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Makueni county has inked a joint work plan worth KSh.1 Billion with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to stimulate the growth of the local economy for the 2022/23 financial year.

The partnership was signed by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and USAID Mission Director in Kenya David Gosney on Wednesday in Wote.

Some of the key activities identified for collaborative implementation are:

Provision of nutrition commodities to support treatment of moderate acute malnutrition for the under-fives and pregnant and lactating women , strengthening of Community Health Strategy using Community Health Volunteers (Heath and Nutrition); strengthening child protection committees and operationalization of Makueni Development and Rescue Centre, strengthening integrated GBV prevention and management ( Social Protection); and increase Public Participation on budgeting process as well as conduct civic education in the county ( public participation).

Others are promoting the development of cottage industries, supporting manufacturing-related innovations, promoting and registration of cooperative societies, strengthening institutional capacities in the cooperative movement (Trade and Cooperatives Development); launching tourism circuits in Makueni, documentation and digitization of indigenous knowledge (Tourism and cultural development); and  Crop, Livestock Pests and Disease Control and agricultural Extension Programme ( Agriculture).