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International Partnerships

Governor Kivutha Kibwana on Monday hosted a delegation of German parliamentarians who were in Kenya to learn more about the Country’s Devolution system of governance.

The delegation, led by Christoph PloB, a member of the German Parliamentary Committee on Transport and Infrastructure, said they chose Makueni because of the tangible successes in devolution implementation.

Kibwana, accompanied by the County Executive for Agriculture Lawrence Nzunga and Devolution Chief Officer Julius Musyoka discussed several development strategies with the delegation, which can be borrowed to improve entrenchment of a people-centred governance in both Kenya and German.

Among the key areas of interest discussed include youth empowerment and active participation in development, Health, Performance management, Agricultural Value Addiction and Climate Change management.

Other areas included education and political driven development especially from German’s Christian Democratic Union Party of Chancellor Angela Merkel which for the last 16 years has steered the country to be Europe’s biggest economy.

Makindu residents endorse Ziwani township Plan

Makindu residents have endorsed an urban development plan for Ziwani area in the outskirts of Makindu town.

This paves way for approval by the County Executive Committee and the assembly before allocation of plots.

The plan, covering 81 acres of land curved from Kiboko B settlement Scheme and earmarked for a proposed trading centre, was drawn by the County Government’s Lands department following a request by the National Lands Commission.

The residents accredited the plan on Monday during a public participation forum on the same led by governor Kivutha Kibwana and NLC Commissioner Rose Musyoka.

The plan has identified 288 plots for Commercial, residential and office space, while 30 plots have been earmarked for Public utilities among them a school, health facility, cemetery, sporting facility among others.

The latest development will allow plot allottees access title deeds and subsequently development of the area which has been idle and prone to grabbing by land cartels.

Kibwana and the NLC commissioner also ordered for the planning of an earmarked  67 acre trading centre at Ikoyo, between Makindu and Kiboko, which has witnessed incessant controversies by people claiming illegal ownership of part of the public land.

Three Ukambani Deputy Governors pledge to support development collaborations championed by their County Bosses

Deputy Governors Adelina Mwau, Eng Francis Maliti and Dr Wathe Nzau have pledged their unequivocal support for the Poverty Eradication Movement formed by the three Ukambani governors saying it is the only sure way to better the lives of their citizenry as well as accelerate the intentions of South Eastern Economic Bloc (SEKEB).

The three Ukambani DGs on Monday when they addressed the press at Maliti’s office in Machakos noted that the three counties share a lot in common but genuine unity to solve their unique challenges have been missing.

In a joint statement, the DGs further observed that it is only through the unity of purpose that the people of Ukambani can realize the goldmines they have been sitting on over the years and urged the three governors to soldier on.

“We are talking of building into each other’s efforts. For example, we are talking of Kalamba fruit processing plant in Makueni and we can have all Ukambani fruits processed there. We have a lot to learn about the Kitui Ndengu revolution. We are not duplicating but building on each other’s comparative advantages,” Mwau said.

“The initiatives through SEKEB the three governors have come up with are very good. We must change the way we used to do things if we are to expect different results. We also support the religious leaders who are trying to bring the leaders together. We need leaders who can bring our people together for politics of development,” said Nzau.

The deputy governors have lauded their bosses for choosing a direction away from the status quo and for reviving SEKEB which they said will concentrate on the following issues;

  • Development of key infrastructures such as roads, mega dams and factories,
  • Establishment of regional bank to support the economy of the region,
  • Promote agriculture,
  • Develop a policy on Universal Health Coverage where health insurance can be used across all the facilities in the 3 counties,
  • Jointly to exploit common natural resources and come up with a framework on how the people will directly benefit,
  • Provide conducive environment to both local and international investors and market the region an investment and tourist destination and,
  • Revive and value add cotton and leather industries whose raw materials are readily available in the region.

Makueni set to partner with the National Government on youth and women empowerment

The Government of Makueni County is set to partner with the National government through the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs on initiatives geared towards empowering the youth and women in the county.

This was agreed after Governor Kivutha Kibwana and his cabinet on Friday held lengthy discussions with Chief Administrative Secretary for the state ministry, Rachael Shebesh on behalf of her Cabinet secretary Margaret Kobia and identified a number of possible initiatives and programs to partner on.

Shebesh, while lauding Makueni for its outstanding performance in various areas expressed her interest specifically on partnership that impacts the lives of young people citing low uptake of the Youth Enterprise Fund in the county.

“I am interested in seeing that we touch the lives of our young people through the youth fund. It will be a win-win situation for both governments. We have the capacity to fund to even  a tune of Sh 10 million in a month to the youths through the fund,” Shebesh said.

Governor Kibwana said that his government will be more proactive in creating awareness to women and youth on the opportunities available for their empowerment including the funds adding that signing of a Memorandum of Understanding will be ripe after areas of priorities are refined by the two teams.

He Said: “We want to be very active in reaching out to our youth and women so that we increase the uptake of the youth and women funds in the County. Once the two teams on the ground refine on the areas of priority, then we will be ready to sign an MoU.”

Later in the day, CAS Shebesh together with Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau issued Women Enterprise Fund cheques worth Sh 2.9 million to 100 women at Wote.

CJ Maraga unveils new Makindu Court Block

Chief Justice David Maraga on Thursday unveiled a newly build Court block at Makindu to enhance access to judicial services.

Maraga promised to post a new magistrate to the court station to expedite cases before the court especially those touching on land cases which are overwhelming.

The CJ was joined by governor Kivutha Kibwana, MPs Patrick Musimba (Kibwezi West), Daniel Maanzo (Makueni) and County MP Rose Museo among other Judicial services.

Maraga said the Judiciary is working hard to devolve as many courts as possible. In Makueni alone, he said Tawa Law Courts building is 99 percent complete while Makueni High Court building is 30 percent complete.

The new Makindu Law Courts block

Governor Kibwana urged the Courts to expedite resolution of the numerous land, environmental and sexual offences cases that are so prevalent across the county.

He also called for a review of the current procurement law which makes purchases by government and its agencies so expensive in relation to prevailing market prices.

Support counties to join Open Government Partnership: Mwau

Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau has urged the national government to support counties to join open government partnership saying that their efforts will go a long way in enhancing openness and accountability across the country.

While addressing key stakeholders during the launch of the third Open Government Partnership National Action Plan led by Deputy President William Ruto on Monday at Serena, Mwau noted that concerted efforts will help the country to achieve the Big Four Agenda and Vision 2030.

“It will be a great idea for you to support County Governments to become members so that we can all join efforts to willingly enhance accountability and openness across the Country,” Mwau said.

In his keynote remarks, Ruto noted that involvement of citizens by government in audit of its programmes ensures stability of the nation as well as promote effective democracy.

He said: “When a government involves citizens, civil society in the audits of its practices and programmes, the society is more stable, the country more organized and the people happy because they know their nation is run in their best interests.”

He further lauded Makueni for institutionalizing open governance through involvement of its citizenry in its development programs.

Makueni, according to the DG has partnered with Hivos and Development Gateway to ensure open governance and signed a Memorandum of Understanding which established the terms and conditions under which open contracting can be implemented.

The third National Action Plan will be anchored on the following commitments:

  • Publish a central public register of company beneficial ownership information operating in the country;
  • Open contracting to improve transparency and reduce opportunities for corruption;
  • Open-Geo Spatial data for development by lowering the barrier and increase access to geospatial data;
  • Improve public participation for better and responsive service delivery;
  • Improve public sector performance through governance indices and
  • Build open government resiliency.

South Eastern Kenya leaders meet for Economic Bloc Policy Formulation

Ukambani top leadership on Friday converged in Kitui town for a consultative forum to put final touches to the operationalization of the South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB).

The forum also provided room for public participation by the Bloc’s stakeholders on a national policy for establishment of County Economic Blocs drafted by the Ministry of Devolution and ASAL.

The event was graced by Cabinet Secretary for devolution Eugene Wamalwa, governor Charity Ngilu, Machakos deputy governor Francis Maliti and Makueni County Secretary Paul Wasanga who represented governor Kivutha Kibwana.

According to SEKEB acting chair Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki, the regional economic bloc will have a three-tier administration structure that will steer it to success.

The three tiers will include:


This will be the apex body which will offer leadership on policy and high level decisions.

The summit will comprise the three governors and senators, each county assembly speakers, majority and minority leaders, MPs, County Secretaries, representatives of the Business Community, Religious leaders, Civil society, Youth, Women, and PWDs.


 Each County is to establish a county forum for deliberating and engagement with the summit as appropriate.

The County Forum will consist of the Governor, senator, all county MPs, MCAs, CECs finance and Trade, representatives of Business, Professionals, Religious, Youth, PWDs, Women, Speaker, and the civil society.


This will be the body mandated to carry out administrative duties, mobilization of resources execution of SEKEB Programs and projects as well as Communication. 

The Secretariat will report to the summit.

According to Ndambuki, the thematic areas to be pursued by SEKEB include but not limited to: Water resources development, Agriculture and food security, Technology and ICT development, Health Services, Trade and Entrepreneur Development, Manufacturing, Industrialization, Mining/Extractives, Financial Sector Development, Infrastructure development, Urban Planning, Youth and Women empowerment, Tourism and cultural development.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana will be the Secretariat’s legal advisor, while Timothy Ndambuki will head it.

Over 50 cleft lip and palate patients set to benefit from free surgical clinic

Over 50 cleft lip and palate patients from Makueni are set to undergo free surgical and rehabilitative treatment at Makueni Level 5 Hospital courtesy of the county government, Smile Train Africa and BelaRisu Foundation.

Health Executive Dr Mulwa who officially opened the 3-day surgical camp said the program is one of the major steps towards implementation of the Makueni universal health cover that ensures accessibility of health services to all.

“Today we have a free camp for patients with cleft lip and palate. This  program is in line with our universal health care which ensures that no one is left behind in accessing health services,” Mulwa said.

Smile Train Africa Program Director Jane Ngige noted that the camp is in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between them and the county government two years ago that is geared towards promotion of health through the surgical camps and capacity building of medical professionals.

She said: ” Two years ago, we signed an MoU with the County government and that is why we have today’s camp. The main objectives of the agreement is to help train medical professionals as well as help children with cleft lips and palates in Makueni.”

Health Chief Officer Dr Patrick Musyoki said plans are underway to devolve the surgical camps to Sub-County hospitals so that patients can access the services easily and have them run after every 3 months.

Makueni farmers to benefit from ‘Ndengu’ promotion

Makueni green gram farmers are set to reap big from the crop as the national government steps in to promote the crop as a model one for the county.

This was announced by Principal Secretary for Agriculture Hamadi Boga on Thursday during a county farmers’ field day at Kwa Kathoka KALRO farm, which the PS presided over on behalf of Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri.

The event was organized by the County Government in collaboration with the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) and was meant to educate farmers on smart agricultural practices and the appropriate seeds for maximum productivity.

Boga said the people of Makueni would be given an opportunity to choose one model crop that the ministry would promote through farmer capacity building, marketing and other value chain linkages to ensure maximum profitability.

The farmers, under the guardianship of the Agriculture Executive Committee Member Lawrence Nzunga picked ‘Ndengu’ as their preferred model crop.

Governor Kibwana, who hosted the PS, said out of the county government’s support and that of its partners, the acreage under pulses ( Beans, cowpeas, green grams and Dolichos) in the county has increased to 255,432 hectares with an estimated value of over Sh 8 Billion.

Kibwana said the County is now focusing on grain processing with plans a foot to construct the Makindu Integrated Grain Processing Facility to add value to pulses and enable farmers access both local and export markets.

Makueni inks deal with Nairobi Women’s Hospital to establish recovery center

Makueni has officially unveiled a Sexual and Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre (SGBVRC) at the Makueni County referral hospital.

The facility, the first by a county government, was unveiled on Wednesday by nominated Member of Parliament Cecily Mbarire flanked by governor Kivutha Kibwana, founder and director of strategy  Nairobi Women’s Hospital Sam Thenya, Nairobi City County assembly speaker Beatrice Elachi, deputy governor Adelina Mwau and County MP Rose Museo.

Kibwana, on behalf of the County Government, also signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Nairobi Women’s Hospital which lays out a framework for collaboration between the two parties to develop, promote and strengthen joint actions and collaboration towards prevention and response to gender-based violence within Makueni County.

According to the MoU, The Nairobi Women Hospital Gender Recovery Centre will:

  1. Offer technical support and guidance on the establishment and management of the county referral hospital gender based violence recovery centre (GBVRC).
  2. Through consultation with the GMC, conduct capacity building on GBV prevention and response for key stakeholders involved in GBV management such as the healthcare providers, community structures and other relevant cadres or groups.
  3. Provide technical advice to the policy makers and those in the county relevant institutions on strengthening GBV prevention and response and institutionalization of policies.
  4. Collaborate with GMC to institutionalize the use of evidence informed interventions through activities such as baseline and end-line assessments, program reviews.
  5. Implement targeted community and learning institutions education awareness on GBV prevention and response in collaboration with GMC
  6. Collaborate with the county to support in monitoring GBV activities through quarterly stakeholders’ meetings and other appropriate approaches.
  7. Collaborate wth GMC in sharing GBV data to promote evidence based programming maintaining confidentiality of affected persons (Suvivors of gender based violence).
  8. At their cost, receive referrals for GBV specialized care and treatment 
  9. Participate in or facilitate GBV technical coordination group meetings
  10. Aassist in establishing linkages and networks including resource mobilization for the GBV program.