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Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Monday received a donation of IT equipment from KCEP-CRAL officials.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Monday received a donation of IT equipment from Kenya Cereal Enhancement Program Climate Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods (KCEP-CRAL) officials to boost the Sub-County Agricultural Officers’ performance on data and information management flow.
The KCEP-CRAL team led by the Senior Program Coordinator Dr. Cosmas Munyeke was in Makueni for an official introductory meeting on the program to the governor as they hand over the equipment.
KCEP-CRAL program, which kicked off in 2018 in Makueni, aims to reduce rural poverty and food insecurity among smallholder farmers in arid and semi-arid lands by developing their economic potential, while improving their natural resource management capacity and resilience to climate change in an increasingly fragile ecosystem.
At least 16,000 subsistence farmers have benefited from the program through the provision of farm inputs through e- voucher system, financial inclusion, post-production management practices and market linkages for targeted value chains.

Opening up roads to enhance communication and trading activities

In an effort to enhance communication and trading activities in Makueni and Kibwezi West sub counties,Deputy Governor H.E Lucy Mulili on Friday launched construction of the the 31.5 kilometers Kwa Mutula road,a critical road linking Mbitini,Emali all through to Kasikeu wards.
In her speech to the residents at Kwa Mutula Market,Mulili stated that upon completion in three months time,the road is expected to open up Makueni-Kibwezi West’s food basket to the rest of the county.
To urbanize the region even further, the Deputy Governor reiterated Governor Mutula administration ‘s commitment to elevate Emali-Sultan Municipality status.
She reported that roads are an enabler of development and a driver of the economy by providing linkages between farmers and markets.
Deputy Governor was flanked by Speaker Douglas Mbilu, ECMs Sebastian Kyoni(Roads and transport),Daniel Musila(Health), chief officers Stephen Ndolo(health),Eng.James Muli(roads) Mcas, Cosmus Mutunga (Emali-Mulala) Benard Mutua(Mbitini) among other leaders.

Planning of Makindu Town Kicks Off.

The department of Lands and Urban Planning has kicked off planning of Makindu town to among others enhance streamlined development; increase the town’s investment attractiveness as well as protect public land which has allegedly been heavily grabbed or encroached. 
The planning exercise will also ensure the 5,050 plot owners receive title deeds for their allotments. Out of the 5,050 plots within the planning area, only two have title deeds since the last planning of 1978.
The planning exercise begun with a stakeholder engagement forum to acknowledge the planning needs of the community at Makindu town Wednesday 12th April 2023.
Lands Executive Committee Member Dr. Sonia Nzilani who led the stakeholder engagement forum also unveiled a consultant who will lead the process.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr inaugurated as the Patron, Kenya Red Cross Society, Makueni

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, the Kenya Red Cross Governor Geoffrey Korir, head of departments, regional chair, regional manager, and red cross county management teams on Wednesday held a discussion on strengthening partnerships in the humanitarian field, especially in areas of disaster management, climate change, water and sanitation, food security and health.
The KRCS team also inaugurated Governor Mutula to be KRCS patron in the county whereby the major role of the governor will be to oversee all Red Cross programs in the county and offer support in the body’s activities through diverse partnerships as well as resource mobilization.

Makueni Tourism Circuit Launched.

As a way of ensuring Makueni County becomes a major tourist destination centre, the County on Wednesday launched Makueni Tourism Circuit.
The County is an impressive tourist destination that rewards travelers with the utmost safari experiences in not only wilderness but also the unique cultures of the Angulia people (a sub-tribe of the Akamba people), caves, Chyullu hills, Masamukye hot springs, Makongo viewpoint, among other wonders.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr during the launch said that the County had all the required infrastructures such as Standard Gauge Railway, the upcoming Makindu airstrip, and the Mombasa Nairobi highway that opens the region to the outside world.
Wanderlust Diaries Ltd
Ministry of Tourism And Wildlife – Kenya
Tour Operators Society Of Kenya – TOSK

A Makueni Mountaineer, Bound to Climb Mt. Everest over Climate Change.

Dr. Faith Mwende a mountaineer from Kilungu, Makueni County on Thursday was officially handed over the Makueni flag by Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr to a long journey to summit Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world with the aim of creating awareness of the unprecedented speed and magnitude of climate change, mental health, and promote peace.
Mwende, a mental health champion who has climbed major mountains in Kenya says that her passion for mountaineering started while growing up in the hilly region of Kilungu.
“I want to showcase the beauty of Makueni County. When I was going up Mt. Kilimanjaro for the 3rd time, I realized an increase in snowfall and also found a lot of litter. If you’re not at peace with the environment then it leads to mental health,” Mwende said
Governor Mutula speaking during the ceremony asked her to become a Makueni climate change champion saying that Makueni had been adversely affected by the effects of climate change.
Makueni has of late faced sand flooding, cutting down of trees, and burning of forests in areas such as Nzaui hills, Makuli Forest, and Katende, among other forested regions.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr attended ward-level County Budget Public Participation for the FY 2023/24 at Kalawani social hall, Tulimani ward, Mbooni.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr attended ward-level County Budget Public Participation for the FY 2023/24 at Kalawani social hall, Tulimani ward, Mbooni, where he emphasized the need for public input for a better decision process.
The governor challenged residents to also look at national government projects that are a priority to them.
“Look at various life-changing projects from water, roads among others so that after 4 years I can have an interview by the people based on the performance,” he said
Later he condoled with the family of the late Dorcus Kyande, 96, mother to Stephen Kivindu Kyande, former Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), commissioner, domestic tax, at her Wambuli home, within Tulimani ward.
Dorcus was eulogized as a dedicated farmer, clothed with strength and dignity till her demise.
The burial was also attended by various leaders among them Wiper party leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka.

Kalawa Ward To Get Universal Water Supply.

Kalawa ward, one of Makueni’s water stressed areas is set to achieve atleast 80 percent water supply by end of the year after completion of Athi-Kalawa Water project. 
During a working tour of the ward on Friday, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr inspected the project and pledged all his government’s support to ensure the project is completed and water distributed to residents. 
The project is a joint partnership between the county government and World Vision to draw water from River Athi, treatment and distribution. 
Governor Mutula also launched construction works for Kanini Kaseo micro-irrigation project at Thwake sub-location in the ward. The project which draws water from River Thwake will support 34 households and four schools to do irrigation agriculture geared towards food security in the area.
The department of Water and Sanitation will sink five boreholes while World Vision will rehabilitate three existing ones to serve the people before completion of Athi-Kalawa project.

Local farmers benefit from Goat Improvement Program for increased household income

At least 400 farmers from Kikumbulyu South Ward on Wednesday benefited from goat improvement programme that is aimed at increasing milk production and household income.  The initiative involved provision of Galla breeding bucks and does and capacity building of the farmers on best goat management practices. The Galla goats were also vaccinated against Contagious Caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) by a Vet doctor before the distribution exercise. 
According to livestock and  veterinary experts, the Galla breed has a faster growth rate, has higher market weight and produces higher milk yields, compared to the Small East African Goat, the dominant breed in the ward.
The distribution of the Galla breed was commissioned by Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili who was hosted by Agriculture Executive Joyce Mutua and Area MCA Jades Kalunda at Mkamba cultural Centre in Mikiyuni.
Mulili lauded the initiative and urged the farmers to invest massively in the best breeding practise to improve livelihoods.  Mutua called on Makueni residents to prioritize agriculture, irrigation and livestock projects during this year’s public participation process.