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The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government Budget for the Financial Year 2020/2021, for the period ending 31 st March 2021. It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.

The total revenues mobilized in the first 9 months of FY 2020/21 were Kshs 6,114,904,288.29 representing 63 percent of the total budgeted revenues for the Financial Year. The overall County expenditure for the period amounted to Kshs. 4,340,822,834.09 against a Revised Budget of Kshs 11,672,939,708.37 representing an absorption rate of 27.38 percent for the first 9 months of FY 2020/2021. The recurrent expenditures were kshs 2,921,044,056.04 against a revised budget of Kshs 6,674,864,837.98 which translated to an absorption rate of 37 per cent. The development expenditure for the first 9 months of the FY 2020/21 were Kshs 1,419,778,778.05 against a revised budget of Kshs 4,998,074,870.39 representing an absorption rate of 28 percent.

The Budget was the third to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and was anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment
for increased household income.


The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for the Financial Year 2020/21, ending 30 th June 2021.It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.

The County Government had an original budget of Kshs 11,446,609,852.76 representing 56 per cent recurrent and 44 per cent development and a revised budget of Kshs 11,705,104,318.97 representing 57 per cent recurrent and 43 per cent development. The Budget was the third to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and was anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment for increased household income.


As at 30th August 2021, Makueni County had recorded 1968 cases with 166 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 2 cases have tested positive out of 13 patients tested.
The number of active cases is 137 with 105 on home-based care while 32 admitted.
Makueni has received 46,160 vaccines and has administered 44,149 of which 38,032 are first doses while 6,117 are second doses.
The committee reviewed the status of covid19 pandemic in the county and made the following communication:
1. We draw the citizens to the attention of the Presidential Address of 18th August 2021 on Review of Covid19 Containment Measures. The following is to be adhered to:
a) THAT, the hours of curfew in the territory of the Republic of Kenya shall continue to be observed from 10.00pm to 4.00am for a further containment period of 60 days.
b) THAT, all physical/in-person public gatherings and meetings, including political rallies and campaign meetings for impending by elections are hereby suspended with immediate effect for a period of 60 days. The committee notes that the County has an upcoming by-election for Nguu-Masumba ward and the same must be adhered to.
c) THAT, all other social gatherings, including weddings, celebrations of marriage or traditional unions, ceremonies of rites of passage, funeral/cremation ceremonies and all other similar events or ceremonies, shall strictly adhere to the 100-person attendance limit as prescribed.
d) THAT, in addition to the prevailing guidelines on funeral/interment ceremonies, and to further enhance compliance with the guidelines thereto, officiators and proprietors of funeral homes are to strictly adhere to the prescribed 96 hours of confirmation of death, and secure processing for burial within this period, failure to which appropriate action against management, staff, and premises shall be taken where exceptions are not justified. The committee directs all subcounty and ward emergency response committees as well as morgue operators to ensure this is adhered to.
e) THAT, places of worship nationwide, shall continue to strictly adhere to the one third (1/3) rule for in person worship and congregational worship, and protocols on hygiene and social distancing in accordance with the guidelines of the Inter Faith Council. All religious leaders should ensure compliance.
f) THAT, the operations of bars, restaurants and eateries shall continue as guided by the Ministry of Health guidelines, failure to which appropriate action against management,staff, patrons and premises shall be taken.The committee has profiled 39 bars which have been flouting the Covid 19 guidelines and keenly monitoring.Any one found operating outside the guidelines will have restaurants and
g) THAT, National Government Administration Officers are to secure compliance of these directives without fail.
Responsibility and consequence for breach shall be borne by the National Government Administration Officers in whose jurisdiction the breach occurs. The county administration should work hand in hand with NGAO in their areas of jurisdiction
h) THAT, in enforcing these measures all security sector agencies are directed to ensure that organizers and/or individual leaders, including senior public-sector officials and political leaders take personal responsibility and are held to account for any violation of the measures. There will be no selective application of the law.
2. All containment measures as issued by the ministry of health must be adhered to at all times. These include:
  • Hand Hygiene – Proper hand washing with soap and water or use of alcohol based hand sanitizer
  • Proper wearing of face mask including maintaining good hygiene of the masks and proper disposal
  • Social distancing while in public places
3. We have noted laxity within the transport sector. The committee noted that PSVs were allowed to carry to 100% capacity. The following must however be adhered to:
  • Washing hands or sanitization before boarding
  • All passenger to properly wear face masks while boarding and maintain throughout the journey
  • Checking temperature for all passengers before boarding
  • All windows to remain open to allow air circulation
  • No vehicle is allowed to carry excess passengers. Wananchi should not board already full matatus (avoid sambaza seats)
  • The committee directs that ;Random spot checks and full enforcement of these guidelines will continue
4.All learning institutions are expected to remain vigilant on covid19 containment measures and ensure they have designated isolation spaces within the institution. Heads of these institutions are advised to work hand-in-hand with the department of health services for testing of suspected students and isolation of those who turn positive.
5.Vaccination for all those who are eligible is ongoing in the approved vaccination centers. These are:
1.Mutyambua Subcounty Hospital -Public
2.Mukuyuni Subcounty Hospital -Public
3.Tawa Subcounty Hospital-Public
4.Matiliku Subcounty Hospital-Public
5.Makindu Subcounty Hospital-Public
6.Mbooni Subcounty Hospital-Public
7.Kisau Subcounty Hospital-Public
8.Sultan Hamud Subcounty Hospital-Public
9.Makueni County Referral Hospital-Public
10.Kibwezi Subcounty Hospital-Public
11.Kambu Subcounty Hospital+Public
12.Mtito Andei Subcounty Hospital-Public
13.Kilungu Subcounty Hospital-Public
14.Kikoko Mission Hospital-FBO
15.Ralpha Hospital-Private
16.Royal Star Hospital-Private
17.Kilome Nursing Home-Private
18.Mulatya Memorial Hospital-Private
The vaccines are available in these facilities at no charge.
The department of health will continue to offer outreach services to other facilities to increase vaccination coverage.
The committee has noted with concern the many myths and misconceptions about the vaccines. We want to reassure all members of public that the vaccines offered within the republic of Kenya are effective and safe.
Further, we encourage anyone who has suspicious covid19 symptoms to come forward for testing within our health facilities
6. We thank all the well-wishers who have continued to support the county with donations of food, masks, sanitizers and hand washing facilities through the CERC. We appreciate the continued support from National government through donation of masks and alcohol based hand sanitizers. We continue to welcome more donations.
Cash donations can be forwarded to the Makueni County Covid19 Solidarity fund through the following account:
Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank
Account Name: Makueni County COVID -19 Solidarity
Account Number: 1273040236
The county has an operational Public Emergency Operation Center Telephone/Hotline: (Toll Free), 0800721013
H.E. Hon. Adelina Mwau – Deputy Governor/Ag. CECM Health Services
Maalim Mohamed, MBS – County Commissioner, Makueni County

Makueni ready to host the country for the 7th Devolution Conference

Makueni ready to host the country for the 7th Devolution Conference

Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana on Friday hosted a high powered team from the Council of Governors, the senate and the national government who are in the county to assess its preparedness of Makueni County to host the seventh and the final annual devolution conference that is set to kick-off approximately in a month’s time.

Kisii governor James Ongwae who is the chairperson of the devolution conference planning committee, and led the team, noted that all delegates attending the conference will be vaccinated against Covid-19 before then, as one of the measures to prevent spreading of corona virus among the masses.

Kibwana assured the team that plans were on top gear to make sure that the 4-day conference will be a success adding that the county is working very closely with the Ministry of Health to ensure that all protocols will be  observed to keep Covid-19 on check.


School-going children benefit from dignity packs

5,000 school going children benefit from dignity packs

Close to 5000 school going children drawn from various learning institutions in Makueni have benefitted from dignity packs in a bid to improve their personal hygiene and overall performance in schools.

The initiative, spearheaded by the County First Lady Nazi Kivutha in partnership with the department of Gender, Children, Culture and Social Services, entails distribution of dignity packs for both boys and girls and sensitization on menstrual hygiene management and general personal hygiene.

School-going children in Makueni benefit from dignity packs

The dignity pack for the boys include three inner wears, bar soap, toothbrush and paste while the girls received extra packets of sanitary towels each to last them approximately a term in school.

According to Nazi, lack of sanitary towels is one of the major causes of absenteeism from schools leading to poor performance and in other cases dropping out of schools. As such, the program will lead to improved retention of girls in schools.

The program that closed on Thursday at Malili Township primary school and ABC Ngaamba Secondary school in Malili sub-county targeted boys and girls in disadvantaged primary and secondary schools, county technical training institutes as well as special schools.


Government of Kenya Treasury Circular No. 3/2009 issued by the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance mandates all Public Sector Accounting Officers, Chief Executives of State Corporations and Clerks to Local Authorities to develop and implement an institutional Risk Management Policy Framework. The framework should enable
management to focus in a comprehensive and holistic basis on all risks faced by the public institution which could impact on the achievement of strategic objectives as well as service delivery targets and thereby enhance accountability to public sector stakeholders.

In line with this requirement, the County Government of Makueni is committed to protecting itself, county public servants and others from situations or events that would prevent it from achieving its strategic goals and objectives. Risk management is an integral part of good governance, good management practice and the assurance of safe and productive workplace environment. This
framework will institutionalize an efficient and effective systematic approach to managing risks and opportunities in the County.


Makueni County ERM Policy 705.95 KB 902 downloads


Call for Submissions on Pending Bills


Section 148 (1) of the PFM Act, 2012 stipulates that a County Executive Committee member for finance shall, except as otherwise provided by law, in writing designate accounting officers to be responsible for managing the finances of the County Government entities as is specified in the designation. Pending bills form part of the County Government finances which have to be managed.

During the 56th Madaraka Day celebrations held on 1st June 2019, H.E The President called upon the County Governments to settle all genuine pending bills.

The Inter-Governmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) held a meeting on 18th June, 2019 and provided a framework for resolution of the ineligible pending bills. Accordingly, all County Governments were required to establish County Pending Bills Committee.

The Government of Makueni County has already established the Pending Bills Committee with clear mandate as stipulated in the Terms of Reference.

In regard to the above we are calling upon all Suppliers, Contractors and Staff with pending bill/s against the County Government of Makueni as at 30th June 2020 to submit their claim documents addressed to the undersigned and clearly labelled ‘Pending Bills’. The documents should be dropped at the White Box labelled ‘Pending Bills’ located at the County Treasury offices at MAP by close of business on 15th July,2021.

The County Executive Committee Member for Finance and Socio Economic Planning & Head of County Treasury

P.O BOX 78-90300


Makueni County Climate Change Fund Management Board unveiled

Members of the first County Climate Fund Management Board on Thursday took oath of office in a swearing in ceremony witnessed by Governor Kivutha Kibwana, his deputy Adelina Mwau and other senior county officials.

The board, whose main duty is to manage the climate change fund, will specifically approve the climate change budget, allocate resources, mainstream climate change projects, programs and activities in county planning and budgeting, and ensure their approval and inclusion in the County Integrated Development Plan. In addition, it will monitor disbursements, oversee budget execution, implementation and evaluation of climate programs and projects.

Governor Kibwana, while congratulating the members, asked them to be keen to implement the climate change regulations and policy that are already in place so as to help cushion the residents from the harsh effects of climate change.

Further, Kibwana urged the board to partner with the climate change committees based at the wards level to provide appropriate and robust climate change responses to specific needs.

The county government sets aside 2% of its annual development budget to the climate change fund. Other sources of funding include; moneys appropriated by the County Assembly; International Climate Finance (ICF) received directly or through the National Designated Authority and funds received from donors, stakeholders and supporters.