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Kenya-Korea partnership to see advanced institute of science and technology established in Konza city

The Government of Kenya is set to establish a new institute in Konza Technopolis; Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(Kenya-KAIST) modelled after the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(Korea-KAIST), the world’s leading science and technology University.

According to Chief Administrative Secretary and Principal Secretary State of Department for University Education and Research Prof Collette A. Suda, the institute aims to produce highly qualified scientists and engineers with both theory and practical knowledge for the future industry in Kenya and East Africa Region.

She spoke on Tuesday when she gave her key note address at Konza City during the institute’s architectural and curriculum design development kick off ceremony.

“I am happy about this milestone because the institute is going to transform the economy of our country through science, technology and innovation as well as change the face of this country through men and women who will come out of the institute and transform Kenya like it has transformed the Korean economy,” Suda said.

She further added that the production of the well-trained graduates in Science and Technology will contribute to knowledge based economy and sustainable growth with innovation.

The National government through the Ministry of Education has partnered with a Consortium of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, SAMOO Architects and Engineering Company Limited and SUNJIN Engineering and Architecture Company Limited, who were competitively selected according to Konza Technopolis Development Authority CEO Eng. John Tanui, to undertake the architectural and curriculum design for the university.

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau who attended the kick off ceremony assured all stakeholders support from the Counties of Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos adding that residents from those neigbouring counties will be among the immediate beneficiaries.

“We promise you our full support in actualizing this university because it will first benefit our people from Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos counties,” Mwau stated.

By 2030, Konza City will generate close to 20,000 jobs with positions filled by Konza Technopolis University Campus graduates as well as Kenyans and experts relocating to live and work in the city.

Three Ukambani Deputy Governors pledge to support development collaborations championed by their County Bosses

Deputy Governors Adelina Mwau, Eng Francis Maliti and Dr Wathe Nzau have pledged their unequivocal support for the Poverty Eradication Movement formed by the three Ukambani governors saying it is the only sure way to better the lives of their citizenry as well as accelerate the intentions of South Eastern Economic Bloc (SEKEB).

The three Ukambani DGs on Monday when they addressed the press at Maliti’s office in Machakos noted that the three counties share a lot in common but genuine unity to solve their unique challenges have been missing.

In a joint statement, the DGs further observed that it is only through the unity of purpose that the people of Ukambani can realize the goldmines they have been sitting on over the years and urged the three governors to soldier on.

“We are talking of building into each other’s efforts. For example, we are talking of Kalamba fruit processing plant in Makueni and we can have all Ukambani fruits processed there. We have a lot to learn about the Kitui Ndengu revolution. We are not duplicating but building on each other’s comparative advantages,” Mwau said.

“The initiatives through SEKEB the three governors have come up with are very good. We must change the way we used to do things if we are to expect different results. We also support the religious leaders who are trying to bring the leaders together. We need leaders who can bring our people together for politics of development,” said Nzau.

The deputy governors have lauded their bosses for choosing a direction away from the status quo and for reviving SEKEB which they said will concentrate on the following issues;

  • Development of key infrastructures such as roads, mega dams and factories,
  • Establishment of regional bank to support the economy of the region,
  • Promote agriculture,
  • Develop a policy on Universal Health Coverage where health insurance can be used across all the facilities in the 3 counties,
  • Jointly to exploit common natural resources and come up with a framework on how the people will directly benefit,
  • Provide conducive environment to both local and international investors and market the region an investment and tourist destination and,
  • Revive and value add cotton and leather industries whose raw materials are readily available in the region.

Community stakeholders inducted on development best practices

At least 2000 development stakeholders from across the county on Thursday were inducted on development best practices geared towards mindset change for sustainable development.

According to Governor Kibwana who presided over the event at ATC-Kwakathoka, the paradigm shift in development will entail moving from doing small projects everywhere with little impact to medium and mega projects and programmes with bigger impact.

This is aimed at intensifying the trickledown effect of projects and programmes and achieving economies of scale. This will be coupled with the value for money principle.

Kibwana further noted that it makes economic sense when projects and programmes are jointly funded in regions that experience the same development needs and have both similar geographic and demographic characteristics.

This involves moving from ward or Sub-County specific kind of development to inter-ward or inter-sub-county development implementation.

One of the key objectives of this development paradigm shift is moving from focusing on the completeness of a project to the utility and benefits accruing to the citizens.

“We are not only interested in the completeness of projects but their impacts. We must make our programmes and projects meet the needs of our citizens, it is a commitment we have resolved to deliver,” said Kibwana.

The event was also graced by deputy governor Adelina Mwau, Makueni MP Daniel Maanzo, members of the County Executive Committee and the County Assembly.

Makueni set to reap big from proposed digital media city project at Konza technopolis

Makueni county, and especially the youth, is set to reap big from aproposed Konza Digital Media City (DMC) to be established at the Konza Technopolis.

The media city will be modelled after the Sangam Digital Media City in Seoul and other similar cities in Korea.

According to Jaehoon Lee, a lead pre-feasibility research consultant of the proposed project and lecturer at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea, the Digital Media City Project will mainly incorporate gaming, animation, filming, photography and entertainment centres as one of the sectors under the Knowledge Economy and Innovation pillar of Konza Technopolis Project.

Lee is leading a team of Korean researchers and ICT experts in a six month feasibility study of the proposed project and subsequently development of a Masterplan and Implementation of the Digital Media City.

On Wednesday, the Korean delegation held a consultative forum at Makueni’s Nairobi Liaison office with governor Kivutha Kibwana and KotDA Chief Executive Officer John Tanui to agree on how to partner through information and logistics sharing during the feasibility and implementation of the project.

Tanui said the Konza Digital Media City (K-DMC) is proposed to provide an excellent digital media and entertainment ecosystem for research, training, propagation of new technologies, innovation and production of content with the African themes and perspectives for the global markets. 

He said the proposed project will leverage on a robust smart city infrastructure to attract leading global investors in the sector, thereby creating employment and boosting the national economy.

K-DMC project objectives

When complete, the project is expected to create over 50,000 direct jobs to the youth, with Makueni taking up a substantial chunk of these offers.

The project is proposed to host among other segments of the industry:

World class film and music production studios; Production studios for Photography, Advertisements, Cinema and TV Industry; Animation and Computer gaming industries; A film/multi-media campus; Theme Parks
; Specialized photography and filming facilities; Modern sound production studios and film labs
; Sound design studios and color correction facilities.

Governor Kibwana said his administration will work closely with the implementers of this project for the benefit of the Makueni youth. 

Kibwana also pledged to lobby his colleague governors Charity Ngilu, Alfred Mutua and Joseph Ole Lenku to take key roles so the region can benefit from this project under the South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB) framework.

Eng. Tanui has said the  Media City project has the potential to go into the pipeline for projects with funding consideration by Korea Exim Bank

South Eastern Kenya leaders meet for Economic Bloc Policy Formulation

Ukambani top leadership on Friday converged in Kitui town for a consultative forum to put final touches to the operationalization of the South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB).

The forum also provided room for public participation by the Bloc’s stakeholders on a national policy for establishment of County Economic Blocs drafted by the Ministry of Devolution and ASAL.

The event was graced by Cabinet Secretary for devolution Eugene Wamalwa, governor Charity Ngilu, Machakos deputy governor Francis Maliti and Makueni County Secretary Paul Wasanga who represented governor Kivutha Kibwana.

According to SEKEB acting chair Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki, the regional economic bloc will have a three-tier administration structure that will steer it to success.

The three tiers will include:


This will be the apex body which will offer leadership on policy and high level decisions.

The summit will comprise the three governors and senators, each county assembly speakers, majority and minority leaders, MPs, County Secretaries, representatives of the Business Community, Religious leaders, Civil society, Youth, Women, and PWDs.


 Each County is to establish a county forum for deliberating and engagement with the summit as appropriate.

The County Forum will consist of the Governor, senator, all county MPs, MCAs, CECs finance and Trade, representatives of Business, Professionals, Religious, Youth, PWDs, Women, Speaker, and the civil society.


This will be the body mandated to carry out administrative duties, mobilization of resources execution of SEKEB Programs and projects as well as Communication. 

The Secretariat will report to the summit.

According to Ndambuki, the thematic areas to be pursued by SEKEB include but not limited to: Water resources development, Agriculture and food security, Technology and ICT development, Health Services, Trade and Entrepreneur Development, Manufacturing, Industrialization, Mining/Extractives, Financial Sector Development, Infrastructure development, Urban Planning, Youth and Women empowerment, Tourism and cultural development.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana will be the Secretariat’s legal advisor, while Timothy Ndambuki will head it.

Locals benefit from projects of Public Participation

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau has implored the locals to make good use of public participation foras to realise development.

The DG particularly called on women to take public participation activities seriously in order to voice out social issues affecting them.

Mwau noted that besides issues of water and health, issues like gender based violence should be articulated saying that public participation provides effective platform for budget allocation.

She said: “Most of the times we prioritise issues of water, health and roads during public participation forums and forget to talk about social issues affecting us like rape and defilement cases. Women should come out in large numbers and speak about these issues so that we can get budget allocation.”

The Deputy Governor spoke on Monday when she commissioned the 80 metre Kalimani drift and Ilikoni ECDE center in Mtito-Andei ward, Kibwezi-East Sub-County, projects which were birthed through public participation. The drift marks a great milestone towards establishing linkages in different areas of the county.

Rose Matheka, one of the project management committee members while lauding the public participation model that starts at the village level, urged the county government to increase the public participation budget, a move that will ensure that many women are facilitated to attend the forums in large numbers.

The roads executive committee member Dr Naomi Makau hailed the PMC for being very vigilant in oversight roles that ensure that effective works are done.

Mtito Andei MCA Francis Mulwa who also took part in unveiling of the projects challenged the youth not to idle around but take up jobs so as to avoid indulging in drugs menace adding that he is in the forefront in steering the youth agenda in the ward.

Makueni water agenda on course

Governor Kivutha Kibwana on Monday commissioned two water projects in his bid to curb the perennial water scarcity in the county.

A 52,472 cubic metres Kimundi earth dam which serves a population of 7000 Kithuki/Kitise residents was the first to be commissioned followed by the Kikumini borehole with a yielding capacity of 9.5 cubic metres per hour.

The Kikumini bore hole is scheduled to supply water to Kikumini dispensary, Makueni CTTI and Kikumini market targeting a population of about 3000 residents.

Speaking to residents while commissioning the projects, governor Kibwana emphasized on cost effective and people centered development.

Kibwana commended the good work by project management committees across the county for supervising delivery of quality workmanship by contractors.

Makueni Unveils 200-bed Ultra Modern Mother and Child Hospital

Makueni has unveiled one of a kind Mother and Child Hospital at Wote.

Out of the 200 beds, 120 are for adults and 80 for neonates.

The facility, the first public hospital to offer aqua-birthing services in the country was commissioned on Thursday December 6th by national First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and Governor Kivutha Kibwana. The ceremony was also attended by regional leaders among them senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and MPs Daniel Maanzo (Makueni), Patrick Musimba (Kibwezi West) and a host of county first ladies.

The facility is expected to be a regional specialist referral facility for maternal and child health services with a catchment population of close to 100,000.

The facility will provide amenities including:

  • Consultation Services – Gynaecological, Obstetric, Neonatal consultation services;
  • Antenatal wards – for mothers who are not in active labour;
  • Ultra-modern New Born Unit with neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – with baby cots, incubators and phototherapy unit;
  • Post-surgical wards – for patients who have undergone surgical operations;
  • Labour ward with private rooms and 6 delivery beds;
  • Twin operating theatre with capacity for laparoscopic surgeries;
  • Gynaecological wards – for non-pregnant women of reproductive age with clinical issues;
  • Neonatal Ward – for both sick and well neonates;
  • Aqua-birthing facility – a first in public hospitals in Kenya;
  • Laboratory services – for diagnostic support;
  • Pharmacy services;
  • PET room – for mothers with pregnancy related hypertension complications;
  • Conference facilities – for continuous staff medical education; and
  • Kangaroo Mother Care room – for preterm neonates.

According to governor Kibwana, The Makueni Mother and Child Hospital is in line with the county’s priority to ensuring the provision of the highest attainable standards of health as envisaged in our constitution.

He said it is also aligned with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s big four agenda.

“Besides the Mother and Child Hospital, the County Government of Makueni has invested heavily in the improvement of health services especially the maternal and child health,” he said.

“The county government has increased physical access to health care. For example, we have in the last five years doubled the number of the physical facilities from the initial 109 facilities in 2013 to the current number of 232 operational facilities in 2018. This has reduced the average distance to access a health care facility from 9km to 4.5 km currently,” he said further.

The facility has been constructed in phases for the last four financial years at a cost of Sh 135 Million which includes both construction and equipping.

Governor commissions Kalawa Market Shed as he inspects projects

Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana on Monday toured Kalawa Ward to inspect a number of development projects initiated by his government.

During the tour the governor commissioned several development projects in the Ward.

The governor also interacted with residents on the ward’s development agenda.

Governor Kibwana began by inspecting the grading of Kinyau-Thwake-Katangini-Makongeni-Ndauni-Kwa Kaoka-Kwa Mwamisi-Kathulumbi-Unyeeo-Ngomano-Syotuvali road.

This road connects the interior part of the ward to the Kalawa-Wote road,opening it to higher social and economic growth.

Prof Kibwana later commissioned Kalawa Market Shed in Kalawa town.

Government releases Ksh 3.5 billion to fund Thwake dam project: Ruto

The government last week released Sh 3.5 billion to finance the construction of Thwake dam Deputy President William Ruto said on Monday.

The money released by the government is part of the Sh 63 billion budget for the construction of the dam, a major investment by the National Government in the county.

“Last week the government released Sh 3.5 billion for the Thwake dam project and President Kenyatta will soon be here to officially launch it,”Mr Ruto said.

He was speaking during the official launch of the International Youth Week at the ATC Kwa Kathoka in Makueni where  he told the residents that the Jubilee government has major plans for the county.

The DP was accompanied by  Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana, Deputy Governor Adelina  Mwau, Public Service,Youth and Gender Cabinet Secretary  Prof Margaret Kobia and her Sports counterpart Rashid Achesa.

Makueni County, the DP said was at the center of the Jubilee government’s development plans.

He took time to explain  the Jubilee government’s agenda four programs adding that towns in rural areas will benefit greatly from the initiative  that includes a multibillion housing plan  meant to improve shelter in the country.

He said young people are  key to the country’s future and that the Jubilee government has decided to invest in their education and manpower development.

“We need safe spaces in our colleges.I am happy am talking to our people here who are college students,” he said.

He said plans have been put in place to  give Sh 30,000 bursary to technical college students while Tvet college scholars will be allowed access to Higher Education Loans Board loans of not more than Sh 40,000 annually.

Prof Kibwana hailed the DP for having found time to grace the youth event in Makueni adding the locals are now ready to work with the government through the handshake initiative to realize tangible development.

“We are happy Mr DP for having found time to grace this event.As the people of Makueni we are now ready to work with the government.This handshake has deradicalised us,” the governor said.

He said his government had come up with a youth led initiative- the Makueni Youth Empowerment Service (M-YES) to help create opportunities for the over 350,000 young people in the county.

Prof Kobia said that the youth had become a global agenda and that her ministry will roll out plans to ensure issues affecting the young people economically and socially are dealt with.

“The theme for this  year’s youth week is safe spaces for the youth and we ask ourselves to what extent are we creating safe spaces for the youth.How do we empower the youth to be able to do what they are able to do,” the CS said.

Mwau said the county was happy to host the major event and urged the government to create opportunities for young people and women.