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School-going children benefit from dignity packs

5,000 school going children benefit from dignity packs

Close to 5000 school going children drawn from various learning institutions in Makueni have benefitted from dignity packs in a bid to improve their personal hygiene and overall performance in schools.

The initiative, spearheaded by the County First Lady Nazi Kivutha in partnership with the department of Gender, Children, Culture and Social Services, entails distribution of dignity packs for both boys and girls and sensitization on menstrual hygiene management and general personal hygiene.

School-going children in Makueni benefit from dignity packs

The dignity pack for the boys include three inner wears, bar soap, toothbrush and paste while the girls received extra packets of sanitary towels each to last them approximately a term in school.

According to Nazi, lack of sanitary towels is one of the major causes of absenteeism from schools leading to poor performance and in other cases dropping out of schools. As such, the program will lead to improved retention of girls in schools.

The program that closed on Thursday at Malili Township primary school and ABC Ngaamba Secondary school in Malili sub-county targeted boys and girls in disadvantaged primary and secondary schools, county technical training institutes as well as special schools.



The department of agriculture, irrigation, livestock and fisheries, in the implementation of Community Economic Empowerment through Enhanced Agricultural Extension Services seeks to recruit 240 Community Extension Volunteers (CEV) targeting four (4) volunteers from each Sub-Ward in Makueni County.  This Programme shall run for six (6) months and is renewable subject to availability of funds.

Tools of work will be provided and a volunteer stipend of Ksh. 4,500 per month will be paid. The programmes targets skilled youth, exemplary farmers with basic field training, and retired agricultural practioners.


  1. Application letter
  2. Duly filled application form. Obtain the form from the link:

    AGRICULTURE EXTENSION APP FORM 287.02 KB 279 downloads

  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Copies of academic certificates and transcripts or certificates of attendance of agricultural trainings
  5. Copy of ID

Attach the above documents to your application letter and submit them to your sub-county administrator’s office in sealed envelope clearly indicating your sub-county, ward and sub-ward.

The applications are expected to be received on or before of business on Monday, 8th February, 2021.

Chief Officer

Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock and Fisheries Development



Makueni County on Thursday opened doors to its first cancer treatment and management clinic at the Makueni Referral Hospital, Wote.

The clinic is courtesy of the EMPOWER PROJECT, a partnership bringing together Roche, International Cancer Institute (ICI), Women for Cancer and African Cancer Foundation.

The County First Ladies Association (CFLA) was key in realizing the clinic by mobilizing all the partners and resources including the county government and Family Bank which donated five Chemotherapy chairs for the cancer unit.

Speaking at the event, governor Kivutha Kibwana said his administration will commit adequate budgetary provisions for essential supplies and human resources to ensure that the rising burden of cancer in Makueni is reversed.

He said that before establishment of the unit, patients used to travel to Kenyatta National Hospital and private facilities for diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This, he said, was expensive and time consuming. It was associated with delays, with patients sometimes missing treatment due to long queues as well as lack of follow up and poor outcomes

So far, the county government has seconded an Oncologist Pharmacist, 2 clinical officers, one nurse and one records officer for the coordination of the unit. Further, it is in the process of recruiting 2 oncology clinical officers, 2 oncology nurses, a radiologist and a pathologist to support the increasing traffic at the centre.

Makueni becomes the fifth county to unveil the EMPOWER CANCER CLINIC after Kisumu, Bungoma, Meru and Taita Taveta.

CFLA chairperson Maria Mbeneka (Laikipia) said the aim of pushing for establishment of the cancer clinics in counties is to enhance early cancer detection, treatment and management while reducing the prohibitive costs of treatment.

The event at the Mother and Child Hospital in Wote was graced by 15 county first ladies among them host Nazi Kivutha, Edna Lenku-Kajiado, Sarah Tunai-Narok, Saline Barchok-Bomet, Wato Kuti-Isiolo, Elizabeth Kinyanjui-Nakuru and Sheila Sang-Nandi.

Others were Priscilla Murungi- Meru, Priscilla Oparanya-Kakamega, Christine Mvurya-Kwale, Dorothy Nyong’o- Kisumu, Stellah Samboja- Taita Taveta and Ivy Bunei of Baringo County.

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Enhancing Food Security in Makueni

Governor Kivutha Kibwana and his deputy Adelina Mwau on Thursday flagged off 30MT of maize seed worth Kshs. 7.5M for distribution to 15,000 farmers across the county a head of the October-December short rains.

The consignment, which is support from Bayer East Africa, is part of the county government’s efforts working with its partners to enhance food security initiatives.

The initiatives target to support 47,382 farm families, 75 youth groups and 118 other groups with seeds, seedlings and equipment to improve food and nutrition security in the county. The target beneficiaries are spread across all the thirty wards in Makueni County in line with the county government’s philosophy of “O kila nyumba kalila.”

The overall goal of the initiatives, governor Kibwana said, is to cushion the farmer against the effects of covid-19 pandemic by ensuring availability of quality seed and seedlings for enhanced productivity and profitability at farm level. This is to be achieved through a collaborative effort between the government and stakeholders as follows:

1. Bayer E.A, supporting with 30,000 Kgs of maize seed (worth KShs 7.5M), targeting 15,000 (500 per ward) beneficiaries

2. Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme – Climate Resilient Agricultural Livelihood (KCEP-CRAL), a government programme, targeting to reach out to 5,297 beneficiaries with an assortment of maize/beans and sorghum/green grams seeds as well as other farm inputs (ripping service, hermetic bags, tarpaulin, fertilizers). The programme will also support 20 staff with motorbikes to enhance their mobility when offering extension services.

3. Small-scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) targeting 540 beneficiaries with beans, cow peas, green grams, dolichos lab, millets, and sorghum seeds for demonstrations and bulking in the project areas (Utangwa, Kyemwee Irrigation schemes and Muoni/Kikuu Catchment – Makindu, Nguu/Masumba, Emali/Mulala, Mbitini and Kasikeu wards).

4. The National Irrigation Board (NIB) is supporting the initiative with 7,000 avocado seedlings which will be distributed to Kilungu, Mbitini, Ukia, Mbooni, Kithungo/Kitundu, and Tulimani wards. (10 seedlings per farmer).

5. The Government of Makueni County (GMC) will support the initiative with 10,000 avocado seedlings and 1,500 macadamia seedlings under ward projects in Mukaa and Ilima wards. (10 seedlings per farmer).

6. The Agriculture and Food Authority’s Nuts & Oil Crops will support the initiative with 5,000 cashew nut seedlings which will be distributed to 500 beneficiaries across the county at 10 seedlings per farmer.

7. The Makueni Youth Agribusiness Empowerment Project (MYAEP) will support 60 youth groups as follows;
a. 10 groups with beehives, honey harvesting kits, honey extracting machines,
b. 10 groups with chicken,
c. 20 groups with pumps, drip irrigation kits, vegetable seeds and farm inputs (fertilizers and agrochemicals).
d. 20 groups for capacity building (skills development)
e. The project has also supported 8 staff with motorbikes to enhance their mobility when offering extension services.

Makueni, World Vision Partnership to Quench Kalawa Ward

Kalawa ward is arguably one of the driest parts of Makueni county, perpetually battling water scarcities.

On a normal day, residents have to trek a considerable distance to fetch water from points that the county government has continued to develop across the expansive ward.

A partnership between the county government and World Vision is however projected to change the above scenario and make the ward one of the water secure wards in the county.

The two institutions are co-funding a project dubbed Athi-Kalawa Sanitation Project meant to distribute water to 80 % of the ward area.

The project involves pumping water from Athi River to Wii hills, construction of a treatment plant, construction of a 500 cubic meters reservoir and three distribution lines (Kalawa, Miangeni and Syotuvali) for communal water circulation.

World Vision national director Lilian Dodzo who paid a courtesy call to governor Kivutha Kibwana on Tuesday, to discuss the project progress, said the project purposes to cut the distance to the nearest water point from households to a maximum of 500 meters.

According to County Executive Committee member for Water and Sanitation Rosemary Maundu, the project is 30 percent done and phase 1 must be complete before end of the year 2020.

Makueni’s Tourism Sector set for Revenue Boom

The tourism sector in Makueni is set for a major overhaul with plans a foot to make the county a hub of tourist attraction, and the sector a major revenue generator for both county and the country.

With support from the National Museums of Kenya, the county government is embarking on an ambitious exercise of documentation, conservation, management, promotion and restoration of heritage sites in the county.

The management of heritage will include the construction of heritage centers and museums, the re-landscaping of open cultural and natural sites, construction of botanical gardens, organizing cultural festivals and fairs, the identification, documentation, mapping and gazettement of important heritage sites.

Some of the important heritage sites for conservation and restoration include religious sites such as Kalamba, threatened biodiversity areas such as Chyulu and Nzaui hills among others.

This revolutionary raft of measures was announced Wednesday by Governor Kivutha Kibwana and the National Museums of Kenya Director General Mzalendo Kibunjia when they signed a partnership agreement in Nairobi.

In the same breath, governor Kibwana signed a working relationship with Global Communities-Kenya, a Non-Governmental Organization, to revamp the cooperative movement in Makueni.

The parties to this agreement will co-operate to:

Develop county co-operative policy and legislation through a participatory approach; 

Build the capacity of the cooperatives officials; to offer business advisory services to the cooperatives including trainings on their needs; and

Design interventions that will enhance access to markets, finance, technical knowledge and relevant information.

The deal was also signed by USAID/ Cooperative Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy and research(CLEAR) program- Chief of Party Kristin Wilcox Feldman in Nairobi.

The County cooperative movement has grown to 230 registered cooperative societies since 2016 which cover activities such as produce marketing, savings and credit SACCOs and housing.

Partnership sees more NCDs patients seek medical attention

Over 6000 hypertension and diabetes patients across the county have been screened, with 2000 of them already enrolled to digital-health enabled mode of care in a bid to provide an integrated end-to -end solution for Non-Communicable Diseases burden in Makueni.
This is as a result of a 2-year public private partnership that was signed 7 months ago by the County government of Makueni, Novartis Social Business, Medtronic Labs and Management Sciences for Health geared towards combating NCDs in the county.
Several community health workers and volunteers, as part of capacity building and strengthening of the health system, have been trained on Ministry of Health’s NCD clinical training as well as using the Empower Health System, a digital platform for managing and monitoring patients.
During a review meeting on the implementation status of the MoU, chaired by Makueni county Governor Kivutha Kibwana and attended by representatives from the parties on Tuesday in Wote, the County health department reported nine out of ten initially planned health facilities are operational with Empower Health system.
The facilities include Makindu, Matiliku, Mukuyuni, Kibwezi, Kisau, Mbooni, Tawa, Sultan-Hamud and Mtito-Andei Sub-County hospitals.
According to the County Health Director Medical Services Dr. Stephen Ndolo, plans are underway to connect the Makueni County Referral and Kambu Sub-County Hospitals to the digital care platform.
The parties are working to scaling up the program to reach out to more people and reduce on the hospital deaths caused by NCDs.

Kasikeu Residents Receive Title deeds

At least 3,178 households from Kasikeu ward, Kilome constituency, are now the new holders of title deeds after a 28-year agonizing wait.

The residents were handed over the land ownership documents by governor Kivutha Kibwana and County Commissioner Maalim Mohammed at Kasikeu township Wednesday.

The Kasikeu adjudication section was established in 1992, covering Kiou, Wathini, Mutiswa and Mumela sections.

The issuance of the title deeds, governor Kibwana and Maalim said, was catalyzed by the One-Government-Approach of administration in Makueni county where the national and county governments work harmoniously where necessary.

The county government has facilitated the exercise by paying the processing fees and the issuance exercise.