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The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government Budget for the Financial Year 2021/2022, for the period ending 31st March 2022. It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.

The total revenues mobilized in the first 9 months of FY 2021/22 were Kshs 5,424,462,259.12 representing 48% of the total budgeted revenues for the Financial Year. The overall County expenditure for the period amounted to Kshs. 5,216,043,457.05 against a Revised Budget of Kshs 11,251,039,704.02 representing an absorption rate of 46% for the first 9 months of FY 2021/2022. The recurrent expenditures were Kshs 3,893,397,095.95 against a revised budget of Kshs 6,979,637,023.54 which translated to an absorption rate of 56%. The development expenditure for the first 9 months of the FY 2021/22 were Kshs 1,322,646,361.11 against a revised budget of Kshs 4,271,402,680.48 representing an absorption rate of 31%.

The Budget was the third to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and was anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment for increased household income.

The overall revenue performance as at 31st March 2022 stood at 54%. The County had received 58% of the Equitable share, 0% conditional allocations, 35% loans and grants and had mobilized 44% of the targeted own source revenues.

The overall County Expenditure for the period ending 31st March 2022 amounted to Ksh. 5,216,043,457.05 translating to an overall absorption of 46%.

Governor Mutula Orders Specialist Medics to Leave Offices for the Field

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has ordered more than 58 medical heads out of their comfortable offices in Wote to offer services to wananchi in local health facilities.
Through a programme dubbed Makueni Public Health Week, the medical officers will be required to routinely choose one or more health facilities in the county and camp there for a whole week offering specialized healthcare services.
Directors and Medical Superintendents in the Health Services department will lead the campaign and monitor how health services and medicines are dispensed at the facilities.
Governor Mutula Jnr said the decision was borne from the realization that the county has a huge number of talented medical specialists whose services are not available to the residents.
He said it was pitiful that such specialists operate only from the county headquarters and in offices while residents are forced to seek services elsewhere at exorbitant costs. 
The Public Health Week begins on Wednesday 14th September 2022 in Mbooni sub-county.


The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for the Financial Year 2021/22, ending 30th June 2022. The FY 2021/22 Budget is the fourth budget to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and was anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment for increased household income.
The County Government had an original budget of Kshs 9,763,795,153.00 which was revised upwards to Kshs 11,544,836,717.43 through the revised budget estimates 2. The budget was comprised of recurrent budget Kshs 7,269,884,132.55 (63%) and development Kshs 4,274,952,584.88 (37%)
The FY 2021/22 Revised Budget 2 was funded from four main sources namely; Equitable share – Kshs 8,132,783,562.00 (70%), FY 2020/21 Reallocation funds – Kshs 1,501,673,251.43 (13%), Own Source Revenue – Kshs 1,091,306,710.00 (10%) and conditional allocations loans and grants – Kshs 819,073,194.00 (7%).
The overall revenue performance for FY 2021/22 was 94% (Kshs 10,882,719,599.60) out of the total budgeted revenues of Kshs 11,544,836,717.43. The performance reduced by 1 percent as compared to the 95 percent recorded in FY 2020/21.
The total expenditures for the Government for the year ending 30th June 2022 was Kshs 8,607,340,676.10 against a budget of Kshs 11,544,836,717.43. This represented an overall absorption of 75 percent a reduction from 79 percent recorded in FY 2020/21.



Makueni, NACADA Agree to a Joint Offensive Against Drug Abuse

National Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse(NACADA) has pledged support to Makueni County in dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse which is highly prevalent in the county.
During a courtesy call to Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili in her office, Wote, on Monday, NACADA Chief Executive Officer Victor Okioma said the authority will support Makueni in policy and legal frameworks, training of recovery coaches to mentor victims as well as capacity building for the personnel involved in the campaign.
Mulili said the County Government is working to establish a recovery centre where victims will be treated and fully rehabilitated.

Makueni County links tech systems with KEMSA to ensure health supplies efficiency.

Makueni County Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has kicked off efforts to streamline the procurement of health commodities to boost healthcare delivery in the county.
The streamlining efforts will involve integrating and enhancing information technology (IT) based systems to power the procurement and distribution of health commodities. 
Speaking when he paid a courtesy call to Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) Chief Executive Officer Ms. Terry Ramadhani, Kilonzo Jnr said the county has undertaken to seal all loopholes facilitating loss of health commodities.
Based on an immediate needs assessment, the county, he said, has placed a Kshs 30 million order for essential medical supplies with KEMSA. The order comprises Oncology, Renal, surgical and related items, including Laboratory, Radiology, Dental and Linen items.
While imploring KEMSA leadership to provide the necessary support, the county, he added, will maintain a prudent just-in-time procurement plan for health supplies to avoid overstocking and stockout scenarios.
“In Makueni County, we have committed to providing the best healthcare possible. This cannot be possible if we continue to lose medicines ordered from KEMSA or cannot account for the supplies delivered,” he said. He added, “We have immediate plans to fully integrate our technology systems to provide end-to-end visibility and enhance our procurement planning and budget cycles.”
On her part, KEMSA CEO Ms Ramadhani welcomed Makueni County’s commitment to adopt technology systems and confirmed that the Authority is now banking on IT systems in its operations. The county, she said, will be seamlessly linked to the KEMSA Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) and the KEMSA Electronic Proof of Deliveries (e-POD App).
She said that by integrating systems, KEMSA and Makueni County would enjoy end-to-end visibility of the pharmaceutical inventories across the health commodities value chain.
“The focus by Makueni County to ensure a system-wide assurance of all deliveries from KEMSA is a welcome development. Such systems alignments will allow KEMSA and Makueni county to enjoy mutual integrity assurances and curb losses or financial inefficiencies including overstocking or delayed procurement,” she said. Adding that, “These systems will facilitate better operating information visibility across the supply chain system and contribute to inventory accuracy at the operating levels.” 
In the current order placed by Makueni, 240 rural health facilities, and 13 hospitals spread across the county’s six sub-Counties, will receive their supplies next week to boost primary and secondary healthcare goals.

In PICTURES: A 3D architectural impression of the proposed Mukuyuni modern mixed use market set to accommodate over 150 traders in the town.

The proposed market, to be implemented by Wote Municipality, will be funded by the World Bank through the Kenya Urban Support Programme. 
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior and Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili on Friday received the proposed market design for review during a series of other development meetings at the Council of Governors offices in Nairobi.
The market design has provision for two floors, a cold room, an hybrid solar system, stalls and shops, a drive-through for road users as well as solid waste management. It will also have solar lighting and a 30,000-liters rain water harvesting tank.

Makueni County FY 2021-2022 Q1 Budget Implementation Report

The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government for quarter one of the Financial Year 2021/22, ending 30th September 2021.It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.
The FY 2021/22 budget is geared towards stimulating the growth of the local economy after the negative effects of COVID 19 pandemic. The budget theme for the year is “enhancing community driven development for enhanced prosperity” and is guided by seven principles; Equity in development, completion of all ongoing projects; community-led development; community volunteerism in development (Mwethya wa Maendeeyo); livelihood/employment guarantee scheme,.
The County Government budget for FY 2021/22 is 9,763,795,153.00 with Kshs 6,744,801,648.04 (69%) directed towards recurrent budget and Kshs 3,018,993,504.96 (31%) directed towards development budget.
By end of the Quarter one of FY 2021/22, the total revenue receipts amounted to Kshs. 1,723,856,308.57 representing 18 per cent against of the total revenues of the Financial Year. The County had received 17 per cent of the Equitable share, 31 per cent of the loans and grants and mobilized 22 percent of the own source revenues. Noi funding for conditional allocations have been received in that quarter.
The overall County Expenditure for the period ending 30th September 2021 amounted to Ksh. 701,852,186.10 translating to an overall absorption of 7 per cent.

Makueni County FY 2021-22 Q1 Budget Implementation Report

Makueni County FY 2021-22 Half Year Budget Implementation Report

The Budget implementation report highlights progress made in implementation of the Makueni County Government Budget for the Financial Year 2021/2022, for the period ending 31st December 2021. It also presents the key challenges that faced budget implementation during the reporting period and appropriate recommendations to overcome these challenges.
The FY 2021/22 budget is the third to implement the CIDP 2018-22 and is anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus on community economic empowerment for increased household income.
In the first half of the Financial Year, the county has managed to mobilise revenues amounting to Kshs 3,903,809,764.39 representing 39 percent of the total budgeted revenues for the Year. The County had received 42% of the Equitable share, 35% of loans and grants and mobilized 28% of the targeted own source revenues.
The overall county expenditure for the period amounts to Kshs. 3,060,897,837.50 against a Revised Budget of Kshs 11,251,039,704.02 representing an absorption rate of 27 percent. The recurrent expenditures were kshs 2,532,673,766.65 against a revised budget of Kshs 6,979,637,023.54 which translated to an absorption rate of 36 per cent whereas the development expenditure amounts to Kshs 528,224,070.85 against a revised budget of Kshs 4,271,402,680.48 representing an absorption rate of 12 percent.

Makueni County FY 2021-22 Half Year Budget Implementation Report

Wote Municipality Eyes Massive Investments From SUED Partnership

Wote Municipality is poised for major investment attractions thanks to a partnership with United Kingdom’s sponsored Sustainable Urban Economic Development Programme (SUED).

The Municipality is among 12 others in the country selected through competitive bidding to take part in the 6-year initiative.

The programme entails supporting the 12 municipalities to develop bankable urban investments, improving urban economic planning and business environment reforms through public-private partnerships.

On Friday, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior, Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, Wote Municipality Board members held a sequel briefing meeting with SUED implementation team and representatives of the British High Commission at the Council of Governors offices, Nairobi, to finalize the development plan for Wote Municipality.

Agro-processing, trade and investments, fruit processing, waste management among others are some of the partnership areas of interest identified.

On 7th September 2022, Governor Kilonzo Jnr signed the transfer of several functions and attendant resources from county departments to the municipality giving it the required impetus for enhanced growth.