Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Tuesday Witnessed swearing-in of the Wote Municipality Board members after they were vetted and approved by the County Assembly.
Mutula has tasked the board to move with speed and implement the functions he signed off for transfer to the municipality to enhance service delivery.
Some of the priorities the board will be tasked to address include waste management, water provision, drainage and sewer system for Wote town, Solar lighting of the markets within the municipality, roads maintenance and upgrading of urban centres, especially Wote town to instill investor confidence.
The members sworn into office are:
1. Benjamin Masungwa
2. Everlyn Mulewa Kimuli
3. Romeo Ndeveni
4. Benjamin Wambua Mutua
5. Daniel Kisyang’a
6. Paul Maundu Mutua
A 7th member, Angela Kiamba, who is out of the country will be sworn at a later date.