Governor Mutula Jnr. meets CoG

Makueni county fire and rescue brigade has been feted top nationally beating other Counties, parastatals among other entities.
The team under the Directorate of Special Programmes and Emergency services braised stiff competition from 22 counties and big organizations such as Kenya Airports Authority, and G4S, among others to emerge top while Isiolo ranked second and Kenya Airport Authority third respectively.
The concluded Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) competition was held at Kenya airport Authority Training School, Nairobi.
The county also produced the best Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Erick Muli, a paramedic based in Matiliku Sub County Hospital.
Muli beat 10 other EMT paramedics for institutions such as Red Cross, Avenue Health rescue, Komarock modern hospital, Mary hill, and Bristol Park among others.
The symposium themed, “Towards growing effective and efficient emergency rescue and response teams 2022” covered fire service leadership, community fire safety, tactical firefighting, emergency medical service, and fire engine operation where the Makueni team thrived in showcasing their prowess.
The symposium attracted over 300 fire emergency and rescue practitioners, the Kenya Council of Emergency Medical Technicians, the Chief fire mission, and other partners.
The competition was organized in partnership between the Africa Fire Mission, Polish Center for International Aid, Kenya Medical Care Technician (KMCT), and Kenya National Fire Brigade Association (KENFIBA).
According to the County Chief Fire Officer Urbanus Kioko Kyalo, Makueni has had intensive training by the Polish Center for International Aid on fire emergency rescue through an MOU signed between the organization and Makueni in 2020.
Through the MOU, the Polish Center for International Aid has donated state-of-the-art firefighting equipment, a road traffic accident vehicle as well as the establishment of a fire fighting station at Makindu along Mombasa Nairobi highway.
Mr. Kyalo noted that the Makueni fire and rescue brigade was awarded a trophy, a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitating Monitor to aid in emergency medical services, two complete sets of trauma bags, and cash prizes.
“In the past 4 years we have been able to respond and attend to 198 fire incidents and also road traffic accidents mostly along the Mombasa Nairobi highway involving vehicles ferrying petroleum products,” said Mr. Kyalo.
The team has also rescued a number of newborn babies thrown into deep pit latrines.
The team had time with the Governor during a firefighting drill within the County headquarters with the Governor maintaining that the team needed more resources to enable them to respond to various disasters.
“This is a commendable job done by our team, we must enhance our disaster response preparedness to avoid loss of lives and property,” he said.
At Chief’s Camp, Kibwezi town in Kikukmbulyu South ward, Kibwezi East Sub-County, elated farmers receive planting seeds donated by the County Government.
Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Development Executive Committee Member Ms. Joyce M. Mutua who oversaw the distribution exercise asked the farmers to embrace good agricultural practices including soil conservation during planting and weeding to enhance the productivity of the farming land in Makueni County.
At least 130,000 households will benefit from certified planting seeds. The seeds consist of 149 metric tonnes of maize, 40 tonnes of beans, 127 tonnes of sorghum and 85 tonnes of green grams. The exercise was contacted across the 30 wards. Wards in upper and mid-zones received Maize and beans while ward in the low land areas received Sorghum and green grams. Residents were urged to take advantage of the county donated climate-resilient seeds for sustainable agriculture.
On Saturday, several County Government officials joined forces with other Environmental Champions and greening movements to plant trees across the county. The exercise is part of the county’s wider strategy to increase forest cover, restore degraded land, protect various habitats, and build climate change adaptation and resilience in the long run.
The events were graced by CECMs Dr. Sonia Nzilani (Environment), Nicholas Masila Nzioka (Gender, Children, Youth, Sports & Social Service), Japheth Mang’oka (Devolution), Permanent Secretary Nominees Terry Mbaika (Devolution), and Ephantus Kimotho (State Department for Forestry).
Makueni county has inked a joint work plan worth KSh.1 Billion with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to stimulate the growth of the local economy for the 2022/23 financial year.
The partnership was signed by Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and USAID Mission Director in Kenya David Gosney on Wednesday in Wote.
Some of the key activities identified for collaborative implementation are:
Provision of nutrition commodities to support treatment of moderate acute malnutrition for the under-fives and pregnant and lactating women , strengthening of Community Health Strategy using Community Health Volunteers (Heath and Nutrition); strengthening child protection committees and operationalization of Makueni Development and Rescue Centre, strengthening integrated GBV prevention and management ( Social Protection); and increase Public Participation on budgeting process as well as conduct civic education in the county ( public participation).
Others are promoting the development of cottage industries, supporting manufacturing-related innovations, promoting and registration of cooperative societies, strengthening institutional capacities in the cooperative movement (Trade and Cooperatives Development); launching tourism circuits in Makueni, documentation and digitization of indigenous knowledge (Tourism and cultural development); and Crop, Livestock Pests and Disease Control and agricultural Extension Programme ( Agriculture).
Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation visited Makueni County on a discovery trip to see the impact of Primary Health Care in the County.
Accompanied by Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior, Bill Gates visited the Kathonzweni Level 3 hospital where he met with medical staff and Community Health Volunteers and later toured the mother and Child Care unit at the Makueni County Referral Hospital.
Makueni County has enlisted a significant number of Community Health Volunteers who have contributed to better prenatal care and safer deliveries in the region.
The County health team presented some of the key steps taken to improve service delivery, monitor the purchase and distribution of health commodities as well as steps the County took to ensure the facilities remained open for immunizations even during the Covid -19 pandemic.
Governor Mutula lauded the County health workers for using data to manage health care and health commodities.
Further, the County has shortened access to medical facilities for the residents and introduced a system where health centers can re-invest the cash paid for services in running costs and improvements required.
H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Thursday paid a courtesy call to the Makueni Agri-hub at Kwa Kathoka for an insight about the operations of the oil seed pressing plant.
The plant, owned by Italian firm Eni Kenya, processes vegetable oil from cotton, castor, and croton seeds for bio-refining to make biofuel.
According to a report on the project status “Seeds for Energy”, the firm is currently involving 25,000 farmers, with an early agricultural production projection of 30,000 tons per year by 2023 and an expected 200,000 tons per year by 2026 when the firm will be fully operational.
Three months ago, the firm shipped out its first vegetable oil cargo to Gela bio-refinery-one of the top innovative bio-refineries in Europe.
The Governor was thrilled by the fact that thousands of farmers in Makueni have turned to farming the firm’s raw materials, creating indirect employment opportunities for them, and directly where many people have secured jobs in the industry.
More important, Governor Mutula was elated by the company’s circular economy model in producing Agri-feedstock raw materials making livestock feeds production less cost.
Makueni County Executive Committee Members and the County Attorney take oath of office on Tuesday, 8th, November 2022 at the County headquarters, Wote.
The Executive Committee now begins the onerous journey of delivering H.E Mutula Kilonzo Jnr’s development clarion call, “Wauni wa Kwika Nesa” to the people of Makueni.
PICTURES: Makueni County Executive Committee Members and County Attorney swearing-in at the County headquarters, Wote.
Makueni Deputy Governor H.E Lucy Mulili has praised a group of women from Kiatine, Wote/Nziu ward, Makueni Sub-County for taking the challenge in silkworm farming which is taking shape in the County.
The Deputy Governor spoke on Saturday when she toured Tosheka Textiles’ Kiatine silkworm cages.
Lucy Lau Bigham, the entrepreneur behind Tosheka Textiles called on the Makueni government to support extension and training services for silkworm farming.
The venture, according to Lau is a sustainable community-empowering textile initiative that bridges the economic gap for women.
Lau observed that Eri silkworms attract a competitive sale price of about Sh. 200 per kilogram.The worms majorly feed on caster beans with farmers at the outskirts of Wote town embracing farming of castor plants in plenty.
Through several degumming processes, silk produces fibre which through spinning is converted into a yarn hence making of clothes.