Makueni County First Lady Anita Mutula on Tuesday led residents in commemorating World Cancer Day at Kathonzweni Health Center, highlighting a worrying rise in cancer cases across the county.
According to statistics from Makueni County Referral Hospital, cancer cases increased from 1,745 in 2023 to 2,270 in 2024, a staggering 31% rise within a year.
In response, the County plans to expand its cancer treatment center to accommodate the growing number of patients.
She revealed that the County’s October 2024 surgical camp uncovered numerous cancer cases, particularly prostate cancer. Additionally, a breast cancer screening week in the same month recorded a 9.8% positivity rate, underscoring the need for regular screening.
Hospital registries further indicate that breast cancer was the most diagnosed type in Makueni in 2024, with 555 cases (552 women and 3 men), followed by prostate cancer at 479 and cervical cancer at 210.
However, the First Lady expressed concern over the county’s low HPV vaccine uptake, emphasizing the urgent need to protect young girls from cervical cancer.
During the event, she also launched a three-month community-based digitalized screening program targeting breast, cervical, and prostate cancer.
Makueni has been partnering with The National Cancer Institute of Kenya, Roche and Savannah Global Health Institute in the fight against Cancer among others.