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Over 120 young people graduate from free advanced ICT training initiative

At least 120 youth from across the county have graduated from a 3-week free advanced ICT training program under “Tusomeei Computer Nduani” initiative fully funded by the County Government of Makueni.

The training was geared at equipping the young people with computational thinking and problem solving skills in order for them to succeed in the ever changing digital world.

They were competitively selected, 4 from each of the 30 wards and intensively trained on Web Design, Computer Hardware and Software, Graphics Design and computer Networks, with each trainee choosing an area of interest.

Konza Technopolis Development Authority CEO Eng John Tanui who addressed the graduands at Wote Technical Training Institute grounds on Friday said that the training was so timely with the Konza city taking shaping that it will provide a myriad of opportunities for the skilled young people.

“Konza Technopolis will be a sustainable, world-class technology hub and a major economic driver for Kenya, with a vibrant mix of businesses, workers, residents, and urban amenities. The skills you have acquired through this program are tools that prepare you to be among the key experts working at Konza as part of the journey to transform Kenya and Africa using ICT,” Tanui said.

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau who presided over the ceremony urged the graduands to take advantage of the skills they had acquired and exploit them to become resourceful and create job opportunities for other people in the society.

“What we require from you our graduands is focus and exploitation of the opportunities in ICT that will enable you earn income and create jobs. Not just using it in social media-WhatsApp, twitter and Facebook,” stated Mwau.

The over 120 youth who graduated from free advanced ICT training initiative.

Testimonies by some of the graduands tell of a people who have been empowered with technical skills and ready to face the world despite the increasing cases of unemployment among the young people.

Through the department of Education, Youth, Sports and ICT, the county government has trained other 4000 young people on basic ICT knowledge and has also established 15 Community Information Centres across the county where the citizenry are trained on basic ICT programs as well as access government services online.

Competence Based Curriculum Good for the Country-Kibwana

Governor Kivutha Kibwana has urged for proper mechanisms to implement the Competence Based Curriculum.

Kibwana waded into the subject that has put the education ministry at loggerheads with the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) officials over its implementation, saying the new curriculum is good for the countries development.

“The Competence Based Curriculum allows learners to gain practical skills and focus more on their future career building subjects as opposed to reading purely for exams,” said the governor.

“It is understandable that the current teachers were trained purely for the 8-4-4 system and thus proper training on the new curriculum is required. Efforts should be made to train teachers during holiday seasons and the requisite infrastructure put in place if the new curriculum is to takeoff,” he said further.

According to him, Africa lacks a well-structured education system, and this explains the zeal to acquire higher education from outside the continent by a majority of Kenyans.

He however said the Kenyan CBC if well implemented has the potential to cure this deficiency and drive the country’s development to higher heights.

Kibwana spoke Thursday when he presided over a mentorship event for 236 secondary school students from Makueni who are under county scholarships in different schools.

The 236 are among 287 from needy backgrounds who secured opportunities in national secondary schools but could not report for lack of fees. The county has sponsored their full secondary education, while those who score B+ and above also benefit from scholarships to tertiary institutions.

Besides the 287 scholarships, the county has also awarded scholarships to 42,000 learners since 2014 at a cumulative cost of over Sh 300M.

We have invested over Sh 250 million on bursaries and scholarships since 2013: Mwau

Makueni County government has spent over Sh 250 million on bursaries and scholarships to support at least 36,000 bright students from poor families to pursue education.

Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau said the government is in its final stage of establishing an Education Fund to put more resources on education as it acknowledges it is an investment for the future of the county.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. To increase Makueni share in supporting transition and retention in schools, the County is in its final stages of developing the long awaited “County Education Fund,” the Deputy Governor said.

But the DG revealed that lack of innovation and invention is the true challenge of education in this country and urged teachers to make learning effective and interactive in order to achieve 100% transition.

Mwau further noted that county government is in the forefront in the adoption of the new system by partnering with YASA, an organisation that deals with youth to mentor girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

“We have made strides with the adoption of a new curriculum focused rightly so on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Partnering with the ministry and YASA, our county has purposed to mentor at least nine schools for one year and improve Girls in STEM,” she said.

She was speaking when she closed the seventh edition of the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association-Makueni Chapter at the Nyali Sun African Hotel in Mombasa.

KESSHA Makueni Chapter Chairman Julius Mutwii who was the host and also leader of a team handling the County Education Fund details termed it as a noble idea that will keep hope alive for the children. He also assured the government of their unwavering support to fully realise the initiative.

He said: “This is a very noble idea whose time has come because more of our students from needy backgrounds will have opportunities to pursue their academic dreams. We therefore as principals in Makueni fully support it.”

She was accompanied by the County Water Executive Bob Kisyula, Education and Trade executive members Joshua Wambua and Eng Sebastian Kyoni respectively.

Makueni to establish an Education Fund to support needy and bright students

Makueni County is in the process of establishing the Makueni Education Fund, a kitty to cater for increasing cases of bright and needy students in the county annually, Education and Youth Executive Committee Member Joshua Wambua has said.

Wambua said that the County Government of Makueni has continued to receive an increasing number of applicants for both bursaries and scholarships each year adding that the County budget cannot sustain the applications.

“We are in the process of establishing a larger kitty, the Makueni Education Fund in order to address the increasing cases of bright and needy children. Our County Budget cannot sustain these cases thus the reason for this noble course,” the ECM said.

He was speaking in Mombasa on Thursday where county officials led by Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau met secondary school head teachers during this year’s Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association conference for Makueni chapter at the Nyali Sun African Beach Hotel.

County officials led by Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau meeting secondary school head teachers during this year’s KeSSHA conference for Makueni Chapter at the Nyali Sun African Beach Hotel

According to Wambua, the overall aim of the fund will be to mobilize financial resources and provide financial assistance to Makueni bright and needy students in their pursuit of higher education, allocate funds and grants for seminars and Conferences and research and other related educational purposes.

He further observed that though constitutionally primary, secondary and university education are not devolved, the County Government cannot escape from supporting them due to their proximity and presence where the people are.

Adelina Mwau stated that the fund was a step to increase Makueni share in supporting transition and retention in schools through supporting as many needy and bright students as possible  thus increasing their chances to better their future.

KESSHA Makueni Chapter chairman Julius Mutwii who was the host and also the leader of a team handling the fund details termed it as a noble idea that will keep hope alive for the children. He also assured the county government of their unwavering support to fully realise the initiative.

He said: “This is a very noble idea whose time has come because more of our students from needy backgrounds will have opportunities to pursue their academic dreams. We therefore as principals in Makueni fully support it.”

Counties urged to move into action towards addressing climate change

Counties have been urged to move into action towards addressing the adverse effects of climate change as time is ripe to shift to implementation of the existing climatic policies.

African Centre for Technology Studies Head of Climate Change Programme Dr Joanes Atela said that we have many crucial policies on climate change but of more paramount is to put them into action.

 “There is an abundance of climate policies. This is crucial, but perhaps more important now is to shift focus to the implementation of the policies. We need to explore innovative approaches, and document such, that would contribute to effectively addressing the effects of climate challenge,” Atela stated.

Atela further noted that to effectively address climate change, focus now should be on fostering concerted efforts saying that everyone has a part to play in tackling the climate change menace.

Atela Said: “Effectively addressing climate change requires all hands on deck. Each of you holds the key to a crucial piece of the puzzle.”

Dr. Atela spoke on Wednesday during the mapping and upscaling of climate change action in Kenya conference held at Wote in Makueni County.

The two-day workshop which attracted delegates from the 47 counties seeks to map and catalyze the extent of climate action in Kenya counties, and foster peer learning on how to catalyze and scale climate action in the country.

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau who officially opened the conference stated that the county had made some major milestones towards combating climate change.

She observed that the county has constructed  sand dams in major rivers, banned sand harvesting in rivers and promoted water harvesting through several initiatives, among them the merry go round program for buying group members water tanks among other interventions within Makueni.

At least 120 youth in Makueni to benefit from free Advanced ICT Training

120 youth in Makueni are set to benefit from free three-weeks Advanced ICT Training under the Tusomeei Computer Nduani initiative, courtesy of the County Government of Makueni.

The training which began on Monday, aims at equipping the youth with computational thinking and problem solving skills in order for them to succeed in the ever changing digital world.

The young people who were competitively selected, 4 from each of the 30 wards will be intensively trained on Web Design, Computer Hardware and Software, Graphics Design and computer Networks with each trainee choosing one area of interest.

According to Kivuva Mwangangi of Emali-Mulala ward, a beneficiary of the program and a graduate of Computer Science from Maseno University, the initiative has given him a platform to perfect his networking skills especially after experiencing some challenges in the field immediately after his graduation.

“After graduating from Maseno with a degree in Computer Science, I was shocked I could experience some difficulties in field work. When I saw this opportunity, I was excited because I knew it was a good avenue for me to perfect my networking skills,” Mwangangi said.

The trainees, according to Youth and ICT Executive Dr. Joshua Wambua, will in the long run be employable, have hands on skills to create websites or be ripe for start-up ventures using the digital skills gained.

At Least 50 Women in Makueni to Benefit from Free Fistula Surgeries

Over 50 women living with fistula related complications in Makueni County are expected to receive free surgeries and medical advice in a weeklong free Fistula Camp at the Makueni County Referral Hospital.

The execrise which began last week Friday 29th and runs to April 6th was officially flagged off on Monday by Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, Safaricom Foundation’s Assistant Programmes Analyst Antony Otieno and Council Member, Flying Doctors Society of Africa Illa Devani.

The activity, courtesy of a partnership between the County Government, Safaricom Foundation and Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa aims at creating awareness about fistula and the importance of quality maternal health services.

Since Friday, at least 100 women have been screened and 23 admitted at the Mother and Child Hospital, Wote, for surgeries which commenced on Monday.

Accounts by some of the women admitted for surgery tell of a people who have been living in delibitating conditions with a near withdrawal from all social activities due to stigma.

The Mother and Child Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr. Doris Mbithi said victims of this condition suffer from depression, rejection and trauma and choose to suffer in silence as the cost for corrective surgery is prohibitive to many.

A normal corrective surgery costs at least Sh 65,000 and requires specialised medical procedures.

The World Health Organization has termed fistula as the single most dramatic aftermath of neglected childbirth estimating that more than 2 million women live with fistula worldwide.

It is estimated that there are 3,000 new fistula cases in Kenya each year, and only 7.5 percent of these are able to access medical care.

This means that every year, more than 2,700 women with new fistula cases do not receive the necessary medical attention.

Sunflower Farming in Makueni

Makueni farmers to reap millions from Sunflower growing

Thousands of Makueni farmers are looking at better days growing sunflower with a ready and almost insatiable market provided by Bidco company limited.

Through contract farming, Bidco has partnered with Makueni County and Safaricom through use of a mobile based app, Digifarm, through which farmers get agronomical advise, credit facilities and all the necessary extension services on their mobile phone.

The journey towards sunflower production in the County began in November 2018 when Bidco through DigiFarm Contracted 640 farmers to plant the crop as a pilot project.

According to Governor Kivutha Kibwana, the pilot project covered 941ha, harvesting 941 metric tons of sunflower seed valued at about Shillings 35 million.

Purchase of this produce was flagged off at Kathonzweni by governor Kibwana, Safaricom’s Director of Enterprises Business Rita Okuthe, and Bidco head of Agribusiness John Kariuki on Thursday.

Kariuki announced that Makueni has been identified as a model county for sunflower seed growing in the country where those aspiring to venture into the business will come for bench marking.

Out of the 10,000 metric tonnes of sunflower seeds demand by Bidco annually, Makueni has been allocated a 2,000 quota by the company, a motivator to the local farmers to take up its production.

To spur uptake of the crop, Kibwana has said that the county has recruited 75 extension officers trained on using the Digifarm platform in farmer service delivery and equipped with 75 mobile smart phones to enable adoption of the platform by the extension officers.

Another 33 tablets have been sourced for supervisors.

He said begining March, the county has kicked off Soil testing activity at a subsidized cost of Shillings 300 to the farmers. The soil test gives a detailed report after 5 minutes.

Makueni Pens Deal with Heifer International to fight hunger

Makueni County has inked a three-year partnership deal with Heifer International, a United States non-profit Corporation with presence in Kenya, to fight hunger and poverty in the county.

The deal aims at creating a framework for joint agricultural value chains development with key focus on dairy, poultry and beef value chains.

According to Heifer International Country Director George Odhiambo, the partnership will seek to leverage on modern methods of livestock development geared towards increased farmer incomes.

Some of the specific areas of partnerships include Research; Farmer trainings and capacity building; Linkage with financial services; Facilitating access to appropriate Technologies; Facilitating access to markets and Collecting, analyzing and monitoring data for decision making.

The two entities will also utilize the local field extension systems to build the capacity of producer organizations and farmers to effectively integrate all factors of crop and animal production which includes breeding, water access, feeds, milk quality, animal health, farmer training and access to financing.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana who signed the MoU on behalf of the County government said it will assist in technology transfer through the county borrowing from Heifer’s Values Based Holistic Community Development (VBHCD) model.

He said the deal will go a long way in creating jobs for youths, women while improving rural economies.

Agriculture ECM Lawrence Nzunga who witnessed the signing said the county is in the process of establishing a poultry abattoir at Kitise and the partnership will enable its successful roll out and sustainability.

6th Annual Devolution Conference

Governor Kivutha Kibwana and deputy Adelina Mwau join other governors and Food and Agricultural Organization officials in the launch of the “Counties That Matter” food programme, a partnership between counties and FAO.

This programme seeks to build sustainable food systems in counties as part of driving the food security aspect of the Big Four Agenda spearheaded by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The launch took place on Wednesday during the 6th Annual Devolution Conference staged at Kirinyaga University, Kirinyaga county.