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Addressing the pressing challenges posed by poverty and vulnerability, the government of Makueni has taken decisive action to support its most marginalized citizens.

Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili led a distribution effort on Wednesday, providing blankets, mattresses, and essential food items to elderly residents, persons living with disabilities, and other vulnerable individuals across the county.

The initiative, which unfolded in Masongaleni ward and reached residents from 15 local clusters, aims to offer warmth and comfort during the current chilly weather.

Mulili emphasized the administration’s commitment, under Governor Mutula Kilonzo’s leadership, to safeguarding and empowering vulnerable groups, ensuring they feel valued and supported within the community.

“This program is crucial in preventing our elderly population from falling below the poverty line,” Mulili stated, highlighting ongoing plans to extend similar assistance to other wards in the near future.

Peter Mumo, Executive Committee Member for Gender, urged Makueni residents to actively participate in public forums where developmental decisions are made. He emphasized the importance of community engagement in driving meaningful progress.

Echoing this sentiment,Member of County Assembly Brian Nzoka underscored the pivotal role of public participation in achieving impactful development outcomes. He emphasized that inclusive decision-making processes are key to addressing community needs effectively.