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Makueni County Climate Change Fund Management Board unveiled

Members of the first County Climate Fund Management Board on Thursday took oath of office in a swearing in ceremony witnessed by Governor Kivutha Kibwana, his deputy Adelina Mwau and other senior county officials.

The board, whose main duty is to manage the climate change fund, will specifically approve the climate change budget, allocate resources, mainstream climate change projects, programs and activities in county planning and budgeting, and ensure their approval and inclusion in the County Integrated Development Plan. In addition, it will monitor disbursements, oversee budget execution, implementation and evaluation of climate programs and projects.

Governor Kibwana, while congratulating the members, asked them to be keen to implement the climate change regulations and policy that are already in place so as to help cushion the residents from the harsh effects of climate change.

Further, Kibwana urged the board to partner with the climate change committees based at the wards level to provide appropriate and robust climate change responses to specific needs.

The county government sets aside 2% of its annual development budget to the climate change fund. Other sources of funding include; moneys appropriated by the County Assembly; International Climate Finance (ICF) received directly or through the National Designated Authority and funds received from donors, stakeholders and supporters.

UCM partnership with SEKEB focuses on education and workforce development

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The University of Central Missouri is partnering with the Government of Makueni County-Kenya, a member of the South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB), and Global Classroom Exchange (GCE) to enhance international workforce development and education opportunities.

The unique collaboration includes UCM, the Government of Makueni County-Kenya, the Economic Bloc and Global Classroom Exchange. The partnership officially launched at a Jan. 8, 2021, virtual signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding. MOU signers included the Governor of Makueni County, H.E. Professor Kivutha Kibwana; Dr. Phil Bridgmon, UCM provost and vice president for Academic Affairs; Dr. Laurel Hogue, vice provost for UCM Extended Studies; and John Musau, founder and CEO of Global Classroom Exchange.

Through the partnership, UCM Extended Studies will work with the university’s Kenyan peers on education, entrepreneurship and workforce development. The partners are leveraging technology to foster global collaboration in resolving local challenges. These organizations are working together to develop real-world sustainable solutions for students and adults. Students from Kenya and the United States will also gain hands-on experiences in areas such as Internet of Things, virtual reality, telehealth and entrepreneurship while working on industry-recognized certifications and accelerated degree programs.

The partnership’s foundation began in 2019 with Summit Technology Academy (Lee’s Summit R-7 School District) meeting virtually with students in Kenya to become acquainted and begin planning their combined efforts. During fall 2019, Kenya Governor Kivutha Kibwana and a delegation from Kenya visited Lee’s Summit to tour the Missouri Innovation Campus and meet with officials from UCM and Summit Technology Academy.

This new partnership has benefited significantly from the involvement of Digloso Ltd, a company focusing on providing emerging populations with technological infrastructure and modular application platforms. Digloso is headquartered in Kenya.

Want to become involved?

Business, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to collaborate in the project, which is actively seeking partners to help with solutions. For more information, contact Joe Mullins at or Dr. Laurel Hogue at

Components of the partnership

  • Leveraging technology to enhance academic learning
  • Developing career pathways with joint workforce programs for global markets
  • Establishing UCM dual credit and concurrent programs with Makueni County-Kenya
  • Providing students with opportunities to gain hands-on experiences in areas such as Internet of Things, virtual reality, telehealth and entrepreneurship while also working on industry-recognized certifications and accelerated degree programs
  • Focusing on meaningful collaboration and project-based learning.

What the partners are saying

“The Makueni Innovation Centre will provide an avenue for young people within the County, the SEKEB Region and beyond to develop skills and innovations that are necessary in creating an economic ecosystem,” said said the governor of Makueni County, Hon. Professor Kivutha Kibwana. “Unemployment is a major challenge in Kenya, especially among the youth, and I believe the experience they will receive through this partnership will create employment opportunities for them.”

“Today is the result of a lot of work and collaboration, and we are really excited about the work ahead,” said Dr. Laurel Hogue, vice provost for UCM Extended Studies, during the virtual MOU signing.

“We talk about having borders, and we talk about creating opportunities and sometimes those two don’t go hand-in-hand,” said John Musau, founder and CEO of Global Classroom Exchange. “I feel this is one opportunity for us to make a difference.”


“This is an important engagement in workforce development that will provide career pathways in an area that is growing and emerging,” said Dr. Phil Bridgmon, UCM provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

About the partners

  • The University of Central Missouri operates campuses in Lee’s Summit and Warrensburg, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as certificate programs, professional education courses and customized corporate curriculum. UCM and Summit Technology Academy have shared space and resources in the award-winning Missouri Innovation Campus facility since its opening in fall 2017.
  • The South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc includes three counties: Kitui, Machakos and Makueni with a combined estimated population of 4.7 million. The Bloc was created to provide social and economic development for its citizens.
  • Global Classroom Exchange is the CSR arm of Digloso, a company focusing on providing emerging populations with technological infrastructure and modular applications platforms. Digloso’s founder and CEO John Musau is a native of Kenya with the company’s headquarters located in Machakos, Kenya.

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Makueni eyes solar energy to power its installations

Makueni County has entered into a partnership agreement with GIGAWATT Global, a developer and supplier of renewable energy installations, to install solar power generators at agreed upon facilities.

The goal of this project, governor Kivutha Kibwana says, is to provide cheap, reliable and clean energy to power public installations and later markets and villages not connected to the national power grid.

Ultimately, the collaboration will lead to development of a 40MW solar project to bridge the energy supply gap in the county.

Governor Kibwana was upbeat that this will revamp the local economy and create great opportunities especially for young people.

Some of the institutions targeted for connectivity include: Makueni Fruit Processing Plant, Makindu Grain Processing Plant, health facilities, learning institutions as well as water distributions points.

The agreement was signed by Governor Kibwana and the Chief Executive Officer GIGAWATT GLOBAL Mr. Josef Abramowitz in Nairobi on Tuesday.


Makueni County on Thursday opened doors to its first cancer treatment and management clinic at the Makueni Referral Hospital, Wote.

The clinic is courtesy of the EMPOWER PROJECT, a partnership bringing together Roche, International Cancer Institute (ICI), Women for Cancer and African Cancer Foundation.

The County First Ladies Association (CFLA) was key in realizing the clinic by mobilizing all the partners and resources including the county government and Family Bank which donated five Chemotherapy chairs for the cancer unit.

Speaking at the event, governor Kivutha Kibwana said his administration will commit adequate budgetary provisions for essential supplies and human resources to ensure that the rising burden of cancer in Makueni is reversed.

He said that before establishment of the unit, patients used to travel to Kenyatta National Hospital and private facilities for diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This, he said, was expensive and time consuming. It was associated with delays, with patients sometimes missing treatment due to long queues as well as lack of follow up and poor outcomes

So far, the county government has seconded an Oncologist Pharmacist, 2 clinical officers, one nurse and one records officer for the coordination of the unit. Further, it is in the process of recruiting 2 oncology clinical officers, 2 oncology nurses, a radiologist and a pathologist to support the increasing traffic at the centre.

Makueni becomes the fifth county to unveil the EMPOWER CANCER CLINIC after Kisumu, Bungoma, Meru and Taita Taveta.

CFLA chairperson Maria Mbeneka (Laikipia) said the aim of pushing for establishment of the cancer clinics in counties is to enhance early cancer detection, treatment and management while reducing the prohibitive costs of treatment.

The event at the Mother and Child Hospital in Wote was graced by 15 county first ladies among them host Nazi Kivutha, Edna Lenku-Kajiado, Sarah Tunai-Narok, Saline Barchok-Bomet, Wato Kuti-Isiolo, Elizabeth Kinyanjui-Nakuru and Sheila Sang-Nandi.

Others were Priscilla Murungi- Meru, Priscilla Oparanya-Kakamega, Christine Mvurya-Kwale, Dorothy Nyong’o- Kisumu, Stellah Samboja- Taita Taveta and Ivy Bunei of Baringo County.

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Enhancing Food Security in Makueni

Governor Kivutha Kibwana and his deputy Adelina Mwau on Thursday flagged off 30MT of maize seed worth Kshs. 7.5M for distribution to 15,000 farmers across the county a head of the October-December short rains.

The consignment, which is support from Bayer East Africa, is part of the county government’s efforts working with its partners to enhance food security initiatives.

The initiatives target to support 47,382 farm families, 75 youth groups and 118 other groups with seeds, seedlings and equipment to improve food and nutrition security in the county. The target beneficiaries are spread across all the thirty wards in Makueni County in line with the county government’s philosophy of “O kila nyumba kalila.”

The overall goal of the initiatives, governor Kibwana said, is to cushion the farmer against the effects of covid-19 pandemic by ensuring availability of quality seed and seedlings for enhanced productivity and profitability at farm level. This is to be achieved through a collaborative effort between the government and stakeholders as follows:

1. Bayer E.A, supporting with 30,000 Kgs of maize seed (worth KShs 7.5M), targeting 15,000 (500 per ward) beneficiaries

2. Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme – Climate Resilient Agricultural Livelihood (KCEP-CRAL), a government programme, targeting to reach out to 5,297 beneficiaries with an assortment of maize/beans and sorghum/green grams seeds as well as other farm inputs (ripping service, hermetic bags, tarpaulin, fertilizers). The programme will also support 20 staff with motorbikes to enhance their mobility when offering extension services.

3. Small-scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) targeting 540 beneficiaries with beans, cow peas, green grams, dolichos lab, millets, and sorghum seeds for demonstrations and bulking in the project areas (Utangwa, Kyemwee Irrigation schemes and Muoni/Kikuu Catchment – Makindu, Nguu/Masumba, Emali/Mulala, Mbitini and Kasikeu wards).

4. The National Irrigation Board (NIB) is supporting the initiative with 7,000 avocado seedlings which will be distributed to Kilungu, Mbitini, Ukia, Mbooni, Kithungo/Kitundu, and Tulimani wards. (10 seedlings per farmer).

5. The Government of Makueni County (GMC) will support the initiative with 10,000 avocado seedlings and 1,500 macadamia seedlings under ward projects in Mukaa and Ilima wards. (10 seedlings per farmer).

6. The Agriculture and Food Authority’s Nuts & Oil Crops will support the initiative with 5,000 cashew nut seedlings which will be distributed to 500 beneficiaries across the county at 10 seedlings per farmer.

7. The Makueni Youth Agribusiness Empowerment Project (MYAEP) will support 60 youth groups as follows;
a. 10 groups with beehives, honey harvesting kits, honey extracting machines,
b. 10 groups with chicken,
c. 20 groups with pumps, drip irrigation kits, vegetable seeds and farm inputs (fertilizers and agrochemicals).
d. 20 groups for capacity building (skills development)
e. The project has also supported 8 staff with motorbikes to enhance their mobility when offering extension services.

Makueni women sensitized on online entrepreneurship

The State Department for Gender has kicked off a sensitization drive on the 50 Million African Women Speak Project in Makueni seeking to connect local women entrepreneurs to their peers in 38 African countries.
50 Million African Women Speak project is a digital platform designed to provide a one-stop shop for information on how to run business, accessing financial services, creating business opportunities online and access to training resources in 38 African countries.
Florence Chemutai, an official of the department, urged women from Makueni to register for the Pan-African networking platform that is meant to connect 50 Million African women in business.
She spoke at Mukuyuni on Thursday during the official launch of the sensitization drive in an event attended by governor Kivutha Kibwana and his deputy Adelina Mwau.
Chemutai said the networking platform is a web and mobile-based application expected to directly impact African women and create a fair-waged job for both young people and women from the increased business activities and capital flow.
Mwau cited lack of access to capital as the main hindrance to the empowerment of women in Makueni, adding that such technology will open markets for mango fruit farmers among others.
Mwau described the initiative as “a very practical way of speaking to the general agenda of empowering women” with its business resources and custom-built social networking features already attracting thousands of women and connecting them to do business with each other and share experiences in ways that were previously not possible.
Governor Kibwana on his part emphasized that the program will give Makueni women a chance to showcase their products and link with a market of millions across Africa, in addition to leveraging on opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and mentorship as part of a vigorous online community of entrepreneurs.

Ukambani governors hold first SEKEB Summit meeting

The three Ukambani governors; Kivutha Kibwana, Alfred Mutua and Charity Ngilu on Tuesday held the first ordinary summit meeting of the South-Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB) in Machakos.

Top on the agenda of the meeting was development of modalities to enhance Inter-county trade, identification of priority programs/projects of the bloc, marketing of the bloc as a key investment zone, infrastructure development to expand interconnectivity of the region for ease of doing business and movement of people.

The three leaders agreed to establish a technical committee comprising of trade CECs as well as create a cabinet portfolio from each county to drive the agenda of the bloc.

Governor Kibwana said the bloc is eyeing KES 4 billion grant from the Global Climate Fund which if approved will fund several mega dams in the region, besides funding climate smart agricultural projects.

Governor Mutua said the three of them have agreed to create the proper political environment that drives genuine development and rolling back of the poverty ravaging the region.

Ngilu on her part was upbeat that the region is rich in resources which if well tapped can create 60,000 jobs per year.

Shina Foundation to the rescue of vulnerable groups

County first lady Nazi Kivutha, through her Shina Foundation, has reached out to vulnerable groups along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway with a donation of cash and other items as a cushion against covid-19 distress.

The donation targets 207 beneficiaries organized in nine groups, and who are former commercial sex workers, drug addicts/peddlers based in Mtito Andei, Kibwezi, Emali, Makindu, Sultan Hamud, Salama, Malili, Kambu and Machinery towns.

Each of the nine groups received Sh 20,000 cash as seed capital for income generating activities while each individual will receive 5 litres of hand washing soap and a hand washing jerrican.

Nazi also donated 3,605 masks where each household member of the 207 beneficiaries will receive a pack of five face masks.

“We chose groups along the highway because of their vulnerability. Shina Foundation and our partners, among them Centre for Health Solutions and AIDS Healthcare Foundation, felt many young people were at extremely high risk of Covid-19 infection owing to their care-free life associated with substances abuse and commercial sex work,” said Nazi when she presented the donation to the County Coronavirus Emergency Response Committee at the county administration offices Monday.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana who received the donation, lauded Shina foundation terming the outfit a major player in the county development especially in resource mobilization for family planning, health development and mentorship.

Makueni, World Vision Partnership to Quench Kalawa Ward

Kalawa ward is arguably one of the driest parts of Makueni county, perpetually battling water scarcities.

On a normal day, residents have to trek a considerable distance to fetch water from points that the county government has continued to develop across the expansive ward.

A partnership between the county government and World Vision is however projected to change the above scenario and make the ward one of the water secure wards in the county.

The two institutions are co-funding a project dubbed Athi-Kalawa Sanitation Project meant to distribute water to 80 % of the ward area.

The project involves pumping water from Athi River to Wii hills, construction of a treatment plant, construction of a 500 cubic meters reservoir and three distribution lines (Kalawa, Miangeni and Syotuvali) for communal water circulation.

World Vision national director Lilian Dodzo who paid a courtesy call to governor Kivutha Kibwana on Tuesday, to discuss the project progress, said the project purposes to cut the distance to the nearest water point from households to a maximum of 500 meters.

According to County Executive Committee member for Water and Sanitation Rosemary Maundu, the project is 30 percent done and phase 1 must be complete before end of the year 2020.