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“Keeping Girls in School-Ending the Period of Shame”

The 1st Lady of Makueni County in collaboration with the Office of the Deputy Governor, the Ministry of Gender, Youth & Social Services and the Ministry of Education and Civic Education is spearheading the initiative: “Keeping Girls in School-Ending the Period of Shame” in ten (10) pilot primary schools in six Sub-counties.The broad objective of this project is to provide sanitary towels and underwear to needy school girls from disadvantaged families in Makueni County.

The first annual 1st Lady’s Fundraising Dinner for Sanitary Towels was held on Friday 30th 2014 at Kusyombunguo Hotel in Makueni. We also conducted psychoeducation and community health trainings for parents and teachers in 10 pilot schools in all the six sub-counties in Makueni.The official launch of “Keeping Girls in School-Ending the Period of Shame”project will take place on Monday June 16th at Kikongooni Primary School in Kaiti Sub-county as we also celebrate the Day of the African Child Celebrations.We, therefore,request you to join us on Friday 13th June 2014 at Sarova Panafric Hotel for the second 1st Lady’s Annual Fundraising Dinner for Sanitary Towels Why get involved:I always panic when this time comes, I remember the pain I go through when I do not have pads and I have to use pieces of old clothes.

When I use pieces of old clothes I get some bruises and burns, walking is difficult and it is very uncomfortable, during this time I want to be alone. This makes me feel very uncomfortable especially when the piece of cloth gets out of place or get soaked. I recall one day when the piece of cloth got out of place while I was in the school compound with other pupils, it was so embarrassing trying to put it back in place without raising eyebrows. Other girls made fun of me, it spread to the whole school and every one especially the boys laughed at me….. I wanted to drop out of school”-Mueni (not her real name).The 1st Lady of Makueni therefore calls upon you to support this charitable fundraising dinner as a great way of supporting the initiative of “Keeping Girls’ in School-Ending the Period of Shame”. Together Let us Keep our Girls in School and End the Period of Shame!

Tree Planting Initiative

Following the deputy governor’s tree planting initiative on 12th November 2013, the Makueni County department of Lands, Urban Planning Launched a tree-planting drive that seeks to plant one tree for each of the 884,527 residents of Makueni County with Hon. Adelina Mwau on the lead.

One of the initiatives towards achieving this objective is dubbed ‘Each Pupil Tree’ (E-PAT), targeting the 276,000 primary school pupils in the county. We have supplied a seedling for each primary school pupil, and we expect that with the support and supervision of their teachers they will tend these trees till they grow and mature.In her speech at all the schools she visited the Deputy Governor emphasized that the progress of the trees will be monitored from time to time, and after a while award the schools with the highest survival rate as well as the pupils whose trees will be the best will be awarded.

Among the schools Hon Adelina Mwau visited with the CEM Lands, Urban Planning, CEM Education and MCA Vaati, include, Utaati Primary School-Makueni District, Katitu Primary School in Kilungu District and Enzai Primary School in Mukaa District