Bat-and-ball game hits Makueni!
Makueni has started discussions with Cricket Kenya aiming at opening opportunities to the youth towards earning them livelihood through sports.
The fruits will soon be felt following the launch of the game on Wednesday at Enzai playground, Mukaa, Kilome.
The launch was overseen by Makueni’s sports Director Ambrose Kisoi who doubles as the Secretary General- Kenya Youth Inter-County Sports Association (KYISA) and Member- Youth Commission (National Olympic Committee of Kenya).
Atleast 35 trainee coaches have been introduced to this game and will be awarded a world class recognized basic coaching certificate; according to Kisoi.
During the same occasion, 25 pupils were excited to have a first hand experience in Bowling with hope of becoming experienced bowlers and all-rounders at long-run.
“We were privileged to host 6 top class Cricket Kenya professionals including David Obuya, former Kenyan cricketer and the national team coach among others,” Kisoi said
Makueni will be embarking on a programme to ensure that the game is introduced in the remaining 5 sub-counties by June, 2023.