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About us


Vision Statement

A center of excellence in coordination and management of devolved Functions


Mission Statement

To provide leadership, coordination and policy direction in the management devolution and devolved service delivery for high quality of life.


Core Values

Core Values

The core values of the department are:

  1. People centred: The department is committed to improving communities' self-reliance, social justice, citizen action and participatory decision-making.
  2. Responsiveness: The department seeks to positively respond to realities and needs of citizens.
  3. Integrity and accountability. The Department shall conduct its business and lend services to its stakeholders in a transparent and accountable manner. The values of openness, uprightness and reliability will be upheld while executing its mandate.
  4. Creativity and innovation: The Department is committed to innovativeness, inventiveness, resourcefulness and visionary planning and service delivery.
  5. Efficiency and effectiveness: The department will promote high productivity and prudent utilization of resources.

Function & Mandate

Mandate and Functions

The department’s mandate and functions broadly cover issues of coordination, leadership, enforcement, management, documentation of devolved functions at county level and response to disasters. According to the Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023 on Organization of the County Government of Makueni County. The mandate and functions are:


  1. Coordination of county government functions.

  2. Participatory development and local development organizing

  3. Enhance resilience and adaptive capacity to disasters while building a culture of disaster risk reduction among communities.

  4. Enhance capacity for effective response to disasters and more so emergencies.

  5. Enhance devolution capacities and good governance for a working devolution.

  6. Liquor licensing and control.

  7. Civic knowledge and competency development

  8. Research, documentation and knowledge management


  1. Facilitate a pragmatic implementation of equitable and sustainable devolution at the county level;

  2. Facilitate the integration of the objects, values and principles of devolution in the county’s development processes;

  3. Management of the County Government Administrative function;

  4. Management of county government enforcement and compliance function;

  5. Liquor compliance in collaboration with national government;

  6. Enhance integration and implementation of socio- economic and political rights in county’s service delivery;

  7. Support county departments and communities in integrating community development theory in the implementation of devolved functions;

  8. Establishment and coordination of devolved service delivery mechanisms towards a one government approach in project implementation and reporting at the decentralized levels;

  9. Coordination of meetings of County directors (Heads of Technical Units) with a view of building the linkage between decentralized service delivery units, heads of departments and county executive committees working groups;

  10. Enhance self-governance, community resilience, community led development and local development organizing;

  11. Devolution support and acceleration programs’ coordination;

  12. County Social safeguard mechanisms;

  13. Facilitate the County Devolution Sector working Group;

  14. Establishment of frameworks, structures and harmonization of public participation and civic education function across departments;

  15. Facilitate public participation in planning, budgeting, implementation and citizen oversight throughout the development processes (participatory development);

  16. Promote citizen participation in the exercise of their rights, management of their own affairs and furtherance of their development;

  17. Enhancing community ownership, project management and sustainability mechanisms;

  18. Enhance good governance and sustainability of projects handed over to communities and community groups in close collaboration with the lead departments and development partners;

  19. Coordination and management of livelihood guarantee policy, programs and projects;

  20. Research & development, Innovation and knowledge management for a working devolution;

  21. Civic education and support to civil society groups;

  22. Grievance redress and community feedback mechanisms;

  23. Disaster management planning and mainstreaming;

  24. Emergency response and administration of other county special programs;

  25. Emergency fund administration, coordination and documentation;

  26. Promote open government partnership (OGP);

  27. Develop and operationalize the County School of Community Led Development;

  28. Monitor, evaluate and oversee the management of devolved functions under the county government; and

  29. Liquor licensing and control.