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Deputy Chief Justice and Deputy Governor condemn Kilungu Minor’s gang rape

Deputy Chief Justice Phelomena  Mwilu has condemned an incident where a standard six pupil at Kilungu Ward was defiled by a gang of several men.

The girl is allegedly said to have been gang raped by 21 men,one of them alleged to be a primary school teacher.

Mwilu said that that acts of sexual offenses are highly punishable adding that those who commit such offenses against the young are supposed to be severely punished.

“When you molest a young girl.You should get  life imprisonment as punishment,” The Deputy Chief Justice said.

Mwilu who is also the deputy president of the Supreme Court urged magistrates not to be linient on those found to have committed sexual offenses especially those who violate children.

She said that magistrates have no options but to stick to the law when handling rape related cases.

She urged the society not to harbour or sympathise with those found to be violating others sexually.

“Parents should be cautious and remain watchful especially when children are out alone,”Ms Mwilu stated.

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, promised a psycho social aid and exclusive medical  support to the young girl.

Mwau expressed shock that grown men would molest and defile a  kid in turns terming it the most horrendous sexual act ever.

Defilement cases are on the rise  with Makueni recording an escalating trend.

She said that the County Government is putting up a gender based recovery center at Makueni level 4 hospital that will see GBV victims acquire psycho social support as well as proper treatment and care.

The two were speaking after a church service at St Patrick Catholic Church, Kyamatheka in Kaiti Constituency.

Kibwana commissions distribution of 50,000 title deeds

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana on Friday led local residents in celebrating this year’s madaraka day by commissioning the issuance of 50,000 freehold title deeds at Nunguni.

The two-week distribution exercise, facilitated by the county government, will be conducted across the county.

The event was also attended by County Commissioner Maalim Mohammed, Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, assembly speaker Douglas Mbilu, MPs Joshua Kimilu Makueni MP Daniel Maanzo as well as County Secretary Paul Wasanga.

Prof Kibwana said the lands department is undertaking several projects with a view to securing land tenure for a majority of the urban and rural populations:

Among these include: Survey for issuance of leasehold titles which has been extended to six markets spread out within all the Sub Counties.

The exercise involves the establishment of survey controls, picking and plotting of all property boundaries and preparation of survey plans from data collected for onwards processing with the Directorate of Land Surveys.

He said Support has also been extended to National Government Departments like the District Land Adjudication and Settlement Office through financing the remainder of activities towards resolution of arbitration board cases and hearings with a view to finalizing the adjudication areas for onwards gazettement and publication of registers.

The department has also facilitated the National Land Commission for the allocation of public land for public use as well as alienating land for public good.

Successful excisions have been done for Kevanda, Ngai Ndethya, Kiboko A, B and C and resolving long standing disputes for Mikululo, Mukaa Mbita among others.

Prof Kibwana said his administration is working on Makueni Big Four Agenda as captured in the County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022), which include;

Reliable potable water for domestic use, Food security and agricultural commercialization. Youth, Women and persons with disability (PWD) economic empowerment and Institutional strengthening and capacity development.

The county commissioner assured Prof Kibwana of his support in combating illegal sand harvesting and insecurity.

“We will work together to deal with the illegal sand harvesting and insecurity,” said Mr Mohammed.


Pursuant to article 201 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Section 132 of Public Finance Management Act, 2012, The Makueni County has scheduled meetings for public participation on preparation of the county Finance Bill 2018.

A copy of the draft finance bill can be accessed online below.

Details of the scheduled dates and venues are as listed;

MAKUENI Wote/nziu wote Wote social hall 5th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
muvau kwa kathoka ATC kwa kathoka 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Mavindini Mavindini Mavindini Market 6th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kitise/Kithuki Kitise Kitise Market 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Kathonzweni Kathonzweni Kathonzweni hall 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kalamba/ Nzaui/Kilili Matiliku Matiliku Market 7th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Mbitini kavuthu Kavuthu mkt shed 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
MBOONI Mbooni mbumbuni kikimai social hall 5th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Tulimani Kalawani Do’s office 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Kiteta/Kisau Tawa Tawa Social Hall 6th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kako/Waia Kako Wambiti socila hall 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Kalawa Kalawa Kalawa Social Hall 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kithungo/ Kitundu Kithungo Kithungo Market shed 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
KAITI Okia Mukuyuni CDF office 5th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kee Kee kee Social Hall 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Kilungu Nunguni Kilungu Aic Church 6th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Ilima Kyambeke Ack Kyambeke 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
KILOME Kasikeu sultan Redeemed church 5th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kasikeu kasikeu Kasikeu open air market 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Mukaa Upete Upete Market 6th June 2018 10:00am-12:00pm
Kiima Kiu/ Kalanzoni Salama Salama Market 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Kibwezi Muslim social hall kibwezi 5th June 2018 10:00am-12:00pm
Makindu Makindu Makindu social Hall 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Nguu/Masumba masumba Masumba social
6th June 2018 10:00am-12:00pm
Nguumo Nguumo Kiundwani library hall 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Emali/Mulala Emali Kwa Kakulu CTTI 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Kisayani Kisayani chiefs office 7th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
KIBWEZI EAST Mtito Andei Mtito Andei Baptist Church Kathekani 5th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Thange Machinery Maikuu social hall 5th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm
Masongaleni Nthongoni Ward Admins office 6th June 2018 10:00 am-12:00pm
Ivingoni/ Nzambani Kambu Makutano social hall 6th June 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm

Members of the Public can also make their contribution by emailing their proposals via OR forward written proposals to Head of County  Treasury,  Makueni County P.O.Box 78- 90300 Wote.

Kindly ensure that your proposals are received on or before 6th June, 2018.

We need concerted efforts to address menstrual hygiene management – Nazi

Makueni County First Lady Nazi Kivutha has applauded the national government for recently releasing the sanitary towels consignments to the counties.

Nazi observed that other several organisations were addressing the various aspects of menstrual hygiene management but urged that there was need for concerted efforts in a bid to empower the girl child for holistic development.

She said: “Allow me to congratulate the national government through the ministry of Public Services, Youth and Gender Affairs for recently releasing sanitary towels consignment to the counties. With countless organisations joining us we need concerted efforts to address this issue as a whole.”

She however noted that significant barriers persist and continue to be major challenges to women and girls during their menstruation especially from low income households.

Nazi also observed that in most rural areas across the country, girls miss schools for up to 5 days every month and that 65% of them cannot afford sanitary towels.

“Significant barriers continue to be major challenges facing women and girls during their menstruation. Most of them come from low income households and cannot afford sanitary towels,” she said.

Nazi spoke on Monday during the Menstrual Hygiene Day celebrations in Kisumu, a national platform that brought together non-profits, government agencies, the private sector, the media and individuals to promote menstrual hygiene management.

She further stated that young girls engage in sexual activities which results to increased adolescent pregnancies and early marriages as most of them turn to transactional sex in a bid to acquire the sanitary towels.

In Makueni county, similar celebrations were held at Kiambani day and Boarding primary school where officials from the county government, the national government and non-state actors distributed sanitary towels to school going girls.

Clean Water for Wote

Wote town is now almost water secure after the commissioning of two water treatment plants for the town, one constructed by the Government of Makueni County and the other by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS).

The two plants, commissioned on Wednesday  by Governor Kivutha Kibwana and Kenya Red Cross Society Secretary General Abbas Gullet, have an output capacity of 90 cubic meters of water per hour, but with an installed pumping capacity of 70 cubic meters per hour.

Water executive committee member Robert Kisyula has said the installation will be able to pump for 20 hours a day, guaranteeing Wote residents 1,400 cubic meters of clean water.

With Mwaani bore hole producing 400 cubic meters per day, the total water supply to Wote town is currently 1,800 cubic meters, he says.

Mr. Gullet has announced that the Kenya Red Cross Society will donate its plant to the county government even though it was supposed to be a temporary measure to address the water crisis which hit Wote town after breaching of Kamunyolo dam and collapse of the Kaiti sump roof slab.

Governor Kibwana said his administrastion has besides the above projects put in place other short term and long term measures to ensure sustained supply of sufficient and potable water for Wote town in line with the county’s Vision 2025 and CIDP 2018-2022.

The short term measures include repair and reconstruction of Kaiti sand dam with collection galleries and increasing height of the weir by one meter. This, he said, will give more than 1400m³/day.

Other measures include piping water from Kitikyumu borehole (with a yield of 20M³/hr) to Makueni boys tanks and distributed to wote town. This source is expected to inject 400m³/day into the supply network. The project shall be implemented within 30 days from commencement.

The long-term measures according to Governor Kibwana include:  Completion of Kaiti/Kamunyii water project which is a sump funded by the national government through TANATHI. This is expected to produce at least 800m³ per day.

Reconstruction of Kamunyolo earth dam plus the treatment works and extra clear water tank of 400m³.

Construction of Kiia Nzou mega dam along Kaiti river in Kee Ward, which will be expected to produce over 2,000M³/day and flow by gravity to Wote town. Design and fundraising for the same is being done jointly with Kenya Red Cross Society with a proposed budget of Ksh1.0B. The same dam will also provide water for the four Wards of Kaiti Subcounty namely Kee, Ilima, Kilungu and Ukia.

The Thwake multipurpose dam once constructed is expected to supply more than 2000M³/day of water per day to Wote town.

Governor Kibwana said supply to Wote town and its environs will hit close to 7000M3/day, which will be able to meet the projected growth and water demand by 2025 and beyond once all these projects are up and running.

Kibwana Tips County Lawmakers on Public Participation and Civic Education

Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has urged counties to invest in civic education and public participation as a way of facilitating mindset change and enabling the people to take charge of devolution.

Prof Kibwana said poverty, dependency syndrome and community pulse cannot be overcome without the change of mindsets.

He told the County Assembly Members’ Forum in Mombasa on Thursday that engaging the people through public participation was an easy way of helping grow confidence in the management of devolved resources.

“Counties need to invest in civic education, community capacity building and mindset change programs,” said Prof Kibwana.

He also said that legislators need to devolve power, authority and mandate to community members so that they can plan and decide on the issues that affect them.

Prof Kibwana stated: “County governments have to relinquish to the development committees powers to design priorities and even to execute what can be done at community level.”

He noted that there was need for the county governments to come up with capacity building plans for the development committees saying that the capacities become the basis upon which poverty eradication measures and techniques are discussed.

Prof Kibwana said that public participation is not just about gatherings in town halls and therefore should be handled systematically to provide the real needs and priorities for the communities.

“Communities have the solutions for their problems. They lack the capacity and opportunities to plan for themselves and defend what clearly belong to them,” said the governor.

He further added: “Let us devolve the powers of participation to the communities and watch the poser of self-governance taking over this country through our counties.”

More than 2,000 members of the county assemblies and senators are participating in the forum which started on Monday.

Wote Water Supply Restored after Flooding Crisis

The water supply to Wote town has been restored courtesy of a partnership between the county government and the Kenya Red Cross Society.

The town was thrown into a crisis after Kaiti sump and Kamunyolo dam, the two major sources of water to the town were swept away and damaged by raging floods.

The county government put up an emergency request to KRCS, which moved with speed and installed water pumping and purification equipment besides the county government’s treatment plant, whose sump was damaged.

According to Water and irrigation Chief Officer Martin Kitavi, the two installations are now able to supply 1,400 cubic meters of water to the distribution system, pumped within 20 hours a day.

Kitavi said Mwaani bore hole, another water source, is able to supply 400 cubic meters, bringing the total output to the town’s water supply system to 1,800 cubic meters daily.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana toured the project on Monday to inspect its progress before its official commissioning by KRCS Secretary General Abbas Gullet on Wednesday.

Promoting Education

At least 6,928 students from Makueni in various institutions of learning have received bursary cheques in support of their education fees.

The cheques, worth Sh 50 million, were issued by Governor Kivutha Kibwana at ATC Kwa Kathoka for distribution to beneficiaries by ward representatives.

Those who benefited include:-

  • 4,318 secondary school and County Technical Training Institute students.
  • 870 college students,
  • 1,037 university students and
  • 703 students living with disabilities.

Ksh. 110 million Boost for Makueni Fruit Processing Project

Makueni county government has received a grant of Sh 110 million from the European Union to support the ongoing fruit processing project.

The money will be injected into the Kalamba fruit processing project and used to initiate the expansion of the plant to enable it turn into a multi-processor and to create a packaging line.

The grant is part of Sh 3 billion to be allocated to 15 counties for Local Economic Development projects.

The targeted projects include construction of markets, abattoirs, fruit and milk processing factories, food storage, dairy, seed production and multiplication and fish processing.

Last year Makueni launched a fruit  and milk processing plants at Kalamba and Kikima respectively.

Other counties expected to benefit from the funds include Kwale, Taita-Taveta, Tana River, Samburu, West Pokot, Laikipia, among others.

Makueni governor Professor Kivutha Kibwana witnessed the signing of LED-IDEAS proposal by County Secretary Paul Wasanga and Devolution PS Nelson Marwa.

Makueni is the first county to comply with the European Union conditions for the grant.

Some of the compliance requirements include high standards of fruit production, good agricultural practices and devolved decision making through committees.

Counties seeking the grant are also required to observe strict anti-corruption tendencies and good governance in their operations.

They are also required to come up with projects that transform livelihoods economically.

Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, European Union representative Vincent De Boer graced the event.

“This marks the beginning of the actual implementation of the IDEAS (Instruments for devolution advise and support) a programme whose financing agreement was signed between the Government of Kenya  and the European Union,” Mr Boer said

Kibwana roots for Large scale Pulses Production at the Colombo Conference

Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana has said the government of Makueni is encouraging residents to grow pulses in order to double the production of the crop and help improve livelihoods.

The governor said that the growing global market should trigger an increased interest in the crop adding that the entire East African region has embarked on an ambitious endeavour to double production of pulses within the next six years.

“By doubling yields, our farmers can earn twice as much for the same amount of land, thus significantly improving their livelihoods,”Prof Kibwana told delegates from across the globe attending the Colombo conference.

Prof Kibwana spoke at the Global Pulse Confederation Convention in Colombo-Sirlanka where he is representing Kenya and East Africa.

He said: “Agriculture in Eastern Africa today, and indeed my own county of Makueni, Kenya, is largely based on cereal crops, which are sold at lower prices than pulses.”

Pulses the governor said is playing an important part in the economies of the three Eastern African communities in terms of providing food security and increasing incomes through higher-value crops.

Said Prof Kibwana:“Many farmers in my county are now opting to grow pulses as they are fast maturing, taking 70-120 days while commonly grown cereals like maize take three to four months depending on the variety.”

Prof Kibwana further said that the other major advantage is that pulses are less affected by afflation, are high in protein and more resilient to drought.

According to the governor, Makueni County and the entire East African region have the potential to significantly expand production and trade of other pulses such as chickpeas, dolichos (faba beans), cowpeas and pinto beans.

He noted that the region has traditionally produced and exported kidney beans and white pea beans, pigeon peas and mung beans.

The governor is accompanied by the Executive Committee Members for Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries Lawrence Nzunga and Trade, Industry, Cooperative and Tourism Rosemary Maundu.