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Governor Mutula Lauds Thwake dam Construction Progress

H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior has commended the progress made in Thwake Dam construction, which stands at 74 percent to date.

During a tour of the project site in the company of County Commissioner Beverly Opwora on Tuesday, Governor Mutula Jnr expressed confidence that Phase One of the project will be ready for commissioning next year as envisioned by the national Ministry of Water and Irrigation.

H.E Mutula Jnr termed the project as one of the answers to the perpetual water and food stress bedeviling Makueni County. He said the Ministry of Water and Irrigation has given him its commitment for supply of water to Kalawa Ward and Wote town.

The governor also challenged the national government to start planning for the next phases of the project, which include a 20MW hydropower plant, water supply and sanitation as well as the irrigation component.

To ensure skills transfer, the governor put up a request to the contractor for capacity building of the county government’s water personnel in mega water dams construction to scale up their prowess.



Makueni, GIZ in partnership talks


The First Lady H.E Anita Mutula today held a consultative meeting with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) corporation where they discussed possible areas of working together.

GIZ is an international organization that works with national, international, and private sector partners and concerns itself with priority areas; sustainable economic development, renewable energy, and climate change.

GIZ eyes to partner with the County through the office of the First Lady to empower women from deep within the villages.

The partnership aims at creating more consumer awareness and adoption of new friendly technologies such as improved cooking stoves for locals among others.

Anita was thrilled by the new technology saying that it will create jobs for the youth and reduce respiratory problems linked to firewood use.



On Tuesday 25th October, the Governor H.E Mutula Kilonzo Jnr held a meeting with a section of motor vehicle drivers and machine operators employed by the County Government of Makueni to gain insight into their operations and work environment.

The drivers had an opportunity to speak candidly about their challenges and more importantly their views on how their welfare can be improved through training and promotion of good performers.

The drivers agreed to ensure county assets entrusted to them by the people of Makueni are well handled and maintained for the benefit of the County.

However, the Governor warned against misuse of government vehicles and machineries.

“Recently, I made far reaching changes in the transport department which was plagued by inefficiency, high maintenance and fuel bills. I make it clear that misuse of vehicles and machinery will not be tolerated,” the Governor said.

The meeting ended on a positive note with a commitment to change.



Today marked a key milestone in the formation of the Government of Makueni County, with the presentation to the County Assembly nominees to the County Executive Committee.
Pursuant to the County Governments Act 2020, the names were early today submitted to the Speaker of the County Assembly in preparation for vetting. The team also recruited a County Attorney who will serve as the legal advisor to the Executive and the Assembly as well.
The selection panel took into account areas of expertise, experience, gender balance and regional representation across Makueni County.
In his speech at the County Assembly on Tuesday, H.E the Governor urged the Assembly to expedite the vetting so that the team can embark on the business of serving the people of Makueni. At the moment, the County is faced with the dire need for famine relief and drinking water, occasioned by the prolonged drought.
Immediately the Supplementary budget is approved, emergency food supplies, water and certified seeds will be provided for an estimated 50,000 households across the most affected areas in Makueni. The incoming team has their work cut out.
The nominees are:
• Peter Mumo Nyamai – Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture & Tourism
• Eng. Sebastian Kyoni – Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works and Energy
• Eng. John Kasyoki – Water and Sanitation
• Japheth Musyoka Mang’oka – Devolution, Public Service, Public Participation & Special Programmes
• Damaris Mumo Kavoi – Finance, Planning, Budget & Revenue
• Dr. Sonia Nzilani Musyoka – Lands Urban Planning & Development, Environment & Climate Change
• Elizabeth Ndunge Muli – ICT Education & Internship
• Nicholas Masila Nzioka – Gender, Children, Youth, Sports & Social Service
• Dr. Paul Musila – Health Services
• Joyce Mutua – Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries & Cooperative Development
• Stanley Mutinda Nthiwa – County Attorney

Makueni Governor Fetes Music Festival Winners

Makueni Governor H.E Mutula Kilonzo Junior has hailed Makueni students who participated in this year’s National Music Festivals as true ambassadors of our culture, tourism and the ‘Brand Kenya’. The Governor was speaking at an event held at the PWD Centre grounds in Wote, where the students presented the winning choral verses and songs to fellow students and teachers. This was the first time winning teams have been hosted by the County Government in Makueni.
The schools received trophies from the County Government in recognition of their performance at the music festivals that were held in Kisumu recently.
He reiterated the need to nurture the nascent talents and converting them into employable skills after school. The Governor also feted students who represented Kenya in the East African athletics games in triple jump and track events.
The schools that presented their pieces were Mbooni Boys, Makueni Boys, Makueni Girls, Mukaa Girls, Mwaani Girls, AIC Mutongu Primary, Kītī Kyumu Primary and AIC Kathonzweni Primary School. The County Director of Education, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association and Primary schools associations were all represented.


H.E Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior and the Deputy Governor H.E Lucy Mulili today received an update from contractors building roads in parts of Makueni County. The contractors working on the Kikima, Kali, Utangwa, Kyambalasi road, Tawa, Itangini and Emali Nduundune and other roads presented their challenges to the Governor. The main issue is delayed payments from the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA), a National Government agency that oversees development of rural roads in Kenya. The lack of funds has caused delays in completion of the roads.
The contractors emphasized that delayed payments, some of which are two years old have negatively affected them and slowed progress. They expressed commitment to complete the roads if payments are made in good time. The contractors cited the high cost of credit and negative rating from financial institutions due to late loan repayments on credit facilities advanced to the contractors.
H.E the Governor promised that his office would assist in presenting their challenges to the national government to enable them continue to work. The Governor said that as the Chairman of the Council of Governors committee on Legal Affairs and Intergovernmental relations, he would seek a collaborative engagement with the National government to unlock the stalemate. The contractors promised to mobilize their teams to fix problem areas ahead of works to make the roads motorable in the time being.
The County Commissioner Ms Beverly Opwora said that some of the roads lead to security installations and required urgent intervention. The County Commissioner asked traders who have encroached on road reserves to give way for the road contractors.
The contractors prepared the outstanding schedule of payments to seek intervention in settling of their bills. The meeting was attended by Amip Patel from Kabuito Contractors, Geoffery Ndambuki and Ngare Mahinda of Coastal Enterprises, Wan Wengbin of Shengli Engineering, Terene Enterprises, the KERRA Regional Director Eng. Anastasia Ndunda and KERRA Resident Engineers for Emali and Kikima – Kali roads.

Final Makueni County FY 2022-23 Program Based Budget

The Budget estimates for Financial Year 2022/23 are prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023. The FY 2022/23 Budget will be the fifth budget to implement the Second County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2018-22). The development theme for FY 2022/23 is “building community resilience for sustainable development and prosperity”
The FY 2022/23 budget has been prepared to stimulate the growth of the local economy and has been guided by the following principles; Deepening Equitable Development.; Accelerating Community-Led Development; Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Building; Accelerating post-COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery; Enhanced Access to Universal Healthcare Services and Universal Water Coverage

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FY 2022-23 Makueni County Citizen Budget

The FY 2022/23 Budget will be the fifth budget to implement the Second County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2018-22). The development theme for FY 2022/23 will be “building community resilience for sustainable development and prosperity”. The theme pushes for revitalizing economic development at the community level by engaging citizens while at the same time building the resilience and the adaptive capacity of the community members. This is in line with the Annual Development Plan, County Budget Review and Outlook Paper and the 2022 County Fiscal Strategy Paper

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Governor Mutula flags off Shs 90M Medical Supplies

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior and KEMSA Chief Executive Officer Terry Ramadhani on Monday flagged off Shs 90M worth of medical supplies for all 238 health facilities in Makueni.
The event took place at the Mother and Child Hospital, Wote, and was also graced by Senator Daniel Maanzo and Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili.
The supply is the Financial Year 2022/2023 quarter one order of health commodities and constitutes of essential and specialist drugs, non-pharmaceuticals and laboratory commodities.
Governor Mutula Jnr said the huge investment in healthcare is geared towards attaining the highest possible health standards in a manner responsive to the Makueni population needs.
The governor said his administration is committed to increasing efficiency in the management of the health commodity supply chain to ensure sustainability and resilience.
“To this end, we intend to enhance health commodity stock visibility through automating inventory management to achieve end-to-end visibility. This shall enable faster turnaround time for quantification, ordering and distribution of health products and technologies to ensure continuous availability,” he said.
To enhance efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare provision, the governor last month commissioned a unique model of operation dubbed Reverse Referral, which entails medical specialists going to the field to offer specialist services in remote facilities.
This, he said, will reduce the pressure at the county refferal hospital and the expenses incurred by residents travelling all the way to Wote.


During the introductory meeting between the Government of Makueni County and Development Partners working in the county, the following resolutions were agreed upon;


1. The county government will establish a County Development Partners Caucus to facilitate periodic engagement between the county government and the development partners.


2. The county government will work to strengthen the Sector Working Groups and establish Development Partners Sector Working Groups and ensure development partners working in the respective sectors engage periodically


3. That the there is need to enhance the capacity of the County Assembly on the policy making process and setting legislative agenda since the development outcomes will be impacted by the policy and legislative agenda in place.


4. The county government will work with the development partners to develop joint project proposals for fundraising.


5. The county government and the development partners will work together in the preparation of the third generation of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2023 -27) and integrate the development partner’s priorities in the county development agenda.


6. The county government will establish cost-sharing and sustainability mechanisms to ensure initiatives by development partners are sustainable after phasing off.


7. The county government commits to support and reengineer the cooperative movement as a vehicle for socio-economic transformation through forward and backward linkages in various sectors.


8. The county government will work with the development partners to strengthen devolution to ensure further decentralization of services to the lowest level and deepening community public participation model.