Today, the Makueni County Assembly Committee on Agriculture conducted a fact-finding tour of the Kathonzweni Dairy Plant to assess its operational status. This visit followed up on concerns raised by Hon. Maneno, the MCA for the host ward, regarding the viability of the milk processing plant.
Several critical issues were discussed during the tour. Chief Officer for Livestock and Fisheries, Japheth Kiminza informed the committee that the Government had already settled power bills owed to the plant, ensured supply of clean water, planned to deploy technicians,and is in the process of building and equiping a laboratory in preparation for opening the plant to production.The Dairy Plant, when operating at optimum capacity, can process 10,000 litres of milk per day and produce other dairy products like yoghurt and mala for the local market.
This visit underscores the commitment of the County Government and relevant stakeholders to ensure the smooth operation and sustainability of the Kathonzweni Dairy Plant.
Those present included; Chief officer Livestock and Fisheries Japheth Kiminza,The assembly Agriculture committee led by Hon. Jacintah Mwikali (Vice Chair), Hon. Maneno (the Host Mca) , Hon. Serah Mbilo, Hon.Jonathan Kimongo,Hon. Josephine Ndambuki, Hon. Jeniffer Mwanthi, Hon. Mercy Mutuku and the Kathonzweni dairy plant Cooperative committee members among other people.