Makueni signs an MOU with Strathmore, WRI, edges in renewable sources of energy
H. E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr on Tuesday officially closed a two-days training involving chief officers on integrated energy planning and budgeting.
The closing ceremony was crowned with the signing of an MOU between the World Resources Institute (WRI), Strathmore University, and the Government of Makueni County.
The MOU outlines Makueni’s partnership on development and implementation of an Integrated County Energy Plan that gives guidelines on renewable energy resources, productive use of renewable energy and financing of County energy programs in the next 5 years.
Present during the ceremony were Ms Wanjira Mathai (Managing Director Africa and Global Partnerships -WRI), Prof Izael Da Silva (DVC Reasearch and Innovation – Strathmore University), Eng. Sebastian Kyoni (CECM Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works and Energy), Stanley Nthiw’a (County Attorney), the county solicitor, among others.