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Makueni Agricultural Show

Government of Makueni for the first time on 16th and 17th June, 2017 held ground breaking Agricultural and Trade affair at Makindu show ground an event which was opened by HE Pro. Kivutha Kibwana aimed at letting people of Makueni County be in the know and bringing general education to the footsteps of the community.

The Department of Water, Irrigation and & Environment actively participated by engaging their valued stakeholders in Environment and Natural resource Conservation and management rich Makueni county by exhibiting on successes and innovative technologies able to propel their community to achieve sustainable natural resource conservation and management as well as foster co-existence of human and wildlife in their biodiversity.
Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest service, Kenya Forestry Research Institute and Anglican Development Services Eastern were some of the stakeholders which were invited by Assistant Director, Environment via a letter dated 12thJune, 2017. The Directorate of Environment had the opportunity to show to the community all that they have done through a documentary that was done by the directorate among many things.
The event which took two days of entertainment and education from the Department of W.I & E and Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest service, Kenya Forestry Research Institute and Anglican Development Services Eastern since were some of the stakeholders which were invited by Assistant Director, Environment via a letter dated 12th June, 2017.
Prepared by Claudia Katheu.

Tree Growing and Conservation Awards

The grand award of celebrating the Kenyan Heroes in Tree Growing and Conservation 2017 was a premier event organized by Kenya Forest Service at the Headquarters of Karura Forest being officiated by Her Excellency Margret Kenyatta.

Fifty-nine conservationists and tree growers among them the County Government of Makueni were recognized for the effort and determination of making the Kenyan Forest cover rise to 7.4per cent from 6.9per cent in 2010. The objective of the initiative is to turn the forest cover from 7.4percent to 10per cent as per the Vision 2030.

The awardees were drawn from the 47 counties since 514 members had applied. They all went through a panel. Evaluation was done from the headquarters depending on the three ecological zones and amount of rainfall each area receives.

Awardees who included individuals, schools, cooperates, groups of disabilities, community, farmers, state agencies and counties received medals and certificates.

Her Excellency first lady congratulated the awardees citing the huge benefits and the various roles that forests play all over the world and playing a key role to balance nature.

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources Pro. Judi Wakhugu said the 70per cent of Kenyans who depend on fuel exerts pressure on our forests.

The minister of Water Irrigation and Environment, Makueni County Mr. Douglas Mbilu accompanied his team to celebrate and receive the award of the life-size achievement for the Directorate of Environment.


Mr. Mbilu interacted with Pro. Judi Wakhugu, the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Recourses with whom they shared different tactics in their field of work bearing in mind they both head the department of Environment in County and National Government respectively.

Speaking on phone to the local radio stations Mr. Mbilu was overwhelmed for the achievement they have got so far as a directorate and urged the residents of Makueni County to conserve the environment and protect the reafforesteted hills.


Report by: Claudia Katheu.

World Environment Day 2017

The World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. On June 5th the nations of the world came together in making the day. Worldwide, it was held in Canada and Egerton took the privilege of hosting the event countrywide as the other Counties do it.

“Connecting people to nature” the theme of World Environment Day 2017, implores us to get outdoors and in to nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to forward the call to protect the earth that we share.

Assistant Director Environment- Joseph Munyao explaining 2017’s theme

 ‘Without a healthy environment we cannot end poverty or build prosperity. We all have a role to play in protecting our only homes: we can use less plastic, drive less, waste less food and teach each other to care’ secretary-general, Antonio Guterres.

Just like philosopher Antonio said in the above statement, Makueni County used the UN Environment-led global event to showcase to the people the beauty of its natural environment on land and water and how to conserve.

County Warden addressing the crowd on importance of conservation

Mtito Andei been the host town, the department of Water, Irrigation and Environment (W.I.E) in Makueni County, partnered with Kenya Wildlife Service, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Serena Hotel, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), and primary school pupils joined hands to clean up the outskirts Mtito Andei town.

Stakeholders, partners and pupils cleaning the outskirts of Mtito Andei

To celebrate World Environment Day 2017, Kenya Wildlife Service offered free entrance to Tsavo West to those who participated in making the World Environment Day successful in Makueni County