Launch of County Statistical Abstract 2022 and Inaugural Ward Statistical Profiles

Government of Kenya Treasury Circular No. 3/2009 issued by the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance mandates all Public Sector Accounting Officers, Chief Executives of State Corporations and Clerks to Local Authorities to develop and implement an institutional Risk Management Policy Framework. The framework should enable
management to focus in a comprehensive and holistic basis on all risks faced by the public institution which could impact on the achievement of strategic objectives as well as service delivery targets and thereby enhance accountability to public sector stakeholders.
In line with this requirement, the County Government of Makueni is committed to protecting itself, county public servants and others from situations or events that would prevent it from achieving its strategic goals and objectives. Risk management is an integral part of good governance, good management practice and the assurance of safe and productive workplace environment. This
framework will institutionalize an efficient and effective systematic approach to managing risks and opportunities in the County.
This Policy seeks to provide the administrative and institutional framework for the provision of Social Protection and inclusion to all persons in Makueni County. Article 43 of the Constitution guarantees all Kenyans economic, social, and cultural (ESC) rights, including rights to health, education, food, and decent livelihoods. It asserts the right “of every person…to social security” and binds the State to “provide appropriate social security to persons who are unable to support themselves and their dependants.” The County Government will endeavour to offer social protection in its totality i.e. social assistance; social security; Livelihood support and health insurance.
The policy focuses on ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare services and embraces the principles of protection of the rights and fundamental freedoms of persons of special groups in the communities such as the right to health of children, persons with disabilities, youth, and older members of the society, in accordance with the 2010 Constitution. The policy also provides direction to support successes already achieved so as to improve the performance of the Makueni Healthcare system.
This policy will create a framework for a holistic response to incidences of SGBV with the intention of minimizing its scourge within Makueni County. Upon full implementation of the policy, it is expected that it shall benefit the entire society in combating SGBV and create conducive environment free from violence for all.
This County Arts, Culture and Heritage policy is timely and addresses rich areas of our cultural and natural heritage that has been handed down from time immemorial. The policy presents the rich and vast endowments of the County in its cultural and natural heritage and outlines ways in which we can harness these for the socio-economic development of our people. We are convinced that working with partners such as the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) with whom we signed a memorandum of understanding recently, we will make progress in this endeavour.
The policy provides direction on coordinating gender mainstreaming at both departmental levels of the County Government as well as the wider Makueni County by creating a framework for stakeholder engagement and strategic partnerships, gender policy prioritisation for recruitment, training, promotion, procurement opportunities, good governance and overall development.
Makueni County Government seeks to prioritize Disaster Risk Management as it also pursues citizen empowerment within its borders. To this end, Makueni County Government shall employ a bottom-up approach focusing on the village level for Disaster preparedness, response, recovery and rehabilitation programmes. Building capacities of people living in disaster prone areas and improvement of their capabilities in order to cope with all hazards is therefore a central and critical aspiration and intention of Makueni County Government.
The policy focuses on the mechanisms or platforms through which the citizenry are involved and decisions reached in the context of governance. The need for public participation is stressed under article 10 of the Constitution which equally elevates it to a principle that “binds all State organs, State officers, Public officers and all persons whenever any of them–– applies or interprets this Constitution, enacts, applies or interprets any law, or makes or implements public policy decisions”.
The policy focus on key sectors for better results and also recognizes Youth employment creation as a growing challenge and also attempts to provoke other County Departments with the opportunity to restructure and realign their implementation, coordination and monitoring mechanisms for effective service delivery to the youth. Clearly, now, more than ever before, is the time to collectively nurture, horn and proactively redirect the enterprising efforts of the Youth into the productive base of the National and County economies for rapid socio-economic development.