Mango farming in Makueni has grown into a profitable agribusiness, that has significantly improved the livelihoods of local farmers.
In an effort to boost its production and market access, the County Agriculture Department, in partnership with the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP), on Thursday completed a three-day training at Makindu for 30 ward agricultural and extension officers.
The training, developed by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), focused on hands-on practical sessions and a farm visit, emphasizing on modern technologies and best practices to enhance mango farming.
Covering several areas to help improve mango production and value addition, the training introduced Participants to better production techniques, including grafting, pruning, irrigation and fertilization, to boost their yields.
The training also gave an insight on how to manage pests and diseases effectively with a major focus on market access and linkages, post-harvest handling and storage were emphasized to reduce losses and increase profitability.
Further, with respect to the prevailing regional climate, sustainable farming practices were introduced to promote climate resilience and environmental conservation measures with exposure to digital agriculture, where participants learnt the uses of ICT tools for farm management, marketing and accessing extension services.
Lastly, the importance of farmer groups and cooperatives was highlighted, encouraging collective marketing and improving access to financial services.
The trained officers will now pass on this knowledge to farmers in their respective wards, ensuring that mango farming continues to thrive in Makueni.