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Makueni County Marks Safer Internet Day

On the 7th February 2023, the county government through the Department of ICT, Education and Internship hosted this years’ Safer Internet day in Makueni. The two day celebration was held in collaboration with Eveminet Communication Solutions Limited, an organization that is a Safer partner with Meta, TikTok and Google in Sub Saharan Africa and operating in the Education and Technology (Ed-Tech) Industry. The theme for this year was ā€˜Together For a Better Internetā€™.
The celebrations looked at a series of Online Safety roundtable engagements aimed at showcasing Innovative and Strategic advancements towards protecting children on the online space together with creating awareness and building capacities to all the players within the ecosystem of the child.
Stakeholders from key sectors around the children ecosystem were present with representation from KESSHA, Makueni Students Association, CIC and CTTI officers, students from Wote PWD centre, Ukia,Wote, Kathonzweni CICs and participation of Makueni boys and Ukia girls high schools.

90 Needy Learners Secure County Scholarships

90 pupils from needy backgrounds who sat for their KCPE in 2022 have secured full scholarships to their secondary schools of choice thanks to the County Government of Makueni.

The 90 were selected from the 30 wards after a thorough vetting exercise by the Department of Education.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr who led the scholarships award ceremony in Wote said the county government will closely monitor the awardeesā€™ educational progress so that non veers off the right course of the education system.

Makueni Human-Wildlife conflict claimants to receive compensation

Makueni Human-Wildlife conflict claimants to receive compensation from March, CS Malonza says
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Friday met Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza to fast track pending compensation claims on human-wildlife conflict cases in Makueni.
The CS disclosed that plans are underway to settle the backlog of claims received by June 2022. She said: ā€œWe will pay the pending claims. I have already approved the budget and by march we should be starting the payments to claimants of loss of live and property cases.ā€
However, the Tourism CS decried of limited resources but her ministry is pushing for establishment of conservation fund as one of the ways of supplementing budget from the exchequer. Besides settling of the unpaid claims, Malonza said they were exploring ways to end human-wildlife conflict.
Malonza further announced that the government has already committed funds to electric fence the remaining section of Kitui Game Reserve bordering Masongaleni at River Athi. ā€œI am happy that Makueni is already doing 93 Kilometres. We commit to do the remaining section that remains exposed at the kitui Game reserve,ā€ said Malonza.
Governor Mutula sought for a collaboration with the ministry to assist the county in areas of tourism promotion, wildlife conservation and culture. Technical officers from the two teams are working together to establish specific areas of partnership ahead of official signing of their engagement.

Getting Health Priorities Right

Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili on Friday presided over the Annual Performance and Mid -Year Health Services implementation Review Workshop by the top county medical cadre in Mombasa.
The workshop brought together different health sector unit heads and the sub-county health teams, directors and the executive committee member to draw a roadmap of accelerating roll out of transformative health programs in line with Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr’s vision.
The workshop sought to among others: identify the 24-hour health services provision facilities at the ward level; review past performances, identify inherent gaps and strengths in service delivery as well as setting priorities for the 2023/2024 Financial Year.
Mulili said the current Makueni administration is keen on delivering the best quality attainable healthcare to the residents of Makueni using the available resources.

Makueni Tech and Innovation hub wins the innovation hub of the year award


On the 8th December 2022 Makueni Tech and Innovation hub a project by the County Government, was awarded the National Innovation Award in the category county government innovation hub of the year for the initiative to directly support innovators.

Makueni Tech and Innovation Hub aims to provide an open space for entrepreneurs and programmers to access. It also runs periodical innovation challenges tied closely with addressing local and global challenges. The hub has reached over 1000 through its initiatives geared toward building skills through and not limited to small scale manufacturing.

Some of the initiatives the hub has run in collaboration with its partners include:

  • Running of two Innovation challenges that have allowed cross learning with the innovation hubs beyond the county thus serving as a platform for county youth to think solutions for local problems and promotion of technology based ideas
  • Providing mentorship and training by reaching the unreached through two editions of the Kids tech bootcamps and Developers bootcamp with focus on encouraging women and young girls from highschools
  • Hosted the health innovation fair that would support the department of health realize solutions geared to prioritise and address its needs
  • Ran and hosted the regional innovation week a first for the region
  • Upskilling in small scale manufacturing through Emerging tech-3D printing, NoCode
  • Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit amongst youth in areas of business through Peperusha Maisha and in collaboration with local member hub for supporting women and enabling them digitally.
  • Support with funding to the top 10 awardees from the two innovation challenges
  • Sensitized the community on the start up bill
  • Working with Eco-system stakeholders to support the community such us Konza Technopolis, Communications Authority, University of Central Missouri, Association of Countrywide Innovation Hubs, IBM, Cisco, Google, Insight Health Advisors, KIPI and YASA


The First Batch Of The Newly Appointed Chief Officers Take Oath Of Office

The first batch of the newly appointed Makueni County Chief Officers have taken oath of office today, Thursday 22nd December 2022 at the County headquarters, Wote.
They include;

Alfonce Itumo Kanunga

Information, Communication and Technology

Nicholis Mutisya Mutua

Education and Internships

Boniface Musyoki Mutua

Socio-Economic Planning, Budget, Revenue, Monitoring and Evaluation

Japheth Mutuku Kiminza

Environment, Natural Resources, Mining and Climate Change

Eng. James Moki Muli

Infrastructure, Transport and Public Works

Jackson Charo Daudi

Lands, Urban Planning and Development

Eng. David Maithya Makau

Water and Sanitation

Dr. Stephen Ndolo Kiio

Health Services

Dr. Jossylyn Nzilani Mutua

Trade, Marketing , Industry, Culture and Tourism

Daniel Mutuku Ndolo

Agriculture and Irrigation

Delivering Quality Healthcare for Sustainable Development

In an endeavour to retool the health sector in Makueni, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili and CEC Health Services Dr. Paul Musila on Tuesday held a lengthy consultative meeting with all county medical specialists to share experiences and recommendations for better healthcare.
The meeting, governor Mutula Jnr said, sought to identify the most sustainable development trajectory of the health sector through enhancing the achievements and sealing the gaps identified by the medical specialists.
Health workers promotions, provision of a conducive work environment and adequate staffing are some of the personnel issues the governor committed to address going forward.

Makuenis’ Botanical Garden tops in the Exhibition Category at the KMCF

Kee Botanical Garden from Kaiti Sub- County has emerged position one in the Exhibitions Category in the National Kenya Music and Cultural Festival (KMCF) taking place in Kitui County.
The exhibition curated by Mike Mwendwa, who is also the founder and director of the garden, scored 90% , one of the highest marks ever scored by an exhibitor at the festival.
The adjudicators commended the botanical garden for a well curated exhibition and presentation of a wide variety of live traditional medicinal plants and products.
The exhibition stand attracted many participants in the festival and other visitors were curious to learn about the live traditional medicinal plants and products.
Cabinet Secretary for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Peninah Malonza and her Director of culture are among the prominent personalities who visited the exhibition and held long discussions with the exhibitor.