibwana said.

Prof Kibwana who spoke to members of the business community from Wote/Nziu,Kako/Waia,Ukia and Muvau/Kikumini wards during the event  said the municipality will help engage good governance and equity in distribution of resources.

He said the new arrangement will also be used to ensure social cohesion.

Prof Kibwana reported that  both transport,infrastructure,housing and urban development ministries have partnered with the World Bank and set aside funds to support 45 municipalities in Kenya,Makueni included.

‘’All the  county headquarters except for the  established cities of Nairobi and Mombasa are eligible to access this funding for the urban development grant and the urban institutional grant as long as the counties have met all the minimum conditions set out under the grant terms and conditions,”the governor said.

He further  said  that Sh 20 million will be disbursed in the first year,the same amount of money in the second year and Sh 10 more million in the third year for urban institutional grant.

He said under  the urban development grant,the first tranche of Sh 135 million shall be accessed based on the total population pegged at Sh 2,000 per person depending on population of an area.

‘’I therefore also implore upon you as stakeholders to consider and agree on the proposed charter, which will then be considered and approved by executive committee and forwarded to the county assembly for consideration and approval,”Prof Kibwana said.

Lands ECM Mr Joshua Wambua said that the municipality will provide efficient and accountable management of its affairs.

‘’It will as well verify whether public resources and authority are utilized or exercised as the case may be to its satisfaction’’ Mr Wambua said.

Deputy Chief Justice and Deputy Governor condemn Kilungu Minor’s gang rape

Deputy Chief Justice Phelomena  Mwilu has condemned an incident where a standard six pupil at Kilungu Ward was defiled by a gang of several men.

The girl is allegedly said to have been gang raped by 21 men,one of them alleged to be a primary school teacher.

Mwilu said that that acts of sexual offenses are highly punishable adding that those who commit such offenses against the young are supposed to be severely punished.

“When you molest a young girl.You should get  life imprisonment as punishment,” The Deputy Chief Justice said.

Mwilu who is also the deputy president of the Supreme Court urged magistrates not to be linient on those found to have committed sexual offenses especially those who violate children.

She said that magistrates have no options but to stick to the law when handling rape related cases.

She urged the society not to harbour or sympathise with those found to be violating others sexually.

“Parents should be cautious and remain watchful especially when children are out alone,”Ms Mwilu stated.

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, promised a psycho social aid and exclusive medical  support to the young girl.

Mwau expressed shock that grown men would molest and defile a  kid in turns terming it the most horrendous sexual act ever.

Defilement cases are on the rise  with Makueni recording an escalating trend.

She said that the County Government is putting up a gender based recovery center at Makueni level 4 hospital that will see GBV victims acquire psycho social support as well as proper treatment and care.

The two were speaking after a church service at St Patrick Catholic Church, Kyamatheka in Kaiti Constituency.

Kibwana pledges close working relationship with Muslims in Makueni

Makueni governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana on Saturday evening joined Muslim faithful for an Iftar at Wote.

Speaking at the event hosted at  Jamia-Al-Masjid Mosque Prof Kibwana noted that both Muslims and Christians in Makueni have shown unity and love,adding that such virtues are helpful in building the nation.

He further observed that Islamic madrasa classes are helpful in inculcating spiritual norishment to young ones adding that it helps them understand the teachings of the Quran.

“My administration has in the past helped build ECDE classes, this will be replicated equally we will assist in building  madrasa classes for our muslim children in the County,”Prof Kibwana promised.

The governor encouraged them to apply for competitive county jobs, saying  that all residents across the country stand equal opportunities including access to jobs.

He also said that his government will include members of the Muslim community in the County Economic Forum.

Devolution and public service Executive Committee Member Dr.Julius Kaloi who also graced the occasion, noted that Muslims have demonstrated faithfulness,respect and love always not only during the Holy month of Ramadan.