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Makueni Trains 900 Community Climate Change Action Champions

The department of Lands, Urban Planning and Climate Change has completed sensitization of over 900 community champions who will lead community-based actions to build resilience against climate change.

The champions, composed of 30 persons from each of the 30 wards, were trained on participatory climate risk assessment and identification of resilience building actions.

The identified ward climate action plans will be implemented through a World Bank funded programme dubbed Financing Locally-led Climate Actions (FLLoCA).

The community engagement also culminated in a County climate risk assessment report and action plan outlining the different risks and hazards, their adaptation strategies and ward climate action priorities.  

Planning of Makindu Town Kicks Off.

The department of Lands and Urban Planning has kicked off planning of Makindu town to among others enhance streamlined development; increase the town’s investment attractiveness as well as protect public land which has allegedly been heavily grabbed or encroached. 
The planning exercise will also ensure the 5,050 plot owners receive title deeds for their allotments. Out of the 5,050 plots within the planning area, only two have title deeds since the last planning of 1978.
The planning exercise begun with a stakeholder engagement forum to acknowledge the planning needs of the community at Makindu town Wednesday 12th April 2023.
Lands Executive Committee Member Dr. Sonia Nzilani who led the stakeholder engagement forum also unveiled a consultant who will lead the process.

Makueni County Initiates Revocation of Controversial Kiboko B Land Allotments

The department of Lands and Urban Planning has initiated plans to revoke allotment of 54 acres of land in Kiboko B settlement scheme, Kimboo village, over the controversial manner the land was allocated. The decision by Lands Executive Committee Member Sonia Nzilani to revoke the allotments stems from a 2015 National Land Commission advisory that the land allotted to some absentee ‘squatters’ in 1999 be subdivided and newly allotted to at least 41 squatters who had settled on it. The re-allocation was carried out in 2019 for PLOT NO.718 KIBOKO ‘B’, PLOT NO.719 KIBOKO ‘B’, PLOT NO.720 KIBOKO ‘B’ but the process was hijacked by a cartel of wealthy individuals who have since worked on evicting the rightful squatters from the three parcels of land.  Dr. Sonia has however recommended revocation of the 2019 re-allocation exercise and said the land will be re-allocated afresh to the list of squatters identified by NLC in 2015 and other deserving ones after a thorough verification exercise.

Governor Mutula leads swearing of Emali-Sultan Hamud Municipality Board

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Tuesday witnessed the swearing-in of Emali-Sultan Hamud municipality board members, the second municipality in the county besides Wote.
Mutula who spearheaded establishment of the municipality after taking office in August last year termed Emali as the county’s biggest revenue earner from its strategic location along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway and the gateway to Tanzania through the Loitokitok border.
He said his administration is working on promoting Emali as Makueni’s economic hub while Wote town remains as the administrative capital. The municipality has already been approved for Kenya Urban Support Program (KUSP) to improve basic infrastructure.
The board members are:
1. Anne Nduku Muthusi
2. Charles Mutua Musau
3. Dominic Mbevi Matheka
4. Arch. Stanley Mwania Kyalo
5. Anderson Masila Matheka
6. Mary Nduku Muthama
7. Dr. Sonnia Nzilani Musyoka (CEC- Lands and Urban Planning)
8. Jackson Charo Daudi (Chief Officer Lands and Urban Planning)

Dr. Sonia Nzilani Leads Konza Technopolis Buffer Zone Planning

Makueni’s Executive Committee Member for Lands and Urban Planning Dr. Sonia Nzilani on Thursday chaired a multi-agency technical team sitting in Naivasha to develop an Inter –County Buffer Zone Physical and Land Use Development Plan around the 10 km radius Konza Technopolis buffer area. The buffer area spreads across Makueni, Kajiado and Machakos.
The team comprises of surveyors, physical planners and environmentalists from Makueni, Machakos, Kajiado, Konza Technopolis Development Authority and Ministry of Lands and Urban Planning.
The proposed 10-year plan is intended to align the Technopolis development plan with that of the 10km buffer zone so as to create a symbiotic growth. The plan will also enhance investments attraction as the buffer area complements development at the Technopolis.
Some of the key strategic installations suggested for the buffer area include an Airport, health facilities, light industries, green spaces, water dams, University College (completion of Scott University) among others.
When completed, validated and approved by the three county assemblies, the plan will be implemented by the national government, the three county governments and other development stakeholders as envisioned in the plan.
Makueni’s Devolution CECM Japheth Mang’oka, Lands and Urban Planning CECM Machakos Phillip Kilonzo as well as CEC’s from Kajiado also participated in the event.

Makueni To Plant 1.2M Trees by 2026

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Tuesday led Makueni residents in celebrating International Day of Forests by spearheading restoration of Mbitini location tree cover. The area has for years witnessed formation of life-threatening gullies and flash floods following wanton destruction of tree cover.
County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Urban Planning, Environment and Climate Change Dr. Sonia Nzilani has said the county will plant and grow at least 1.2M trees by the year 2026 in partnership with Mastercard Foundation to restore environmentally degraded lands in Makueni.
As part of a long-term strategy towards environmental conservation, the department is training and establishing environmental clubs in at least 18 schools to promote environmental education and greening programs.
The event was staged at Masokani County Technical Training Institute in Mbitini ward, Makueni Sub-county.

Makueni Opens Doors to The First Community-Led Development School in Africa.

Makueni on Thursday opened doors to one of its kind, a community-led development school and the first in Africa at Wote.
The school seeks to train citizens, community leaders, civil society professionals, and government officials from across the county and the country at large to ensure that every person has a voice in decisions that affect their lives.
It will also provide a platform to strengthen the capacity of county officials and community members on how they can be involved to localize sustainable development blueprints by the county.
While presiding over the inaugural function, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr described the school as timely, adding that the center will offer collaborative learning that will be demonstrating the power of government-civil society partners.
In his keynote address, John Coonrod, vice president of the Global Hunger project and the founder of Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD) lauded the county community-led development aspect, saying that it’s the only way to structure society consistently with human dignity as it moves decision-making closer to the people.
Governor Kilonzo re-signed a M.O.U with John Coonrod where its collaboration includes fundraising for county development initiatives, capacity strengthening of county departments on proposal writing, and fundraising among other key areas.

Strides into the creation of the Konza buffer zone

Makueni Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, CECMs Sonia Nzilani (lands), Elizebeth Muli (ICT & Education) on Monday joined John Kipchumba Tanui, MBS. Principal Secretary – State Department of ICT and Digital Economy, Joseph Ole Lenku (Governor Kajiado), Francis Mwangangi Kilonzo (DG Machakos), John Paul Okwiri, the Acting Chief Executive Officer, Konza Technopolis Development Authority(KoTDA) among other leaders during discussions on the creation of Konza Technopolis buffer zone to provide a good environment for investments.
The meeting set the following resolutions for the planning of the buffer zone
I. Republish the moratorium as the previous one has expired- This is to remind the stakeholders of the intended planning exercise
II. Enhance stakeholder engagement/ Public participation to understand the interest and rights of the Communities-Political leaders to be part of the agenda to support continued engagement with the members of the public
III. Identify quick wins to be shared with the public- This includes the beneficial effect of the exercise on the 73000 acres area of influence
IV. The moratorium is on- Need to appreciate the approved plan in 2013 which is still valid- Need to create a joint technical committee to start working at the Technopolis for the buffer zone area as a one-stop shop for all development applications
V. Allow now or in the future to develop a periodic schedule of meetings to brief the team/ country leadership on the progress
VI. Road Map- Consider and vote to approve adopt and allow to proceed with the implementation of the roadmap as presented by the chair ICJPLUPC.