On Thursday, the county government hosted a Market Governance Forum at Wote Green Park, bringing together market committee chairpersons from across the county to deliberate on issues affecting trading centers.
The forum, led by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr., focused their discussions on improving market management, enhancing collaboration with the county government on sanitation and revenue collection, monitoring the progress of development projects and ensuring security in trading centers.
While addressing the meeting, Governor Kilonzo urged the market leaders to collaborate with the county government for seamless service delivery to the people of Makueni. “My government will accord you the ultimate support needed to spur economic growth in our trading centres,” stated Kilonzo
The meeting also saw participation from Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, County Secretary Dr. Justin Kyambi and a host of senior county officials, including CEC Members Nicholas Nzioka, Japheth Mang’oka and Damaris Kavoi, as well as Chief Officers Dr. Jossylyn Nzilani, Bonface Mutua, Felistus Mutune and Daudi Kyalo with Municipal managers from Wote and Emali/Sultan Hamud also attending the session.
This forum is part of an ongoing exercise by the Trade Department to formalize market committees and streamline operations across Makueni’s trading hubs.