453 ECDE teachers on contract were on Monday absorbed by Makueni County as permanent and pensionable at a colourful ceremony presided over by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr. at the county headquarters.
Governor Mutula told the teachers that the appointment was a testament of their hard work as they went about shaping the future of our children. The first cohort of 497 were absorbed by the County in January this year.
The teachers were recruited in 2014 on contract, but could not be absorbed owing to budgetary constraints. Governor Mutula thanked the teachers for perservering since 2014.
The Governor also affirmed his commitment to constructing child-friendly ECDE classrooms in the County.
Among those in attendance were Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, Chairman County Public Service Board Dr. Nicodemus Muteti, Makueni County Member of National Assembly, Rose Museo, ECMs Elizabeth Muli, ICT, Education and Internships, Dr. Sonia Nzilani, Trade, Japheth Mangoka, Devolution, Nicholas Nzioka, Lands, MCAs Urbanus Manzu, Kee and Deputy Majority Leader Bishop Jonathan Muthoka, Ilima among others.