Makueni Farmers to Receive Financial Boost through Saccos.
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative Development in partnership with the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) has embarked on an ambitious plan to register Saccos in a bid to assist farmers access affordable credits and put more profits in their pockets.
Through the Saccos, farmers will be able to access financial resources to boost their productivity and profitability.
According to Agriculture chief officer Daniel Ndolo, limited access to financial resources has been a major setback to farmers’ ability to adopt agriculture investments
In the new plan, the county government through the department is targeting to form and register a Sacco in each of the 30 wards across the county. So far, 7 Saccos are already legally established, with 6 of them having elected management and supervisory committees in place.
The management and supervisory committees’ members of the 6 Saccos underwent induction training last week, in a bid to equip them with the necessary skills to run and manage the Saccos effectively.
The 7 Saccos are in the following wards; Tulimani, Kako/Waia Masongaleni, Kilome, Thange, Kikumbulyu North and South and Kitise/Kithuki.
Once all the Saccos are automated and operational, they will receive a boost startup grant of upto Sh. 1 Million through the NARIGP project.
The county government is now calling upon farmers to join Saccos in large numbers so as to benefit maximally in agriculture production and profitability.