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Makueni in Partnership with Christian Health Association on HIV prevention

Makueni’s efforts to combat the HIV epidemic has received a shot in the arm following a partnership agreement with Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) to scale up these efforts.

The agreement, signed on Monday by governor Kivutha Kibwana and CHAK’s Secretary General Samuel Mwenda seeks to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services in pre-selected faith based facilities within Makueni County

The selected facilities include Kikoko Mission Hospital, Makueni Catholic Dispensary, PCEA Kasasule Health Centre, Kambu Catholic Dispensary and Mbitini Catholic dispensary.

As part of the partnership, CHAK will primarily:

Provide financial support on a monthly basis for human resources support in the facilities captured, subject to funding availability from CDC to the Makueni County Health Management Team as discussed and agreed upon by both parties.

Offer clinical, & Health systems strengthening mentorship at the pre-determined Health facilities.

Participate in joint support supervision with the County Health Management Teams.

Timely submission of MoH monthly reports as per the pre-existing framework to the Makueni County Health Department

Train the personnel in the pre-determined health facilities on various aspects of HIV & T.B service delivery and reporting.

Makueni on the other hand will among others:

Offer staff management including staff appraisal and taking disciplinary measures where necessary.

Provide data capturing and reporting tools for the HIV and TB care and treatment and to Conduct Data Quality Audits of the health facilities captured.

Facilitate consistency in supply of pharmaceutical and laboratory commodities that are vital to the day to day implementation and overall success of the HIV and TB care and treatment interventions as envisioned in the agreement.

At Least 50 Women in Makueni to Benefit from Free Fistula Surgeries

Over 50 women living with fistula related complications in Makueni County are expected to receive free surgeries and medical advice in a weeklong free Fistula Camp at the Makueni County Referral Hospital.

The execrise which began last week Friday 29th and runs to April 6th was officially flagged off on Monday by Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, Safaricom Foundation’s Assistant Programmes Analyst Antony Otieno and Council Member, Flying Doctors Society of Africa Illa Devani.

The activity, courtesy of a partnership between the County Government, Safaricom Foundation and Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa aims at creating awareness about fistula and the importance of quality maternal health services.

Since Friday, at least 100 women have been screened and 23 admitted at the Mother and Child Hospital, Wote, for surgeries which commenced on Monday.

Accounts by some of the women admitted for surgery tell of a people who have been living in delibitating conditions with a near withdrawal from all social activities due to stigma.

The Mother and Child Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr. Doris Mbithi said victims of this condition suffer from depression, rejection and trauma and choose to suffer in silence as the cost for corrective surgery is prohibitive to many.

A normal corrective surgery costs at least Sh 65,000 and requires specialised medical procedures.

The World Health Organization has termed fistula as the single most dramatic aftermath of neglected childbirth estimating that more than 2 million women live with fistula worldwide.

It is estimated that there are 3,000 new fistula cases in Kenya each year, and only 7.5 percent of these are able to access medical care.

This means that every year, more than 2,700 women with new fistula cases do not receive the necessary medical attention.

Over 50 cleft lip and palate patients set to benefit from free surgical clinic

Over 50 cleft lip and palate patients from Makueni are set to undergo free surgical and rehabilitative treatment at Makueni Level 5 Hospital courtesy of the county government, Smile Train Africa and BelaRisu Foundation.

Health Executive Dr Mulwa who officially opened the 3-day surgical camp said the program is one of the major steps towards implementation of the Makueni universal health cover that ensures accessibility of health services to all.

“Today we have a free camp for patients with cleft lip and palate. This  program is in line with our universal health care which ensures that no one is left behind in accessing health services,” Mulwa said.

Smile Train Africa Program Director Jane Ngige noted that the camp is in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between them and the county government two years ago that is geared towards promotion of health through the surgical camps and capacity building of medical professionals.

She said: ” Two years ago, we signed an MoU with the County government and that is why we have today’s camp. The main objectives of the agreement is to help train medical professionals as well as help children with cleft lips and palates in Makueni.”

Health Chief Officer Dr Patrick Musyoki said plans are underway to devolve the surgical camps to Sub-County hospitals so that patients can access the services easily and have them run after every 3 months.

Makueni Unveils 200-bed Ultra Modern Mother and Child Hospital

Makueni has unveiled one of a kind Mother and Child Hospital at Wote.

Out of the 200 beds, 120 are for adults and 80 for neonates.

The facility, the first public hospital to offer aqua-birthing services in the country was commissioned on Thursday December 6th by national First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and Governor Kivutha Kibwana. The ceremony was also attended by regional leaders among them senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and MPs Daniel Maanzo (Makueni), Patrick Musimba (Kibwezi West) and a host of county first ladies.

The facility is expected to be a regional specialist referral facility for maternal and child health services with a catchment population of close to 100,000.

The facility will provide amenities including:

  • Consultation Services – Gynaecological, Obstetric, Neonatal consultation services;
  • Antenatal wards – for mothers who are not in active labour;
  • Ultra-modern New Born Unit with neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – with baby cots, incubators and phototherapy unit;
  • Post-surgical wards – for patients who have undergone surgical operations;
  • Labour ward with private rooms and 6 delivery beds;
  • Twin operating theatre with capacity for laparoscopic surgeries;
  • Gynaecological wards – for non-pregnant women of reproductive age with clinical issues;
  • Neonatal Ward – for both sick and well neonates;
  • Aqua-birthing facility – a first in public hospitals in Kenya;
  • Laboratory services – for diagnostic support;
  • Pharmacy services;
  • PET room – for mothers with pregnancy related hypertension complications;
  • Conference facilities – for continuous staff medical education; and
  • Kangaroo Mother Care room – for preterm neonates.

According to governor Kibwana, The Makueni Mother and Child Hospital is in line with the county’s priority to ensuring the provision of the highest attainable standards of health as envisaged in our constitution.

He said it is also aligned with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s big four agenda.

“Besides the Mother and Child Hospital, the County Government of Makueni has invested heavily in the improvement of health services especially the maternal and child health,” he said.

“The county government has increased physical access to health care. For example, we have in the last five years doubled the number of the physical facilities from the initial 109 facilities in 2013 to the current number of 232 operational facilities in 2018. This has reduced the average distance to access a health care facility from 9km to 4.5 km currently,” he said further.

The facility has been constructed in phases for the last four financial years at a cost of Sh 135 Million which includes both construction and equipping.

Makueni inks deal with Centre for Health Solutions for healthcare promotion

Makueni County has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Centre for Health Solutions Kenya (CHS-Kenya) to advance its quality of healthcare promotion.

The MoU, signed by governor Kivutha Kibwana and CHS-Kenya Chief Executive Officer Paul Wekesa on Monday seeks to:

Support in implementation and expansion of high quality HIV Care, prevention and treatment through training and capacity building activities, provision of commodities and other relevant assistance;

Provide technical advice to policy makers and to those in county health institutions that will deliver the services through the MoH;

Establish collaborative framework to institutionalize the use of evidence informed interventions through activities such as baseline assessments, program reviews and operations research;

Enhance support in monitoring activities of the National Tuberculosis Leprosy and Lung Disease (NTLD) Program through support, supervision and quarterly meetings.

The deal, according to governor Kibwana, is in line with the county government’s commitment to advance appropriate and rapid responses to the County’s HIV/AIDS epidemic and to health promotion in general.

The deal will cover 64 health facilities across the county, among them the sub county hospitals and the Makueni County Referral hospital.

I get treated in our Local Public Hospitals when unwell: Kibwana

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has revealed he has always sought treatment from public hospitals within the county due to quality services provided by various local health institutions.

Unlike his colleagues known for seeking treatment abroad Prof Kibwana said he at one point went through a successful slight operation from the Makueni Level 4 hospital, saying improved health services in various public health facilities in the county has made local institutions preferable.

“I get treated in our hospitals here.When I fall sick I go to the Level Four hospital and when I get unwell when in Nairobi I go to hospitals there.

Many of our staff also go to our public hospitals here in Makueni despite having enrolled in various medical schemes. It shows we have confidence in our institutions,”Prof Kibwana said.

The governor who was speaking during the Health Workers Excellence Awards Ceremony held at Kwa Kathoka to honour successful employees of the county’s department of health said Makueni medical staff had generally performed well in the implementation of programs under their mandate.

“Even though we are recognizing people here who made it.There are many others who are not here but who also contributed to this success,”Prof Kibwana noted.

He singled out the implementation the Universal Health Care program saying it had propelled the county to higher levels nationally.

“I am really very happy to join you this morning as we celebrate the achievement of various health department staff. Indeed you have made Makueni proud,”the governor said.

He said the successful Universal Health Care program was initiated by the leadership of the department and congratulated them for coming up with a largely successful idea.

Prof Kibwana said he was keen on major improvements in the local healthcare systems for the benefit of the people before his retirement as governor.

He also urged the department to ensure revenue obtained through charges levied on NHIF card holders was collected and used to support infrastructural development in various hospitals.

We need concerted efforts to address menstrual hygiene management – Nazi

Makueni County First Lady Nazi Kivutha has applauded the national government for recently releasing the sanitary towels consignments to the counties.

Nazi observed that other several organisations were addressing the various aspects of menstrual hygiene management but urged that there was need for concerted efforts in a bid to empower the girl child for holistic development.

She said: “Allow me to congratulate the national government through the ministry of Public Services, Youth and Gender Affairs for recently releasing sanitary towels consignment to the counties. With countless organisations joining us we need concerted efforts to address this issue as a whole.”

She however noted that significant barriers persist and continue to be major challenges to women and girls during their menstruation especially from low income households.

Nazi also observed that in most rural areas across the country, girls miss schools for up to 5 days every month and that 65% of them cannot afford sanitary towels.

“Significant barriers continue to be major challenges facing women and girls during their menstruation. Most of them come from low income households and cannot afford sanitary towels,” she said.

Nazi spoke on Monday during the Menstrual Hygiene Day celebrations in Kisumu, a national platform that brought together non-profits, government agencies, the private sector, the media and individuals to promote menstrual hygiene management.

She further stated that young girls engage in sexual activities which results to increased adolescent pregnancies and early marriages as most of them turn to transactional sex in a bid to acquire the sanitary towels.

In Makueni county, similar celebrations were held at Kiambani day and Boarding primary school where officials from the county government, the national government and non-state actors distributed sanitary towels to school going girls.

Universal Healthcare Conference 2018

Universal Healthcare Conference 2018

A two day conference at Wote, Makueni, on Universal Healthcare coverage ended Thursday with a rallying call to the national government to implement the programme across the country.

The conference brought together multi-sectorial stakeholders and agencies to deliberate on the possibilities and framework for implementation of a Universal Healthcare programme to accord Kenyans quality, accessible and affordable healthcare.

Host governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana described the conference as a historic event that will revolutionize the health sector if its deliberations are effectively implemented.

“If there was ever any doubt on the possibility of achieving Universal Healthcare in Kenya, that doubt has been debunked by the Makueni conference,” he said.

“A major take-home for everyone is that Universal healthcare is achievable with the right framework and goodwill by all supportive agencies. Strategic partnerships are the key to achieving this dream,” said Prof Kibwana.

The Makueni governor said the experiences of several counties such as Makueni, Laikipia and Kakamega that have tried different facets of universal healthcare programmes is testimony enough that it can be rolled out nationally with success.

United Nations Development Programme resident representative to Kenya Siddharth Chatterjee said the surging Kenyan population calls for a rethink in the country’s healthcare system.

“By 2050, Kenya’s population is likely to hit 90Million. This will by all means exert pressure on the country’s health sector,” Mr Chatterjee noted.

He called for preventive healthcare system with focus on immunization more than the curative  system.

He said mainstreaming of community health workers into the healthcare system would boost the preventive system.

Kenya Healthcare Federation Chief Executive Officer Dr. Amit Thakker said the private sector is willing to play a key partner to the Universal Healthcare programme.

He pledged pro-bono services in support of the improvement of the Makuenicare universal healthcare programme.

Planning Principal Secretary Dr Julius Muia who graced the event said if corruption was eliminated fro the health sector,the Universal Healthcare programme would be implemented without the need to look outside the country.

AMREF Health Africa Chief Executive Officer Dr Githinji Gitahi said the foundation would play a key role in the Universal Healthcare Conversation through capacity building and training.

He said AMREF will soon commence construction works for a medical university at Makindu on a 50-acre piece of land donated by the Makueni County government, which would be key in medical training and research.

Other leaders who graced the event include Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi, Prof. Khama Rogo a World Bank health specialist and Makueni deputy governor Adelina Mwau.