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Day: March 15, 2023

Makueni to deliver Emergency Drugs through Drone Services

Health facilities in Makueni will soon be able to receive essential and emergency medical supplies through aerospace, thanks to a partnership between the county government of Makueni and NARMA INCL. a Korean aerospace research institute that develops state of art delivery drones and services.
Deputy governor H.E Lucy Mulili, ECM Paul Musila (Health), Chief Officers; Stephen Ndolo (Health) and Japheth Kiminza (Environment, natural resources, mining and climate change) hosted officials from the company on Wednesday where they talked on a myriad areas of collaboration.
Eng. Suho Jung, the projects manager noted that the partnership seeks to improve on the timelines of delivering medical supplies especially those listed as emergency drugs such as anti – venom vaccines, anti – rabbis, blood among others via drone services.
The officials from NARMA INCL. are in Makueni for a recceing visit and to acquint themselves with the county’s topography before flying drones in the county.
Dr.Stan Kivai,chair Makueni Climate Change Fund Board said that they engaged the Korea International Corporation Agency (KOICA) through their resource mobilization aspect to bring the services to Makueni adding that the drones would considerably reduce the energy consumption.
Dr.Kivai was accompanied by Angeline Katunga, a member of the Climate Change Fund Board.

10 villages in Muvau-Kikumini to benefit from Sh 50M Rehabilitated Ndukuma Earth Dam

Ten villages in Muvau-Kikumini ward are set to benefit with sustainable water supply for both domestic use and micro-irrigation from the newly rehabilitated Ndukuma earth dam. The ten villages are Ndukuma, Kaseve, Nthembe, Mandoi Miteveni, Wendo, Munyuni, Nzaai, Kiatine and Mumbuni .
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Tuesday officially flagged off rehabilitation works for restoration of the dam to its original capacity after years of silting.
The department of Water and Sanitation began the works on 21st November 2022 using own machinery and has hired more from the National Youth Service (NYS) to speed up completion before onset of the March-May rains. The dam is expected to be complete by 24th March 2023 and will have cost Kshs 50 Million.
When complete, the dam reservoir will have a holding capacity of 365,000 cubic meters of water (365,000,000 litres) up from the current 162,000 cubic meters capacity after many years of silt accumulation.

Nairobi seeks to adopt the Maisha Med Technology system, learns from Makueni.

Makueni county delegation led by CECMs Elizabeth Muli (ICT, Education and Internship) and Dr. Paul Musila(Health Services) met with Nairobi county Health, Wellness and Nutrition Sector team led by the CECM, Dr Anastasia Nyalita to showcase the experience Makueni county has had with Maisha Med Technology in management of health commodities supplied by KEMSA.
The system used in Makueni facilitates better transparency and accountability across the supply chain system and contribute to inventory accuracy up to the health facilities.
ECM Ms.Elizabeth Muli

2023 Makueni County Debt Management Strategy Paper

The 2023 Medium Term Debt Strategy Paper is prepared in accordance with Section 123 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It is the first to implement the third generation CIDP 2023-2027 and is prepared annually on a three year rolling basis covering a period of three years 2023/24 – 2025/26. 


The debt strategy paper guides on debt management practices of the county government which includes the issuance process, management of the debt portfolio, and adherence to various laws and regulations governing debt contracting and management.  It guides the county on the amount, type of borrowing to undertake over the medium term and evaluates the costs and risks of various scenarios and recommends an optimal strategy for implementation. The strategy ensures fiscal prudence in management of county resources to ensure debt is sustainable and is met at the lowest possible cost and with a prudent degree of risk while ensuring that the overall level of public debt is sustainable.


In the medium term, the county will enhance the resource mobilization strategies both internally and externally to fund the development programmes and priorities envisaged in CIDP III. To fund the government priorities in the medium term, the county will seek strategic partnerships to meet the fiscal gap in the implementation of the CIDP and strategic intervention. Key strategy is mobilizing additional resources above the national government transfers and the county own revenue mobilization. Additionally, the government will continuously manage its cash flow through short term lending from commercial banks to offset delays in equitable share disbursements and own source revenue mobilization.


The Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy is consistent with the broad strategic priorities and policy goals set out in the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), 2023. The strategies are set on the background of recovery from post COVID-19 pandemic and in the advent of new county administration.

Makueni County FY 2022-23 Q2 Budget Implementation Report

The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for half year of the Financial Year 2022/23, ending 31st December 2022.It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.

The County Government Revised Budget (1) for FY 2022/23 is Kshs 11,529,598,474.31 with Kshs 7,678,723,994.74 (67%) directed towards recurrent budget and 3,850,874,479.57 (33%) directed towards development budget.


The overall revenue performance for half year of FY 2022/23 ending 31st December 2022 was 23.04 percent. (Kshs 2,358,803,704.82).The equitable share and Conditional allocations loans and grants amounted to Kshs 2,044,940,889.80 representing 87 percent of the total actual receipts for the half year of the financial year.  Own Source Revenue performed at 25 percent, for the first six months of the financial year.


The County recorded an overall cumulative absorption rate of 25 percent (Kshs 2,938,257,833.87) for the period ending 31st December 2022. Personnel emoluments recorded the highest abosption at 45 per cent (Kshs 1,996,294,414.35) whereas operations and maintenance recorded a 20 percent absorption rate (Kshs 661,981,907.52). Development expenditure amounted to (Kshs 279,981,512.00) representing 7 percent absorption rate

The County Government made exchequer requisition amounting to Kshs. 2,788,626,649.00 during the period.  Kshs. 399,938,590 was for County Assembly while   Ksh.s 2,388,688,059 was for County Executive.

The County Government development projects for implementation in FY 2022/23 are 1,218 in number. As at 31st December 2022, 3 percent of the projects were competed and in use, 21 percent completed to scope, 10 percent ongoing, 65 percent not started and 1 percent stalled.

2023 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper

The 2023 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the first to implement the CIDP 111 2023-2027 which is being finalised. The 2023 CFSP is prepared pursuant to Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (PFMA) Section 117 and outlines the development framework for the FY 2023/24-FY 2025/26 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Period. The CFSP outlines the strategic priorities, programmes and development agenda for FY 2023/24. 

The FY 2023/24 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework will be guided by the development philosophy of Wauni wa Kwika Nesa na Ulungalu” – the desire to do good with integrity. With a rallying call for “Our people, our Priority”. The development theme for the Financial Year will be ‘enhancing efficiency for economic growth and community resilience’ and will be guided by the following principles;  infrastructure development for rural and urban areas to improve access to roads, water and sanitation;  strengthening cooperatives as vehicle for rural transformation;  improving access to universal health coverage; building strategic partnerships for enhanced resource mobilization; automation of government services;  youth empowerment and innovation; strengthening public finance management and  public sector transformation for performance oriented results and decentralized government services.

The FY 2023/24 revenues are projected to increase to Kshs 10,191,980,170.00 from Kshs 9,832,783,562.00 in FY 2022/23 representing a growth of 4 per cent.  The budget will be funded from three main sources namely equitable share – 81.8 percent, Conditional Allocations, loans and Grants – 8.3 percent and Own Source Revenue at 9.8 percent. The government is committed to enhance its resource mobilization strategies by building strategic partnerships for development to ensure delivery of the envisaged development outcomes in the medium term.

The recurrent expenditure for the FY 2023/24 is projected to be Kshs 6,866,046,086.87 an increase of 3 per cent from Kshs 6,660,769,154.00 in the printed estimates for FY 2022/23. The Development Expenditure is estimated to be Kshs 3,325,934,083.13 representing 32% of the total County Budget.

To deliver the envisaged results, all Accounting Officers are encouraged to strengthen their service delivery mechanisms to ensure the services are responsive to the needs of the citizenry. Each department will also be expected to put in place mechanisms to ensure full decentralization to the sub counties and wards. Additionally Departments and entities should embrace automation for efficiency in service delivery.