The Department of Finance and Socio-Economic Planning in conjunction with the Department of Devolution, public participation, county administration and special programmes has initiated the participatory budgeting process for FY 2023/24.
The FY 2023/24 budget will be guided by the development philosophy of “Wauni wa Kwika Nesa na Ulungalu” and will be geared towards the following:
1. Enhancing universal water access in the County;
2. Increasing sustainable agriculture production, value addition and market access for targeted value chains;
3. Improving urban and rural infrastructural development socio-economic transformation;
4. Increasing industrialization and enterprise development by creating a conducive environment for investment and employment creation, and;
5. Sustaining and enhancing access to quality and affordable health services.
Public engagement fora at sub-wards are scheduled for 30th-31st March and 5th April 2023 for the ward level.
Makueni Health Chief Officer Dr. Stephen Ndolo on Thursday received a delegation from Kilifi County Assembly’s Health Committee who visited to benchmark on Universal Healthcare.
Among the areas of interest were operations at the Mother and Child Unit, physiotherapy Department, Makueni Brain Centre, CT-Scan Centre, oxygen plant, cancer screening and Treatment unit and the Universal Healthcare registration desk.
Edward ziro, a member of Kilifi County Assembly representing Mwana-mwinga ward and the chair in the health committee lauded Makueni for equity in access to healthcare services yet the locals are able to receive highest standard of curative, preventive and promotion healthcare.
Dr. Ndolo noted that the program has been so entrenched in the people who have seen its benefit adding that there has been a lot of demand for health services since the onset of the programme.
Makueni’s Executive Committee Member for Lands and Urban Planning Dr. Sonia Nzilani on Thursday chaired a multi-agency technical team sitting in Naivasha to develop an Inter –County Buffer Zone Physical and Land Use Development Plan around the 10 km radius Konza Technopolis buffer area. The buffer area spreads across Makueni, Kajiado and Machakos.
The team comprises of surveyors, physical planners and environmentalists from Makueni, Machakos, Kajiado, Konza Technopolis Development Authority and Ministry of Lands and Urban Planning.
The proposed 10-year plan is intended to align the Technopolis development plan with that of the 10km buffer zone so as to create a symbiotic growth. The plan will also enhance investments attraction as the buffer area complements development at the Technopolis.
Some of the key strategic installations suggested for the buffer area include an Airport, health facilities, light industries, green spaces, water dams, University College (completion of Scott University) among others.
When completed, validated and approved by the three county assemblies, the plan will be implemented by the national government, the three county governments and other development stakeholders as envisioned in the plan.
Makueni’s Devolution CECM Japheth Mang’oka, Lands and Urban Planning CECM Machakos Phillip Kilonzo as well as CEC’s from Kajiado also participated in the event.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr recognizes outstanding achievements by individuals, organizations, and agencies for environmental projects and conservation measures.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Tuesday led Makueni residents in celebrating International Day of Forests by spearheading restoration of Mbitini location tree cover. The area has for years witnessed formation of life-threatening gullies and flash floods following wanton destruction of tree cover.
County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Urban Planning, Environment and Climate Change Dr. Sonia Nzilani has said the county will plant and grow at least 1.2M trees by the year 2026 in partnership with Mastercard Foundation to restore environmentally degraded lands in Makueni.
As part of a long-term strategy towards environmental conservation, the department is training and establishing environmental clubs in at least 18 schools to promote environmental education and greening programs.
The event was staged at Masokani County Technical Training Institute in Mbitini ward, Makueni Sub-county.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr on Tuesday officially launched the Ajiry programme and Ajiry center at the Wote Green Park.
The Makueni Ajiry center will offer a wide range of services to the youth including; Digital skills training, mentorship, free access to music and podcast recording studios, and cyber security training and certification.
According to the ICT, Education, and Internship ECM, Elizabeth Muli, this initiative will enable the youth to participate fully in the digital economy and expose them to job opportunities and online markets.
She noted that the digital space will also offer the youth a music studio where they could participate in recording their talents in music, podcasts, and deejaying.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr said that the impact of the center will not only be felt in the community but also beyond, adding that his administration has created a model that can be replicated in other parts of the country in empowering the youth to become change-makers in their own right.
He further said that the institution was a game changer in the quest for youth and women empowerment, digital skills, and the digital economy.
The programme is delivered in partnership with the Makueni county government, Tribus-TSG, a subsidiary of Centum Investment Company, and the Mastercard foundation.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr, Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, accompanied by County Commissioner, several MCAs commissions Winzeni micro-Irrigation project at the River bed of River Athi in Kitise/Kithuki ward.
The project once complete will irrigate 30 acres of land. This is one among 11 micro Irrigation projects scattered in dry wards of mavindini, kitise/Kithuki, Kikumbulyu South, kikumbulyu North, mbitini and kalawa.
The Governor also led a food distribution drive to several families from the area.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr , Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, along with heads of various departments commissions the disilting and expansion of Kwamboo Earth Dam in Muusini, Mavindini, Makueni sub county.
The 18-acre embankment, once complete, will yield 35,000 m3 of water.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, Health ECM Dr. Paul Musila, and Stephen Ndolo (Chief officer, health) today held collaboration talks with both Jacaranda health and Thinkwell at the governor’s boardroom.
The two partners are collaborating with Makueni county to implement quality ecosystems that aim at improving maternal and newborn healthcare solutions by linking them with available budget and data capabilities.
According to Joseph Mutweleli, Head of partnerships at Jacaranda health, this approach will leverage public partnerships and women’s voices to help the Makueni county government drive cost efficiencies in health funds as well as prioritizing investments in innovations and improvements in quality-of-care services.
Mutweleli, noted that the ultimate goal would be to increase available funds for maternal and newborn health solutions by 50% as well as reduce facility-based neonatal mortality and drivers of maternal death rate by 20%
The head of programs at Jacaranda health, Javan Waita, reported that the institution has been in Makueni since 2019. According to him, they have been able to enroll 95,040 pregnant and new mothers and reached 4,663 male partners across 80 health facilities where they empowered them with information to improve health-care seeking services through their PROMPT program.
The institution through a partnership with the health department has also been able to mentor over 250 nurses from 53 health facilities within the county who have successfully delivered over 1700 babies born every month.
Waita added that Jacaranda implemented a blood tracker innovation in 9 healthcare facilities, enabling them to identify the availability of blood.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr endorsed the program but urged them to hold counseling sessions for teen mothers who would most likely not say much as several of them might have gotten the babies as a result of defilement.
He stressed the need for pediatric wings in public hospitals within the county, indicating the importance of maternal healthcare.