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Makueni residents in Mombasa officially unveil investment cooperative

A group of Makueni residents based in Mombasa has now unveiled an investment cooperative to pool resources and create wealth both in Makueni and Mombasa.

The cooperative is the first in the county and the country at large to be domesticated under the devolved system of government.

According to its chairperson Richard Kinovi, the overall goal of the cooperative named MDIMA, is to empower its members and citizens of Makueni socially, economically and create wealth for the county.

The 261- member outfit has so far bought shares worth over Sh 5 Million in the Ene Microfinance and is partnering with the county government of Makueni and other development partners in eradicating poverty, budget making process and projects implementation.

The group is also on the verge of securing a grant of USD 200,000 from USAID Kenya and East Africa to train young people in Makueni and mentor them on life skills in a bid to increase their employability levels.

The co-operative movement in the county has grown tremendously post devolution from 83 co-operatives to 224 as at June this year.

Governor Kivutha Kibwana who graced the launch at Changamwe, Mombasa, Saturday evening lauded the members for exemplary unity of purpose, terming the cooperative a model one in the county.

He urged members of the cooperative to take advantage of the county’s Tetheka fund and any other opportunity that will help them pool resources together for group and individual growth.

Mauris volutpat – malesuada vestibulum

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Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum

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Curae dictum lacus quis

Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.

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Integer luctus lobortis nisi ut porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum luctus nisi et elit volutpat pretium. In molestie tortor quis erat dignissim pretium vehicula id magna. Nullam vel nisl porttitor, finibus elit in, feugiat urna. Pellentesque laoreet mi et gravida consectetur. Duis elementum vulputate eros vel gravida. Nulla facilisi.

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Pellentesque – dignissim dui ac dolor convallis

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Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum

Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor et ultrices tincidunt. Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum, nibh metus euismod augue, quis scelerisque risus erat at purus. Nulla tincidunt quis sem eu feugiat. Suspendisse sed arcu luctus, egestas elit at, bibendum dolor. Nulla et nulla dignissim, efficitur ipsum nec, dignissim ipsum. Sed tempor urna a euismod lacinia. Fusce elementum ipsum lorem.

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Curae dictum lacus quis

Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus. Proin luctus eu erat quis tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ullamcorper nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diamer nunc eu placerat fermentum.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dui libero, tempor quis congue in, interdum eget tortor. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus vehicula. Sed rhoncus ullamcorper mauris, ac condimentum metus egestas ut. Nam et urna ante, vitae pretium lacus.

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Integer luctus lobortis nisi ut porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum luctus nisi et elit volutpat pretium. In molestie tortor quis erat dignissim pretium vehicula id magna. Nullam vel nisl porttitor, finibus elit in, feugiat urna. Pellentesque laoreet mi et gravida consectetur. Duis elementum vulputate eros vel gravida. Nulla facilisi.

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Inside Makueni’s ambitious Plan to rid off towns of street children

On Friday October 4th, 2019, governor Kivutha Kibwana led top officers from the department of gender in his administration on a day-long benchmarking tour of the expansive Mully Children’s family at Yatta, Machakos County.

The Mully Children’s Family is an internationally acclaimed children protection centre which rescues and rehabilitates street children before reintegrating them into the society. The family currently houses 3,500 rescued children in different parts of the country.

The Kibwana-led delegation was taken through the various processes of holistic life transformation of otherwise condemned street children owing to their antisocial behaviors. Many of those who have gone through Mully Children Centre are now independent citizens contributing immensely to the country’s social and economic development.

According to Kibwana, the Yatta tour was the first step towards establishing and running a sustainable Orphaned and Vulnerable Children rescue & rehabilitation centre in Makueni with a capacity of 500 (boys and girls) by the year 2020.

As a stopgap measure before operationalization of the centre, Kibwana signed an agreement with the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mully Family Dr. Charles Mulli to undertake placement of rescued and or referred children from Makueni for protection, rehabilitation and empowerment.

The first batch of 30 street children and 40 young mothers rescued from the urban streets of Makueni is expected to report at the Yatta Centre in two weeks-time after undergoing the procedural processing for admission.

The Mully Children’s Family will also offer technical support and guidance on the establishment and management of the Children Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Makueni.

According to the Gender and Children Chief Officer Diana Muli, whereas there is no official figure on the number of street children in Makueni County, there are increasing numbers of such children spotted along the major highways and towns.

“These children appear ragged, hungry, ignored and or rejected by the society, and are at the mercies of well-wishers or at the whims of brutal abusers. To survive on the street, these children scavenge for food and metal debris to be sold for food.” She says.

The county government, Diana says, has enlisted the help of designated community members who talk to these children so they can embrace the idea.

In 2018, approximately 8301 child pregnancies were reported in the county, Diana says.

According to Diana, the department of Gender, Children and Social Services is alarmed by the mismatch of child abuse cases reported in the hospitals and those reported to the police service stations.

The hospital records show higher number of child abuse and defilement cases reported and treated but the same cases do not reflect on the police records for apprehension and prosecution.