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Wote, 19th August 2024.

A team of auditors from the Office of the Commissioner of Cooperative Development commenced their 10-day tour of duty in Makueni today with a courtesy call to the Office of the Executive Committee Member (ECM) for Agriculture livestock,Fisheries and Cooperatives development, Joyce Mutua.

The auditors are in Makueni to conduct a forensic audit and inquiry into Kilimo Services Sacco Society Limited. This investigation follows a request by the Members of the Sacco to the County Government to assist them in carrying out audit after allegations of mismanagement and embezzlement by the Sacco’s leadership led to the near-collapse of the giant Sacco, which boasts a membership of 16,000 members.

The inquiry will focus on:

Auditing the Sacco’s by-laws.

Evaluating the working and financial conditions of the Sacco.

Investigating the conduct of current and past management and committee members of Kilimo Sacco Society Limited, in accordance with Section 58, read together with Section 73 of the Cooperative Societies Act, Cap. 490, Laws of Kenya.

During the meeting, Joyce Mutua expressed her confidence in the audit team, led by Assistant Commissioner of Cooperatives CPA Peter Wanjohi Kiama, Principal Cooperative Auditor Silars Okoth Dede, and Senior ICT Officer Michael Maigwa. She assured that the truth would be uncovered and that those responsible for the mismanagement of the Sacco’s resources would be held accountable.

This inquiry follows a Baraza held last thursday by Sacco members, where leaders, including ECM Agriculture Joyce Mutua, Makueni County assembly Speaker Hon. Douglas Mbilu, and MCA for Nzaui Kilili Kalamba Ward Francis Mutuku among other leaders, assured members that justice would be served, and all responsible parties would be held to account for the lost resources.

The morning meeting was attended by Chief Officer of Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperatives Japheth Kimimza, Director of Cooperatives Munene Mwiindi, and Director of Administration Esther Kivindyo.