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Market Cleaning Program is a significant step towards improving the cleanliness and overall hygiene of our local markets. This program aligns with our commitment to fostering a healthier and more sustainable environment within our trading areas.

Our markets in Makueni County are not only places of commerce but also vital hubs of community interaction. They serve as economic drivers and places where diverse members of our community converge. However, over time, concerns have arisen regarding their cleanliness and sanitation. These issues not only affect the well-being of our community but also the perception of our markets. The Market Cleaning Program is designed with the objective to;

  • Enhance Hygiene: Implement regular cleaning and sanitation measures to ensure a clean and hygienic market environment for vendors and visitors alike.
  • Beautification:Beautify market areas through landscaping, waste management, and improved infrastructure.
  • Community Involvement: Encourage active participation from vendors, local businesses, and community members to take ownership of the cleanliness of our markets.

In view of achieving the above objectives, the Directorate of Trade has outlined a comprehensive plan, which includes:

  1. Regular Cleaning Schedule: Implementing a consistent cleaning schedule with dedicated personnel responsible for daily maintenance.
  2. Waste Management: Introducing proper waste disposal facilities and practices to minimize litter and promote recycling.
  3. Awareness Campaigns: Conducting awareness campaigns to educate market stakeholders and the community about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
  4. Community Engagement: Organizing volunteer-driven cleanup events, involving local schools, businesses, and residents.
  5. Infrastructure Upgrades: Evaluating and making necessary infrastructure improvements to ensure long-term sustainability.
  6. Empowering Market Participants: We believe that the success of this program hinges on the active involvement and empowerment of market participants.

Thus, the Trade directorate has initiated a program to furnish cleaners in over 120 markets earmarked for cleaning with sanitation equipment and is committed to work closely with vendors, business associations, community groups to ensure our markets are transformed into cleaner, safer, and more vibrant entrepreneurial spaces.

The Iconic Emali modern market

The construction of an ultra-modern market which is bound to boost trade in the heart of the fast growing Emali township along Mombasa-Nairobi highway will be complete in 3 weeks time, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr has been assured.
During an inspection tour of the market which is connected the main bus terminal, the governor accompanied by the Deputy Lucy Mulili said they will ensure drain improvement and gravelling to improve drainage and protect the market from storm water which mostly affects the town during rain seasons.
The modern market comprises of: 30 wholesale stalls, 96 retail stalls, 2 open air market blocks with a Capacity to accommodate 500 vendors, an administration block with provision of ICT Centre fitted with surveillance system WIFI to support access to E-government services and E-commerce.
The market also has Modern ablution block which is PWD compliant with both toilets and bathrooms, and a creche to provide baby care service to lactating mothers.
To ensure availability of water, Water harvesting system with 240,000Litres has been installed.

Sensitization programme on usage of Soko Makueni, Marketing E-portal.

Sensitization programme on usage of Soko Makueni, Marketing E-portal. The officers in attendance were drawn from the Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism; Directorate of Livestock and Cooperative Development and the Directorate of ICT.

The Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism in a view to enhance market linkages through adoption of technology, has created a versatile platform that offers opportunity to the increasingly young populace of traders and buyers, to trade and market their products. The developed E-marketing solution dubbed ‘Soko Makueni’, will also ensure that investors get to know of the investment opportunities available within Makueni County, offer an opportunity for traders to compare market prices from different markets and give them a chance to advertise their products and produce.


Makueni signs an MOU with Strathmore, WRI, edges in renewable sources of energy

H. E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr on Tuesday officially closed a two-days training involving chief officers on integrated energy planning and budgeting.
The closing ceremony was crowned with the signing of an MOU between the World Resources Institute (WRI), Strathmore University, and the Government of Makueni County.
The MOU outlines Makueni’s partnership on development and implementation of an Integrated County Energy Plan that gives guidelines on renewable energy resources, productive use of renewable energy and financing of County energy programs in the next 5 years.
Present during the ceremony were Ms Wanjira Mathai (Managing Director Africa and Global Partnerships -WRI), Prof Izael Da Silva (DVC Reasearch and Innovation – Strathmore University), Eng. Sebastian Kyoni (CECM Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works and Energy), Stanley Nthiw’a (County Attorney), the county solicitor, among others.

Walking the Journey with Makueni Emerging Entrepreneurs at Makueni PWD Vocational and Training Center

The Kenya Small Business Development Centers (KSBDC) in partnership with Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme II (ASDSP II) is currently spearheading a sensitization Workshop for Makueni Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on the existence of Kenya Small Business Development Centers (KSBDC) and services offered in the centers, with an aim of supporting, coaching and mentorship for sustained business growth.
KSBDC is a pilot program implemented by Strathmore University Business School (SBS) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with a vision of transferring best practices in business development and advisory services through training, consulting and policy research and market intelligence.
Makueni SBDC is located at the Makueni People with Disability Vocational Training Center Offices Off Wote Malivani road and is open for free services to emerging entrepreneurs. 
For more information kindly contact 0724679289 or send an email to

Makueni County Prepares for the Roll Out of Indigenous Knowledge Documentation and Digitization Project.

A delegation from the State Department of Culture and Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage led by Dr. Evans Taracha, the National Coordinator of the Natural Products Industry (NPI) Initiative and leader of the indigenous knowledge documentation and digitization project, met with the Makueni County project implementation team led by Peter Mumo Nyamai, the County Executive Committee Member for Trade, Industry, Marketing, Culture and Tourism, to plan for the roll out of the project.
The overall goal of the project is to advance protection, promotion and valorization (value addition) of Kenya’s indigenous knowledge and associated assets. The project will support the County government in meeting its obligations in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions Act, 2016 by setting up the County digital repository of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions and associated ICT equipment and building capacity of the County government in the documentation and digitization of indigenous knowledge.
The pilot project that is implemented in Makueni County under the Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture and Tourism is spearheaded by the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage through the Natural Products Industry (NPI) Initiative, a Kenya Vision 2030 flagship project. It is envisaged that the project will stimulate a new growth area of the economy that harnesses indigenous knowledge and associated assets.

Makueni Tourism Circuit Launched.

As a way of ensuring Makueni County becomes a major tourist destination centre, the County on Wednesday launched Makueni Tourism Circuit.
The County is an impressive tourist destination that rewards travelers with the utmost safari experiences in not only wilderness but also the unique cultures of the Angulia people (a sub-tribe of the Akamba people), caves, Chyullu hills, Masamukye hot springs, Makongo viewpoint, among other wonders.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr during the launch said that the County had all the required infrastructures such as Standard Gauge Railway, the upcoming Makindu airstrip, and the Mombasa Nairobi highway that opens the region to the outside world.
Wanderlust Diaries Ltd
Ministry of Tourism And Wildlife – Kenya
Tour Operators Society Of Kenya – TOSK

Mukuyuni set for big plans

Traders from Mukuyuni market in Kaiti constituency have started vacating from a section of the busy market, along Wote-Machakos road to pave way for the construction of a modern market.
The project, funded by the World Bank through the Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP) is being implemented by the Wote municipality.
Once completed, the market will benefit more than 150 traders who have been operating in bad conditions.
The traders applauded the county government for initiating the project which will facelift the market and generally improve the hygiene of the market.

Traders tipped to make Millions from Devolution Conference

Traders in Makueni are readying themselves for the business whirlwind expected from the 7th national devolution conference to be staged in Wote, Makueni, in April.

The traders, drawn from several sectors of the economy such as Hotel industry, Transport, hawkers, garment traders among others were on Wednesday coached on how to reap maximum business opportunities from the event.

The induction conference for the traders held at Wote, and graced by Governor Kivutha Kibwana was sponsored by the county government in partnership with the Council of Governors (CoG).

At least 8,000 delegates are expected to attend the devolution conference, posing a huge business opportunity for local traders and even from neighboring counties.

Governor Kibwana said his administration is working with KeRRA and other stakeholders to make the event a success.