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Why there will be no projects duplication in Makueni

Makueni, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) implementing partners on Friday concluded a two-day joint work planning workshop aiming at ensuring no duplication of development projects in the county.

The partners’ discussion stretched into joint designing, planning, monitoring, and learning so that they don’t implement similar projects.

The process of a joint work plan is a result of an MoU that the County signed with USAID in 2020, and has since provided an avenue to jointly examine data, and evaluate past progress so as to identify priority areas for the next fiscal year.

During the workshop, the partners identified the main priority areas of the Governor’s Manifesto for inclusion in the Joint Work Planning, awaiting validation and signing off by USAID and Makueni for implementation to commence.

The workshop was facilitated by USAID Resilience Learning Activity (RLA).