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Governor Mutula Meets ICT PS, roots for ease network connectivity

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior on Monday met ICT and Digital Economy PS Eng. John Tanui for a discussion on possible areas of collaboration to enhance connectivity and innovation in Makueni.
Key highlights of the meeting include
• Konza Technopolis Data Centre to host the county data to ensure security
• Establishment of a number of village digital hubs by June
• Upgrading of the current 14 Community ICT centres
• Support in automation of key government services
• Implementation of Kibwezi,Kathonzweni and Mbooni County Connectivity Projects
• Wote Technical Training institute to receive a donation of at least 100 computers
The department of ICT was tasked with identifying and mapping of two hotspot centers, to be operationalized by June this year.

Makueni to Roll out Countywide Mass Livestock Vaccination program

The County Government of Makueni through the Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative Development is set to roll out a mass vaccination program in March, targeting at least 200,000 livestock across the county.
The livestock diseases targeted for vaccination include foot and mouth disease, Lumpy skin disease in cattle while sheep and goats will be vaccinated for contagious pneumonia and goat plague
Currently, the department has prioritized vaccination of dairy cows due to their vulnerability ahead of the mass vaccination.
According to Agriculture CEC Joyce Mutua, the exercise is being implemented in partnership with Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society Limited and aims at increasing household incomes of dairy farmers in Makueni through reduction of livestock disease outbreaks.
The Cooperative is facilitating the aggregation of animals at a central point for vaccination as well link the vaccinators to farmers who prefer vaccination of the animals in their own crushes and homes.
On its part, the county government is conducting farmer sensitization on livestock disease control and other veterinary matters, and coordinating the procurement, collection, storage and delivery of livestock vaccines
Mutua, however, adds that the services will be accessed at a subsidized fee of Sh. 50. Per animal.

County in collaboration with KCB Bank donates food stuffs to children homes

Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili on Thursday led a food donation drive at Kikumini primary school small home, Salama Kenya Baptist children’s home and Tumbuni community centre for children with special needs as a way of supporting meal expenses of special needs children.
Mulili thanked the management of the institutions for creating a world of equal opportunities for children with intellectual impairment among other disabilities.
At Tumbuni, the school provides the children with education and trainings such as weaving based on the child’s aptitude, intelligence and the type and extend of their disability.
The food stuffs donated include: baking flour, cooking oil, maize flour, rice, and beans, thanks to Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB).

Development Tour of Kibwezi East

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Friday embarked on his maiden development tour of Kibwezi-East for inspection and commissioning of several development projects.
The projects included: Inspection of the Tsavo East Game Park Electric Fence, commissioning of Mtito Andei Roads Grading, inspection of Mtito Andei hospital and launch of
The solar powered electric fence will put to an end the human-wildlife conflict eyesore which has made life a living hell!

500 households benefit from emergency livestock feeds

At least 500 selected households from Kilome Sub-County will benefit from emergency livestock feeds program, courtesy of a partnership between the County Government of Makueni and the European Union (EU) through the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA).

The feeds will address the crisis of reduced quantity of pasture and fodder for livestock due to the little rainfall experienced in the area during the October-December rain season.

The distribution exercise was launched yesterday (Thursday) by Agriculture CEC Joyce Mutua and officials from NDMA in Kiima-kiu/Kalanzoni ward, and is ongoing in various locations within the sub-county.

Previously, the department of agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperatives Development has implemented various contingency activities in the livestock sector. Some of them are treatment and deworming of animals, vaccination of goats against Contagious Caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP 3), one of the most severe diseases of goats, and capacity building of officers on Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards.

Strategic Partnerships Review

Makueni County through the Directorate of Strategic Partnerships and Intergovernmental Relations on Wednesday embarked on a 3-day workshop to engage development partners with a view of co-auditing existing collaborations and chat the way forward.

According to Strategic Partnership Director Francis Nthuku, Makueni is a home of numerous and vibrant partners and its development success story cannot be complete without mentioning partnerships.

For instance, he noted, Makueni has been able to implement major flagship projects through collaborations. Some of them include the Wote Public Green Park, the Kalamba Fruit Processing Plant reconstituting line, the Public Participation Model, and the Grain Processing Plant at Makindu.

At the end of the workshop, the partners together with the county departments will identify areas of synergy to create new partnerships and deepen existing working relations to implement more development works to benefit the residents of Makueni.


Rehabilitation of Wote Estates Roads Kicks off

The Department of Transport and Infrastructure in Makueni has launched a two-week Estate Roads rehabilitation program in Wote town to ease transportation and open up the areas for business opportunities.
The program entails grading, murraming and compacting of the targeted roads. By end of the two weeks, the department will have graded 29km of road network.
County Executive Committee Member for Transport Sebastian Kyoni flanked by Wote Ward MCA Felix Mateso and Wote Municipality Manager Joseph Katumo flagged off the exercise on Wednesday.
Some of the Estates targeted for opening up include Town area, Shimo, Calosci, Nguumo/Malawi, Kundakindu, Slaughter, Westlands, Kasarani and Bangladesh.
Kyoni said the county government is in talks with Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) for partnership to progressively upgrade the roads to bitumen standards.

Makueni County Marks Safer Internet Day

On the 7th February 2023, the county government through the Department of ICT, Education and Internship hosted this years’ Safer Internet day in Makueni. The two day celebration was held in collaboration with Eveminet Communication Solutions Limited, an organization that is a Safer partner with Meta, TikTok and Google in Sub Saharan Africa and operating in the Education and Technology (Ed-Tech) Industry. The theme for this year was ‘Together For a Better Internet’.
The celebrations looked at a series of Online Safety roundtable engagements aimed at showcasing Innovative and Strategic advancements towards protecting children on the online space together with creating awareness and building capacities to all the players within the ecosystem of the child.
Stakeholders from key sectors around the children ecosystem were present with representation from KESSHA, Makueni Students Association, CIC and CTTI officers, students from Wote PWD centre, Ukia,Wote, Kathonzweni CICs and participation of Makueni boys and Ukia girls high schools.

90 Needy Learners Secure County Scholarships

90 pupils from needy backgrounds who sat for their KCPE in 2022 have secured full scholarships to their secondary schools of choice thanks to the County Government of Makueni.

The 90 were selected from the 30 wards after a thorough vetting exercise by the Department of Education.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr who led the scholarships award ceremony in Wote said the county government will closely monitor the awardees’ educational progress so that non veers off the right course of the education system.