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Government of Kenya Treasury Circular No. 3/2009 issued by the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance mandates all Public Sector Accounting Officers, Chief Executives of State Corporations and Clerks to Local Authorities to develop and implement an institutional Risk Management Policy Framework. The framework should enable
management to focus in a comprehensive and holistic basis on all risks faced by the public institution which could impact on the achievement of strategic objectives as well as service delivery targets and thereby enhance accountability to public sector stakeholders.

In line with this requirement, the County Government of Makueni is committed to protecting itself, county public servants and others from situations or events that would prevent it from achieving its strategic goals and objectives. Risk management is an integral part of good governance, good management practice and the assurance of safe and productive workplace environment. This
framework will institutionalize an efficient and effective systematic approach to managing risks and opportunities in the County.


Makueni County ERM Policy 705.95 KB 894 downloads
