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PS warns over Uncontrolled Tree Harvesting as Harsh Climatic Conditions persist

Planning Principal Secretary Dr Julius Muia has warned over irregular harvesting of trees saying it was contributing to harsh environmental conditions currently experienced in Makueni County.

He said the irregular harvests had led to the decreasing woodlots making Ukambani a victim of harsh climatic situations during both rain and sunny seasons.

The PS said that unsustainable harvesting of wood has led to degradation of forests causing the escalation of deforestation, increasing Green House Gas Emissions and land degradation.

He also indicated that water catchment areas are also drying up and timber and charcoal are becoming very expensive.

“We are cutting trees more than we are planting and this has caused several effects like degradation of forests and drying up of water catchment areas,” Dr Muia said.

The PS spoke during the Makueni county afforestation drive at Nduundune primary and secondary schools in Emali.

The Planning PS was accompanied by the county First Lady  Nazi Kivutha,officials from Kenya Forestry Service and  several representatives from  various development partners who also  took part in planting approximately 30,000 trees in the area.

Dr. Muia further indicated that the county is in arid and semi-arid zone of Kenya and proposed the initiation of a sustainable Citizen Centered Afforestation and Conservation Initiative that will encourage every village to have a big tree nursery as well as support watering and caring.

“We all know that Makueni is not favoured by climate therefore it is important for us to innovate an appropriate program that will support afforestation despite the foregoing weather challenges,” said the PS.

Nazi who also took part in the drive called upon everyone and especially pupils to plant trees on annual basis revealing that together with Governor Kivutha Kibwana they had already planted 800 trees in their home during the current wet season.

“I urge all our pupils to treat trees as their pets and plant a tree every year. The governor and I have planted 800 trees this season,” Nazi stated.

Her sentiments were echoed by Makueni County Commissioner Mohammed Maalim who also present at the event saying that together with the county government they had already planted 160,000 trees in the county.

Other County officials who took part in the drive include executive committee members for water and roads, Robert Kisyula and Eng. Sebastian Kyoni respectively and chief officer for natural resources and climate change Mary Mbenge.

Top German Firm Ready to Partner with Makueni for Roads Constructions and Minerals Exploration

A leading Germany company specialized in roads construction, equipment and mineral extraction technologies has expressed its interest in partnering with Makueni County.

The German company is now among several international and local organizations that have shown interest in the unexplored mineral world of Makueni County.

During the Road Technology Days 2018 workshop which took place in Ludwigshafen, Germany, the company indicated it was ready to partner with Makueni County in developing and constructing low cost rural sector roads.

Makueni County ECM for Roads, Transport, Energy and Public works Eng. Sebastian Kyoni who is in Germany welcomed the move by Wirtgen Group GmbH to venture into the local road works and the mining sector.

“I have represented our case here very well and we are hopeful that the interest shown by the Wirtgen Group will be escalated to the next level. Some 4000 delegates are also attending this workshop,”Mr Kyoni said.

The company will as well assist in acquisition of equipment and technology transfer to the county roads team on low cost rural roads construction techniques through Panafrican Equipment Kenya Limited, its subsidiary in Kenya

Minister Tips Teachers on Energy-saving Technology

Secondary Schools in Makueni County have been urged to use environmental friendly rocket stoves in order to save on the cost of fuel and ensure a clean environment. County Executive Committee Member for Roads,Transport and Energy Eng Sebastian Kyoni said that rocket stoves could help schools save millions spent on cooking fuel per annually.

He advised that schools could adopt the usage of rocket stoves known for efficient firewood consumption to protect the environment and cut fuel costs. He said the stoves were good in maximizing heat transfer to the food being cooked and created improved working conditions and production of healthy food.

“This is a new technology that our schools must all move to. It will help a great deal in reducing environmental degradation,”Mr Kyoni said. The ECM who was addressing teachers during this year’s Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association conference for Makueni head teachers in Mombasa also advised schools to use solar as a way of saving on energy.

He said Makueni being one of the counties known for longer sunny seasons could turn the solar menace into a real blessing by investing on solar energy. “Makueni receives sunshine throughout the year making it conducive for solar energy harvesting,” Eng Kyoni said.

Makueni County Has Spent 265 Million on Bursaries and Scholarships since 2013

Ksh. 265 Million Spent on Bursaries and Scholarships since 2013

Makueni County government has spent Sh 265 million on bursaries and scholarships to support students from poor families to pursue education.

Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau said the government is putting more resources on education as it acknowledges it is an investment for the future of the county.

She said that the county has also been giving out full scholarships to bright needy students adding that 190 beneficiaries have so far been listed since 2013.

She further indicated that 79 students have further benefited from the program this financial year.

“The government of Makueni county acknowledges education as an investment for our children, being the most important aspect in empowering our youth to become responsible and productive citizens ,”the Deputy Governor said.

But the DG also told teachers that incidences of sexual assaults were in the increase and that it could compromise learning in the area.

She said that as part of the government’s decision to support empowerment on gender based violence and sexual abuses an outreach program will be initiated in schools.

“I am glad to inform you that the government of Makueni County is in the process of initiating a school outreach program for children in our county,” she said.

She said the program has been necessitated by the increasing cases of sexual and gender based violence incidences in the county including defilement, incest, rape, verbal and psychological abuse, domestic violence and sexual harassment among others.

The Deputy governor decried the alarming levels of sexual violence cases in Makueni County despite existence of legislations meant to deal harshly with perpetrators.

The Deputy Governor appreciated the role played by teachers in nurturing and mentoring young people adding that it required dedication to accomplish.

“I wish to state that teachers are role models and mentors and the kind of values that are inculcated in the children have direct effect on society and the development of our children,” said the Deputy Governor

She was speaking when she closed the sixth edition of the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association-Makueni Chapter at the Travelers Hotel in Mombasa.

She was accompanied by several top government officials led by County Secretary Paul Wasanga among others.

Mr Wasanga said that teachers are key to the county’s economic empowerment adding that governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana’s regime would work closely with them to achieve four key pillars of the county’s development plan.

“Our main agenda is to ensure economic empowerment for our people and to maske clean portable water available to households in Makueni,”Mr Wasanga told the Kessha members.

Water Committees to be Dissolved: Kisyula

Water Committees to be Dissolved

Water committees in Makueni County will be dissolved and new ones reconstituted to ensure efficiency in the management of the critical water sector in the county Water Executive Committee Member Robert Kisyula has said.

Mr Kisyula said that his department was keen to oversee an efficient water sector adding that supply of water to Makueni County residents is top priority issue in the county government.

“We are going to dissolve all the water committees in Makueni and reconstitute new ones. We have a very high target set in the water sector which we must meet,” the ECM said.

He was speaking in Mombasa where county officials met Secondary school head teachers during this year’s Kessha Conference for Makueni Chapter held at the Travellers Beach Resort.

Mr Kisyula urged secondary schools heads to partner with the county government to achieve the water agenda.

The ECM said that institutions should harvest rain water from roofs to make sure that all public and private institutions have sufficient potable water.

“If every school in Makueni had tanks to harvest the water that runs during rainy seasons, the shortage of water in schools and nearby communities would be a thing of the past,” the ECM said.

Rain water harvesting according to Mr Kisyula is one of the game changers in making another Makueni possible where every household has sufficient potable water for domestic use in order to stop the “ fetching water ideology” in the county.

“Since we were kids, we were taught that water is fetched. We wait for the rain to pour down for a whole night then the following morning we follow it to the rivers when it is already contaminated,” he explained.

He further added that every household in the county is capable of becoming food secure and economically empowered by adopting the “1 acre rule” initiative.

Makueni County has since the wake of devolution done several dams and sand dams as well as drilled boreholes and collaborated with various development partners through the Billion Dollar Business Alliance to ensure that all households have access to clean water.

He further challenged the heads to set good examples in the villages by installing at least two 100M3 water tanks in their homesteads, adding that it will ensure availability of potable water supply for domestic use for a whole year.

Kessha Makueni Chapter chairman Julius Mutwii who was the host said teachers are appreciating the support given by the county government including sponsorship of various teachers projects including scholarships to students.

“We are very happy with progress being made by our county. Infact the whole country is talking about Makueni.And they are doing so positively, ” said Mr Mutwii.

Other top government officials who graced the KESSHA conference included the deputy governor Adelina Mwau, county secretary Paul Wasanga, CEC, Roads, transport and energy, Engineer Sebastian Kyoni and CEC for Education and ICT, Dr. Naomi Makau.

Kibwana in Talks with UN-Habitat over Upgrade Plans for County Towns

Makueni County has initiated talks with the UN-Habitat for a partnership in upgrading the county’s urban settlements.

In a meeting between Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana and the UN-Habitat regional director for Africa Prof Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza at the United Nations headquarters in Nairobi on Friday the two explored different collaborative opportunities through which the partnership would be staged.

Prof Mutizwa and Prof Kibwana agreed that the two institutions would develop a joint framework to address issues of solid waste management, urban settlements upgrading and youth empowerment once a memorandum of understand on the partnership was developed.

Prof Mutizwa indicated that the UN-Habitat is committed to developing one million housing units in Kenya in the next five years, and that Makueni stood a good chance of benefiting from the scheme with the right collaborative framework.

“Our 2016-2036 urban agenda focusses on delivering new, affordable and adequate quality housing in urban places with slums upgrading a key priority. Makueni should take advantage of this,” he said.Prof. Kibwana said his government is conducting a town planning of 120 urban places across the county and will move with speed to develop a partnership agreement with UN-Habitat to upgrade several of them, especially the county capital, Wote.

He cited a stalled housing scheme in Wote, previously initiated by the ministry of public works and housing which he said if fully developed would significantly offset the housing shortages in the county capital.The governor said the County government is willing to adopt the stalled project if there was a proper agreement between his government and the national government.

He said the housing project has suffered extreme vandalism and cannibalism but could be completed and availed for use if the two levels ‎of government agreed o way forward.“A number of civil servants working in Makueni seek housing in Machakos and some even operate from Nairobi for lack of adequate decent housing in Wote.

We will seek to partner with UN-Habitat and the National government to complete the scheme and settle the housing challenge,” he said. Prof Kibwana added that his government will also seek a partnership with the UN body to complete formulation of its spatial plan, develop a youth empowerment one-stop shop and enhance revenue generation in urban places.

On her part, Mwau said the county is ready to work with the UN body to benefit from technical support in various aspects of the areas targeted by the proposed partnership. “We are very keen on this engagement and more so partnership in the area of waste disposal management system and production of solar energy,” she said.

A UN-Habitat delegation is scheduled to visit Makueni on a familiarization tour before finally prioritizing areas of partnership with the county government.

Universal Healthcare Conference 2018

Universal Healthcare Conference 2018

A two day conference at Wote, Makueni, on Universal Healthcare coverage ended Thursday with a rallying call to the national government to implement the programme across the country.

The conference brought together multi-sectorial stakeholders and agencies to deliberate on the possibilities and framework for implementation of a Universal Healthcare programme to accord Kenyans quality, accessible and affordable healthcare.

Host governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana described the conference as a historic event that will revolutionize the health sector if its deliberations are effectively implemented.

“If there was ever any doubt on the possibility of achieving Universal Healthcare in Kenya, that doubt has been debunked by the Makueni conference,” he said.

“A major take-home for everyone is that Universal healthcare is achievable with the right framework and goodwill by all supportive agencies. Strategic partnerships are the key to achieving this dream,” said Prof Kibwana.

The Makueni governor said the experiences of several counties such as Makueni, Laikipia and Kakamega that have tried different facets of universal healthcare programmes is testimony enough that it can be rolled out nationally with success.

United Nations Development Programme resident representative to Kenya Siddharth Chatterjee said the surging Kenyan population calls for a rethink in the country’s healthcare system.

“By 2050, Kenya’s population is likely to hit 90Million. This will by all means exert pressure on the country’s health sector,” Mr Chatterjee noted.

He called for preventive healthcare system with focus on immunization more than the curative  system.

He said mainstreaming of community health workers into the healthcare system would boost the preventive system.

Kenya Healthcare Federation Chief Executive Officer Dr. Amit Thakker said the private sector is willing to play a key partner to the Universal Healthcare programme.

He pledged pro-bono services in support of the improvement of the Makuenicare universal healthcare programme.

Planning Principal Secretary Dr Julius Muia who graced the event said if corruption was eliminated fro the health sector,the Universal Healthcare programme would be implemented without the need to look outside the country.

AMREF Health Africa Chief Executive Officer Dr Githinji Gitahi said the foundation would play a key role in the Universal Healthcare Conversation through capacity building and training.

He said AMREF will soon commence construction works for a medical university at Makindu on a 50-acre piece of land donated by the Makueni County government, which would be key in medical training and research.

Other leaders who graced the event include Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi, Prof. Khama Rogo a World Bank health specialist and Makueni deputy governor Adelina Mwau.

County Government Keen on Commercial Beekeeping

Makueni Deputy governor Adelina Mwau on Wednesday distributed beekeeping equipment to farmers in Kibwezi and Kathonzweni as county government turns focus on commercial honey harvesting.

Mwau said the county is capable of high honey production adding that the government is going to work with farmers to ensure they make the best out of their potentials.

She said honey is highly marketable both locally and internationally and that Makueni being largely semi-arid with vast land populated with vegetation ideal for beekeeping could not be left behind.

“At the moment we have set aside two million shillings this financial year as initial support for bee keeping initiatives,” Mwau said.

She said bee keepers in Makueni county have also benefited from support from partners who are supporting trainings, workshops and equipment donations to farmers.

Mwau distributed several catcher boxes, langstroths, harvesting kits, industrial seal liners, hot air guns, cup sealing machines, beehives amongst others to the farmers.

“We have also sponsored several beekeeping farmers for benchmarking in Kitui, Embu and Baringo counties who are now training the rest,” she added.

Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Project

Makueni County is the first within the region to pass regulations on Climate Change. It has partnered with: UKAID, Ada Consortium, Christian Aid and Anglican Development Services Eastern (ADSE). As a result, the County has been at a position of accessing 50M seed money for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience.


Adaptation Consortium which is one of its partners through funding from DFID  supports County Governments in Kitui, Makueni, Wajir , Garrissa and Isiolo to mainstream Climate adaptation into planning and budgeting at the county level and set up mechanisms to access climate finance (from global, national and private sources) for adaptation prioritized by local communities. . The Government of Makueni County has made progress on the same by allocating 1% of its total development budgetary cost on Climate Change.  This will be effective by mainstreaming County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Regulations into the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).

Christian Aid (Adaptation Consortium member) in  partnership with Anglican Development Services Eastern , is showing that local Climate adaptation planning ,supported by devolved funds managed by the County authorities , and informed by enhanced Climate Information Services (CIS),can render significant benefits for people in poor and marginalized households.

Makueni County CCCF Regulation development

The process began in January 2015 when a team of six from Makueni County participated in a County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) development workshop in Nairobi.

These included:

  • County Executive Member of Water, Irrigation & Environment
  • Executive Committee Member of Finance & Socio-economic Planning
  • Three members of the County Assembly
  • 1 Officer from the Department of Water, Irrigation & Environment

The above team drafted the first document which was presented to the County Cabinet meeting in February, 2015.

The document was presented to the County Assembly and amendments done and passed in September, 2015

Ward Selection Criteria

From meetings held with various stakeholders in Makueni County, the following items were suggested as possible selection criterion for the 10 out of 40 wards to be covered by the project;

  • Consideration of the agro-ecological zones of the wards
  • The poverty index of the wards
  • The livelihood zones and existing coping strategies (including aspects such as charcoal burning as a livelihood option)
  • The vulnerability index and context of the wards towards natural hazards and disasters (directly linked to aspects of climate change)
  • The ease (or lack of) access to information including climate information; phone network coverage
  • Regional representation (wards to cover worst hit regions) The closeness of the selected wards to enhance impact and change in a systematic and structured way
  • The number of players and type of interventions being undertaken in the county, more so the interrelationship with climate resilience work
  • The climate risks that exist in the various wards and coping to the same
  • Use of Climate information services in programming by existing CSO’s, NGO’s and government

The six pilot wards for the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience projects entail:   Mtito Andei, Nguu Masumba, Kilungu, Mbitini, Kithungo Kitundo and Kiima Kiu Kalanzoni Wards respectively.


Makueni County has made significant strides towards.

  1. Selection of the six wards for implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation and resilience projects
  2. Conducting the Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (PVCA) exercises.
  3. Establishment of the Makueni County Climate Change Funds Regulation,2015
  4. Launch of the Makueni County Climate Change Fund Regulations, 2015 Press Release conference.
  5. Setting up of the structures on Climate Change.
  6. Capacity building of the members to the governance structures on Climate Change.
  7. Commissioning/Operationalization of the governance structures on Climate Change by H.E the Governor of Makueni County Professor Kivutha Kibwana.
  8. Development of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Makueni County and Anglican Development Services Eastern (ADSE) / Christian Aid.
  9. Development of a Makueni County Climate Information Service (CIS) Plan.
  10. Training of the 841 County Information Services (CIS) intermediaries.
  11. Review of the proposals submitted by the Ward County Climate Change Planning Committee (WCCCPC).
  12. Pre-visit of the proposed sites by the Ward County Climate Change Planning Committee (WCCCPC)  .
  13. Approval of the proposals by the County Climate Change Planning Committee
  14. Survey and design of the proposed sites for the implementation of the projects.


Water Agenda

The provision of water to our people continues to be the single most important challenge and opportunity for developing and transforming our communities. It is three years now since we launched the ‘Kutwiikanya Kiwu’ programme as a strategy for enhancing community and household water harvesting in our County.
At the community level we have enhanced water storage infrastructure through construction of 98 earth dams and 45 sand dams and weirs while at the household and institutional levels we have promoted roof catchment as well as drilling of boreholes and extension of water pipeline networks.
Currently, 19 more sand dams are under construction. We have drilled 87 boreholes and equipped 39 others. 9 more boreholes are currently being drilled. Out of these, 24 boreholes have been drilled using the drilling rig that we recently acquired. It is our priority to distribute the water in all our boreholes since we have the resources in the 2017/2018 budget.
Our people are now carrying out irrigation farming using the water from the earth dams and sand dams. Some earth dams are also stocked with fish.
300 women groups have benefited from water tanks through the ‘Nzangule ya Matangi’ programme. 300 more groups are set to benefit from water tanks. This programme is promoting water accessibility and micro-irrigation initiatives in the County. The Department of Youth, Gender, Sports and Social Services has also distributed water tanks to youth and women groups while the Department of Education and ICT has distributed water tanks to primary schools and the Department of Health Services to health facilities.
The County still remains water deficient even with these interventions. This explains our decision to allocate 1 Billion Kenya Shillings for water projects in the 2017/2018 financial year. We are partnering with the South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) in mapping our water resources especially the location of sand dams and earth dams. A separate research on the capacity of our boreholes is currently being undertaken. This will lead to the development of a water policy and master plan.