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Our Mandate

Service delivery

  1. To maintain accurate and safe health records and information.
  2. To achieve the highest level of Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and Adolescent health (rnmcah) indicators.
  3. To improve the nutrition status of the population.
  4. To reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases on the community.
  5. To implement a comprehensive community health strategy.
  6. To improve and achieve highest level of health quality indicators.


  1. Roll out universal health care
  2. To optimize the use of health centres and dispensaries,
  3. Operationalise medical laboratories in the health facilities.
  4. Management of drugs and non-pharmaceutical commodities to ensure continuous supply
  5. Expand and implement centres for comprehensive emergency obstetric and new-born care services by construction of maternity blocks and theatres
  6. Construct staff houses for health care workers
  7. Growing the human resources for health the meet the needs of the population
  8. Increase number of health workers by improving capacity of the  KMTC campuses,
  9. Procurement and installation of stand-by generators,
  10. Keep community health units active to promote primary health care