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Our Institutions

Infrastructure Unit

Responsible for planning, development, and maintenance of essential public infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public buildings.


Ensures the implementation of infrastructure projects that contribute to the economic and social development of the county.

Transport Unit

Manages and regulates transportation systems within the county.Focuses on road safety, public transportation, and the overall efficiency of the transport network.

Ensures the implementation of infrastructure projects that contribute to the economic and social development of the county.

Public Works Unit

Engaged in the construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and government offices.

Coordinates and oversees public construction projects to ensure quality and timely completion.

Housing Unit

Addresses housing needs within the county by developing and implementing housing policies and programs.


May be involved in initiatives related to affordable housing, urban planning, and slum upgrading.

Energy Unit

  1. Manages the county's energy resources and infrastructure.
  2. Promotes the use of sustainable and renewable energy sources.
  3. Ensures reliable and efficient energy supply for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.