Thrilling Experience as Kilifi County Assembly Health Committee Benchmarks Makueni’s UHC

Dr. Sonia Nzilani Leads Konza Technopolis Buffer Zone Planning

Day of Forests;Masokani
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr recognizes outstanding achievements by individuals, organizations, and agencies for environmental projects and conservation measures.
Makueni To Plant 1.2M Trees by 2026

Makueni launches Ajiry centre; to help youth find well-paying jobs

Governor’s development tour.

Governor on Development tour at Kwamboo Earth Dam in Mavindini.


Makueni Opens Doors to The First Community-Led Development School in Africa.
Makueni on Thursday opened doors to one of its kind, a community-led development school and the first in Africa at Wote.
The school seeks to train citizens, community leaders, civil society professionals, and government officials from across the county and the country at large to ensure that every person has a voice in decisions that affect their lives.
It will also provide a platform to strengthen the capacity of county officials and community members on how they can be involved to localize sustainable development blueprints by the county.
While presiding over the inaugural function, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr described the school as timely, adding that the center will offer collaborative learning that will be demonstrating the power of government-civil society partners.
In his keynote address, John Coonrod, vice president of the Global Hunger project and the founder of Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD) lauded the county community-led development aspect, saying that it’s the only way to structure society consistently with human dignity as it moves decision-making closer to the people.
Governor Kilonzo re-signed a M.O.U with John Coonrod where its collaboration includes fundraising for county development initiatives, capacity strengthening of county departments on proposal writing, and fundraising among other key areas.