2023 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper
The 2023 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the first to implement the CIDP 111 2023-2027 which is being finalised. The 2023 CFSP is prepared pursuant to Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (PFMA) Section 117 and outlines the development framework for the FY 2023/24-FY 2025/26 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Period. The CFSP outlines the strategic priorities, programmes and development agenda for FY 2023/24.
The FY 2023/24 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework will be guided by the development philosophy of Wauni wa Kwika Nesa na Ulungalu” – the desire to do good with integrity. With a rallying call for “Our people, our Priority”. The development theme for the Financial Year will be ‘enhancing efficiency for economic growth and community resilience’ and will be guided by the following principles; infrastructure development for rural and urban areas to improve access to roads, water and sanitation; strengthening cooperatives as vehicle for rural transformation; improving access to universal health coverage; building strategic partnerships for enhanced resource mobilization; automation of government services; youth empowerment and innovation; strengthening public finance management and public sector transformation for performance oriented results and decentralized government services.
The FY 2023/24 revenues are projected to increase to Kshs 10,191,980,170.00 from Kshs 9,832,783,562.00 in FY 2022/23 representing a growth of 4 per cent. The budget will be funded from three main sources namely equitable share – 81.8 percent, Conditional Allocations, loans and Grants – 8.3 percent and Own Source Revenue at 9.8 percent. The government is committed to enhance its resource mobilization strategies by building strategic partnerships for development to ensure delivery of the envisaged development outcomes in the medium term.
The recurrent expenditure for the FY 2023/24 is projected to be Kshs 6,866,046,086.87 an increase of 3 per cent from Kshs 6,660,769,154.00 in the printed estimates for FY 2022/23. The Development Expenditure is estimated to be Kshs 3,325,934,083.13 representing 32% of the total County Budget.
To deliver the envisaged results, all Accounting Officers are encouraged to strengthen their service delivery mechanisms to ensure the services are responsive to the needs of the citizenry. Each department will also be expected to put in place mechanisms to ensure full decentralization to the sub counties and wards. Additionally Departments and entities should embrace automation for efficiency in service delivery.