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Makueni Tech and Innovation hub wins the innovation hub of the year award


On the 8th December 2022 Makueni Tech and Innovation hub a project by the County Government, was awarded the National Innovation Award in the category county government innovation hub of the year for the initiative to directly support innovators.

Makueni Tech and Innovation Hub aims to provide an open space for entrepreneurs and programmers to access. It also runs periodical innovation challenges tied closely with addressing local and global challenges. The hub has reached over 1000 through its initiatives geared toward building skills through and not limited to small scale manufacturing.

Some of the initiatives the hub has run in collaboration with its partners include:

  • Running of two Innovation challenges that have allowed cross learning with the innovation hubs beyond the county thus serving as a platform for county youth to think solutions for local problems and promotion of technology based ideas
  • Providing mentorship and training by reaching the unreached through two editions of the Kids tech bootcamps and Developers bootcamp with focus on encouraging women and young girls from highschools
  • Hosted the health innovation fair that would support the department of health realize solutions geared to prioritise and address its needs
  • Ran and hosted the regional innovation week a first for the region
  • Upskilling in small scale manufacturing through Emerging tech-3D printing, NoCode
  • Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit amongst youth in areas of business through Peperusha Maisha and in collaboration with local member hub for supporting women and enabling them digitally.
  • Support with funding to the top 10 awardees from the two innovation challenges
  • Sensitized the community on the start up bill
  • Working with Eco-system stakeholders to support the community such us Konza Technopolis, Communications Authority, University of Central Missouri, Association of Countrywide Innovation Hubs, IBM, Cisco, Google, Insight Health Advisors, KIPI and YASA


Makueni County Farmer Seed Multiplication Program

Ms Joyce Mutua , CECM Agriculture, irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative Development joined members of Ngamiteka CBO in Kibwezi West, Nguumo ward for the 1st  inspection of green gram community seed production.The certified green gram seed requirement for Makueni county stand at 903,352 kg against a supply of 361,340.8kg, by among others KALRO Katumani, Simlaw seeds ltd and dryland seeds. The low access to certified seeds causes farmers to plant own seed (uncertified) totaling to 542,011.2kg P.A hence poor production and increased grain market deficits.

To address the gap, ASDSP II funded an innovation proposal by Ngamiteka CBO to produce green gram community seed.  Makueni County with support from ASDSP II program partnered with Egerton University to provide technical support to Ngamiteka CBO to produce KS20 green gram seed variety. A total of 50 farmers each with 5 acres (a total 250acres) were identified in 16 ward and were supported with ripping services, training on seed production, provided with basic seeds, fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, jute bags and inspection services.  Seed inspector from Egerton University visiting Ngamiteka CBO members for the 1st inspection of crop establishment. The 2nd inspection scheduled at mid-January 2023, followed by harvesting and storage of planting seeds in jute bags. The farmers are expected to produce 100 metric tons of KS20 green gram seed variety by February 2023.


Dr. Tuiyot, Seed Inspector conducting 1st crop inspection

Distribution of Pesticides to counter African Army worm outbreak

The CECM Agriculture, irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative Development Ms Joyce Mutua led a team of extension officers in fighting the African army worm in Kaiti and Kilome sub counties.The African Army Worm (AAW) Spodoptera exempta is the larva of a  migratory night flying moth hich is a pests of cereal crops and pastures. The economic importance of this pest is due to its rapid development, high reproductive capacity, and migration mobility.  Outbreaks are commonly preceded by extended drought and follow the onset of wet seasons when dry grasslands produce new growth and cereal crops are planted.The first incident of AAW outbreak was reported in Makueni County in Ivingoni Nzambani andMasongaleni wards in Kibwezi East Sub-County by end of November, 2022.  By mid-December 2022, the outbreak had spread in all sub counties. Following the outbreak, the county government in partnership with the National government, moved quickly to combat the pest and avert further damage to crops. A total of 650 litres of assorted chemicals, sprayers and Personal Protective Equipment have been issued to farmers in control the infestation and sensitize to farmers on mitigation measures. The support was distributed to the sub counties based the levels of infestation reported.


Joyce Mutua, ECM Agricuture led county extnsion officers in some parst of Kaiti and Kilome subcounties to provide technical support and supply farmers with pestcides in a move to contain the pest.


The First Batch Of The Newly Appointed Chief Officers Take Oath Of Office

The first batch of the newly appointed Makueni County Chief Officers have taken oath of office today, Thursday 22nd December 2022 at the County headquarters, Wote.
They include;

Alfonce Itumo Kanunga

Information, Communication and Technology

Nicholis Mutisya Mutua

Education and Internships

Boniface Musyoki Mutua

Socio-Economic Planning, Budget, Revenue, Monitoring and Evaluation

Japheth Mutuku Kiminza

Environment, Natural Resources, Mining and Climate Change

Eng. James Moki Muli

Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works

Jackson Charo Daudi

Lands, Urban Planning and Development

Eng. David Maithya Makau

Water and Sanitation

Dr. Stephen Ndolo Kiio

Health Services

Dr. Jossylyn Nzilani Mutua

Trade, Marketing , Industry, Culture and Tourism

Daniel Mutuku Ndolo

Agriculture and Irrigation

Delivering Quality Healthcare for Sustainable Development

In an endeavour to retool the health sector in Makueni, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili and CEC Health Services Dr. Paul Musila on Tuesday held a lengthy consultative meeting with all county medical specialists to share experiences and recommendations for better healthcare.
The meeting, governor Mutula Jnr said, sought to identify the most sustainable development trajectory of the health sector through enhancing the achievements and sealing the gaps identified by the medical specialists.
Health workers promotions, provision of a conducive work environment and adequate staffing are some of the personnel issues the governor committed to address going forward.

Makuenis’ Botanical Garden tops in the Exhibition Category at the KMCF

Kee Botanical Garden from Kaiti Sub- County has emerged position one in the Exhibitions Category in the National Kenya Music and Cultural Festival (KMCF) taking place in Kitui County.
The exhibition curated by Mike Mwendwa, who is also the founder and director of the garden, scored 90% , one of the highest marks ever scored by an exhibitor at the festival.
The adjudicators commended the botanical garden for a well curated exhibition and presentation of a wide variety of live traditional medicinal plants and products.
The exhibition stand attracted many participants in the festival and other visitors were curious to learn about the live traditional medicinal plants and products.
Cabinet Secretary for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Peninah Malonza and her Director of culture are among the prominent personalities who visited the exhibition and held long discussions with the exhibitor.

Mukuyuni set for big plans

Traders from Mukuyuni market in Kaiti constituency have started vacating from a section of the busy market, along Wote-Machakos road to pave way for the construction of a modern market.
The project, funded by the World Bank through the Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP) is being implemented by the Wote municipality.
Once completed, the market will benefit more than 150 traders who have been operating in bad conditions.
The traders applauded the county government for initiating the project which will facelift the market and generally improve the hygiene of the market.

Makueni County Shines in the KMCF

Makueni County has made impressive performance at the Kenya Music and Cultural Festival (KMCF) held in Kitui County from 1st to 7th December 2022.
The County government presented five teams at the festival: Makueni County Choir; Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Makueni Campus; St. Jude Catholic Church Choir, Kwa Kotoe; Kee Botanical Garden and Akim Nginda Kithanse, the Crown Prince of the Angulya people.
The Makueni County Choir emerged position one in the following classes: Class 434 Own choice of a sacred accredited piece – ‘ Lift up your heads o-ye gates’; Class 435 Mixed voices adaptation and arrangement of African melodies – ‘ Ndivukye Mutivuko’; and Class 436 African American Spirituals – ‘Ain’t That Good News’. The choir garnered position two in Class 432B Mixed voices set piece for County choirs.
Making their debut in the festival, the KMTC Makueni Campus emerged position one in Class 913Z Dramatized contemporary dance, position two in Class 707Z Akamba Folksong and position three in Class 701Z Luhya Folksong.
St. Jude Catholic Church Choir, Kwa Kotoe emerged position five in Class 511 Mixed voices set piece for church choirs.
Kee Botanical Garden garnered position one in Class 1402 for its well curated exhibition of live traditional medicinal plants and products.
Akim Nginda Kithanse, the Crown Prince of the Angulya people, emerged position one in Class 1305C Folklore (storytelling of traditional stories) in English or Kiswahili and Class 1303D Dramatized monologue. He also garnered position three in Class 1007 Public speaking on climate change, position five in Class 1008 Spoken Word and position eight in Class 1305B Narrative (storytelling in contemporary style) in vernacular.
Out of its excellent performance, the Makueni County Choir has been selected to perform in the gala-the winners concert.
With 14 entries in the festival, Makueni County has won over four trophies, seven certificates for entries that emerged position one, two certificates for entries that emerged position two and two certificates for entries that emerged position three.
A delegation led by the CEC for Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism, Peter Mumo Nyamai, met with the Executive Committee of the KMCF and expressed the interest of Makueni County in hosting the festival in 2023.
Hon. Elizabeth Mutindi Kiio, the Chairperson of the Makueni County Assembly Committee in charge of Culture, has accompanied and cheered the county teams throughout the festival.

Building Development Partnerships

On Monday, Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili hosted a high powered delegation from Micro-Enterprise Support Programme (MESPT) led by Chief Executive Officer Rebecca Amukhoye who paid the DG a courtesy call in Wote.
Discussions centered on enhancing partnerships between Makueni and MESPT in several Agricultural value chains and enhancing food safety competitiveness of the county.
Some of the key partnership areas include:
Support to agriculture policy development; support to establish a veterinary and food safety mini laboratory; Development of the Agricultural Training Centre-Kwakathoka as an Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training (ATVET) Facility.
MESPT supports Green Employment in Agriculture and AgriFI Food Safety programmes in Makueni.