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Kwa Kathoka, 6th August 2024

The Agricultural Training College (ATC) celebrated a significant milestone as the first cohort of fully sponsored students successfully completed their exams.

This initiative, supported by the Anglican Development Services (ADS) and the County Government of Makueni, aligns with the National Agriculture Value Chain Development Program (NAVCDP) and aims to enhance skills in key agricultural areas such as poultry, dairy, and horticulture.

The program’s focus on practical training, with a curriculum comprising 20% theory and 80% practical experience, prepares students for real-world applications.

Graduates are equipped to provide extension services or launch entrepreneurial ventures in agriculture.

CEC Member for Agriculture Joyce Mutua, encouraged other wards to follow the example of Kathonzweni Ward, which has already allocated funds to sponsor youths for these training programs.

She emphasized that such initiatives would help bridge the gap in agricultural training and equip the youth with the necessary skills to engage in agri-preneurship.